
Sometimes a story heard in time can become a kind of moment of truth — like a bright flash, it allows you to see what has been hidden for a long time. Within one day, the hero of the «Creative» — ​​a petty demon or just a mischievous spirit — wanders around St. Petersburg, changing his appearance and telling fascinating parables to people he meets.

Sometimes a story heard in time can become a kind of moment of truth — like a bright flash, it allows you to see what has been hidden for a long time. Within one day, the hero of the «Creative» — ​​a petty demon or just a mischievous spirit — wanders around St. Petersburg, changing his appearance and telling fascinating parables to people he meets. A schoolgirl stuck in an elevator gets to know the plot of a new reality show; an elderly lady will listen to a play in which the heroine recognizes herself; a middle-aged philologist will witness the last interrogation of his beloved poet Nikolai Gumilyov… Perhaps, among these or other parables, the reader will meet the one that is intended for him.

AST, 353 p.

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