Losing weight up to 7 kg in 10 days.
The average daily calorie content is 590 Kcal.
Looking at the popular singer Anita Tsoi, it is difficult to imagine that she once weighed over 100 kilograms. The star, she said, threw off more than 50 kilograms in order to save the family. Agree, the result is more than tangible. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the options for diets on which the singer sat. According to her, she has tried a great variety of them, as she is inclined to be overweight.
If you also want to correct your figure, a variety of diets will help you choose the most suitable one for you, depending on your willpower.
Anita Tsoi’s diet requirements
To begin with, we note that in all systems Anita uses the following rules:
- the use of the Shelton method of separate nutrition (we do not combine protein and carbohydrate products in one meal);
- daily physical training;
- no meals after 20:00;
- once a week holding a fasting day for monoproducts;
- daily provision of a sufficient amount of fluid in the body – pure non-carbonated water, which should become the basis of a drinking diet.
As for the fasting days, without which the singer can no longer imagine her life, she calls these among her favorites.
Cucumber a day during which you need to eat up to 2 kilograms of these vegetables without salt. And at night, to make it easier to fall asleep, you can pamper yourself with a glass of fat-free kefir.
В kefir drink only this low-fat or low-fat fermented milk product a day in an amount of up to 2 liters.
On the cottage cheese day, buy cottage cheese 0-0,5% fat and eat it all day (no more than 500-600 g) at regular intervals, adhering to the principles of the popular fractional nutrition.
The shortest diet Anita has developed through trial and error is three-day technique. This express diet is perfect for when you need to lose a few pounds in a short time. However, if you have a lot of excess weight, using it, you can get rid of more body weight. Some note that Anita Tsoi’s three-day diet helped them lose up to 5 kilograms. This express method is based on the consumption of grapefruit and hard-boiled chicken egg proteins. It is better to get rid of the yolks or find another use for them, while not allowing them to be eaten. These products should be consumed alternating with each other, all the time of the express diet. For 3 days you will need exactly 15 eggs and the same amount of grapefruits (that is, 5 pieces of each product will need to be consumed daily).
Anita recommends refusing tea / coffee for the dietary period and drinking water (2 liters daily). If you feel a lack of energy during the diet period, it is permissible to drink a glass of water, with a little lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey. Such a procedure should invigorate the body, giving it energy, and also dull the feeling of hunger, making the diet more comfortable.
Eggs should not be salted; fluid retention in the body can impair the results of the diet. And from grapefruits, you should thoroughly peel the white skin, using only the pulp.
A notable feature of Anita Tsoi’s three-day diet is that it helps to lose weight well in the problem areas of the female body (hips, stomach, buttocks).
A longer way of losing weight used by the star is 10-day diet course. The same kilogram can be thrown off during this period. This system assumes dietary rules, according to which one or more specific foods can be consumed daily. On the first day, we drink a cocktail of kefir and cucumbers. It is prepared by mixing 500 g of shabby fresh cucumbers and 0,5 liters of fat-free kefir. Beat these ingredients in a blender, and the miracle drink is ready.
At the start of the diet, toxins are especially actively removed from the body. Drinking pure water can help them leave your body as soon as possible, the amount of which is recommended to be increased to 2,5 liters.
The second, third and fourth days of this diet option are the same. You need to consume proteins from 5 eggs and 5 grapefruits during each day. With strong attacks of hunger, you can also drink some low-fat kefir. But if the stomach is not particularly raging, then do without a fermented milk drink.
On the fifth day (the menu of which is also duplicated on the eighth day), eggs and cucumbers appear on the dietary stage. You need 2 eggs and one and a half kg of cucumbers per day.
On day 6, you can have some vegetables and fruits, dairy products and oatmeal.
Day seven means adding fish and meat to the menu of the previous day.
On the ninth day, eat buckwheat (without salt, preferably steamed), cucumbers and a small amount of carrots with celery.
And on the last day of this diet, it is worth eating an omelet, fish, non-starchy fruits and vegetables.
Note that it is worth leaving any variant of the Choi diet gradually, without leaning on high-calorie foods, eating minimally low-fat products, observing moderation in portions. If you want to save the result obtained, then even in non-dietary times, we recommend paying attention to the nutritional rules that the singer adheres to in everyday life, now strictly monitoring her diet.
