Anise vodka – a recipe for cooking at home

Anise vodka, the recipe of which we bring to your attention, is rightfully considered a traditional Russian drink. Under it, Ivan the Terrible ate, along with triple peppercorns, Peter I paid tribute to her, she did not leave the pages of the works of Russian classics …

They also make from anise: liquor, tincture, syrup

What you need to know

The preparation of this drink, unlike the tincture of the same name, requires a developed sense of proportion and remarkable knowledge in the filigree art of distillation.

The first quality is necessary to determine the ratios of the numerous ingredients used in this original alcohol.

For the competent implementation of re-distillation, mandatory after the infusion of plant components on an alcohol basis.

By the way, the latter circumstance does not allow using a very common, but at the same time fundamentally erroneous name: French anise vodka to Provencal pastis, since the production of this drink does not provide for re-distillation.

The composition of anise vodka

The answer to the question: “what is anise vodka made of?” for all its apparent simplicity, it is by no means unambiguous. In addition to, in fact, anise (both star-shaped and ordinary), the composition of the drink may include: fennel, cumin, cinnamon, licorice, vanilla, mint, lemon peel, cloves, ginger root, coriander, violet root, salt, sugar and even honey .

Interestingly, in the Moscow kingdom, and later in the Russian Empire, there were two equally popular recipes for aniseed vodka. The first was dominated by star anise (aka star anise), while the second was based on a combination of common anise, cumin and lemon zest.

anise vodka recipe

If you want to get something as close as possible to the original sources, we recommend using well-cleaned grain moonshine. If the question of authenticity does not play a special role for you, you can use any other base: sugar or fruit distillate, ordinary vodka, or even food alcohol diluted to a strength of 45 degrees.

Proportions and composition can also be varied. It all depends on whether you like the rich taste of anise (a la children’s cough mixture) or prefer to be content with a slight hint of the presence of this spice; whether you are a fan of fennel and licorice or cumin and mint; whether you prefer sweetish alcohol or appreciate the presence of a salty aftertaste in it (at the same time, it should be remembered that salt should be put along with other ingredients, and honey or sugar syrup should be added after distillation).

Basic ingredient list

  1. Moonshine (45-50 degrees) – 2,5 l

  2. Water – 2,5 L

  3. Anise ordinary – 2 tsp

  4. Chopped star anise – 3 pcs.

  5. Cumin – 1 h. l.

  6. Ginger – 1 tsp

  7. Carnation – 15 pcs.

  8. Fennel – 2 tsp

  9. Crushed cinnamon – 1/2 stick.

Method of preparation

  1. Pour the spices into a glass jar, pour moonshine, close with a tight lid and leave for 10 days in a cool, dark place (but not in the refrigerator).

  2. After the specified period, carefully filter the liquid, dilute with water in a ratio of one to one and pass through a distiller, taking the middle fraction.

  3. The resulting drink can be diluted with water, or can be consumed in its original form.

anisette vodka

How to drink anise vodka

First of all, the drink we are interested in has established itself as a wonderful aperitif. Again, given its excellent digestive properties, you can use a glass or two of slightly chilled anise and after a hearty meal.

As for the immediate feast, then, according to connoisseurs of the drink, it is almost universal. So, a suitable snack in this case are: cheeses and seafood, cold meats and hot meats, sweet pastries and fresh fruits. The only condition is love for the more than specific taste of anise.

Relevance: 30.07.2016

Tags: Vodka, mash, moonshine, Vodka recipes

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