Approximate diet of Anita Tsoi in non-dietary time:
- breakfast: salad of non-starchy fruits or low-fat curd with green tea;
- snack: unsweetened yogurt;
- lunch: vegetable puree soup and salad from any vegetables, except potatoes;
- afternoon snack: grapefruit or other citrus;
- dinner: lean chicken breast and a few tomatoes.
The diet of the 3-day diet of Anita Tsoi
We start eating in the first half hour after waking up. We eat every hour, alternating between the protein of one chicken egg and a medium-sized grapefruit. Make sure that nothing is eaten immediately before bedtime, no matter how light and insignificant it may seem to you.
The diet of the 10-day diet of Anita Tsoi
Day 1
The entire amount of cucumber-kefir cocktail should be drunk during the day, divided into 6 equal portions. We remind you that you need to take 500 g of cucumbers, and 0,5 l of low-fat kefir.
Days 2-4
: the white of one egg and half a grapefruit.
: 1 grapefruit.
: the proteins of three chicken eggs.
Afternoon snack
: 1 grapefruit.
: the white of one egg and half a grapefruit.
Late Dinner
: 1 grapefruit.
Day 5 and 8
: 300 g cucumbers.
: 400 g cucumbers.
: salad of one boiled chicken egg, diced, and 300 g of cucumbers.
Afternoon snack
: 300 g cucumbers.
: one boiled chicken egg.
Late Dinner
: 200 g cucumbers.
… If you are eating fewer vegetables, then you should not overeat. Don’t force yourself to eat more. Eat according to the characteristics of your body.
Day 6
: 50 g oatmeal on water, it is permissible to add a few apple slices or 1 tsp. honey.
: 1 hard boiled egg.
: a salad of one raw carrot (it is recommended to season it with olive oil for assimilation in the body of the carotene contained in this vegetable).
: a glass of natural yogurt or kefir.
Afternoon snack
: 1 large pear.
: 1 grated raw beets.
Second Supper
: a large orange or a pair of tangerines.
Day 7
: oatmeal with a slice of apple and a spoonful of honey.
: raw carrots or fruit of your choice (apple, pear, kiwi, orange, pomegranate).
: 150 g of lean meat, boiled or baked. You can also add some raw or baked non-starchy vegetables as a side dish.
Afternoon snack
: duplicates a snack.
: stewed fish (about 150 g) with vegetables.
Day 9
: 200 g of buckwheat porridge (the weight is considered ready-made); salad of carrots, celery, onions, poured with the juice of freshly squeezed lemon.
: 200 g cucumbers.
: 200 g of buckwheat porridge.
Afternoon snack
: 200 g cucumbers.
: 200 g of buckwheat porridge.
Day 10
: omelet (preferably fry without oil) from 2 whites and 1 egg yolk.
: 1 medium bull’s-eye.
: a portion of lean fish (preferably cod) cooked in a double boiler; salad from non-starchy vegetables (in priority cucumbers and tomatoes).
Afternoon snack
: Oven-baked vegetables.
: several potatoes boiled in their uniforms with herbs.
Contraindications to the diet of Anita Tsoi
- It is definitely impossible to sit on all diet options for people with gastrointestinal diseases or high acidity, in particular for the reason that grapefruits are present in the diet, and in the express method they generally come to the fore.
- Of course, pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and the elderly should not lose so much weight, since the diet is still quite limited. Only those who are healthy and feeling well should stick to it.
Diet Benefits
- Anita Tsoi’s diets work. Every day, almost a kilogram of weight goes away, and volumes escape from the most vile female places. Even a couple of days on a diet will modernize your body. An express diet can help out before an important event when you need to look your 100%.
- The advantages of celebrity weight loss methods include the fact that they cleanse the gastrointestinal tract and help speed up metabolism.
- Also, the diet has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, which becomes smoother and fresher. After all, the products included in the diet are saturated with vitamins and various useful substances, which improves health and appearance.
Disadvantages of Anita Tsoi’s diet
- Due to the low-calorie diet, some feel weak, so not everyone completes the diet. And the recommended sports are not so easy, unaccustomed people simply do not have enough strength for a full workout.
- Choi’s diets cannot boast of a balanced diet. For this reason, it is better to combine weight loss with taking a vitamin and mineral complex to support the body.
Repeating the diet of Anita Tsoi
The three-day (egg-grapefruit) diet is recommended to be repeated no earlier than a week after its end. As for the ten-day weight loss, it is better not to repeat this course for the next 3-4 weeks. And it is advisable to wait even longer for the body to fully recover from the previous diet marathon.