Anise liqueur: 7 recipes at home

If anise liqueurs are close to your heart, led by the famous sambuca, you have every chance to replenish your home bar with the corresponding home-made drinks.

Unlike many more refined liqueurs, in this case, the use of well-purified double moonshine is acceptable or even encouraged.

They also make from anise: vodka, tincture, syrup

Basic recipe for a simple anise liqueur

The process of preparing this drink implies not only the arbitrary regulation of the amount and saturation of the syrup, but also the free choice of the following ingredients (of course, with the exception of the anise itself and some other basic components).

List of ingredients

  1. 45-degree water-alcohol solution or moonshine – 1 l

  2. Common anise seeds – 60 g

  3. Sugars – 250 g

  4. Water – 150-250 ml

  5. Orange – 1 piece

  6. Lemon – 1/2 piece

  7. Star anise (optional) – 30 g

  8. Cumin (optional) – 30 g

  9. Coriander grains (optional) – 30 g

  10. Fennel grains (optional) – 15 g

  11. Cardamom (optional) – 3-5 g

  12. Cloves (optional) – 2-3 pcs.

  13. Cinnamon (optional) – 1 stick

  14. Licorice root (optional) – 1-2 g

  15. Vanilla (optional) – 1/2 pod

Method of preparation

  1. Scald citrus fruits with boiling water and wipe them dry.

  2. Remove the zest from the fruit, without affecting the white subcortex.

  3. Fry the anise in a pan for about a minute.

  4. Transfer the zest, anise and selected spices to a jar and pour alcohol over it.

  5. Send a tightly closed container for 3 weeks in a dark room at room temperature, not forgetting to shake the container every 4-5 days.

  6. After the specified period, boil a simple syrup from water and sugar: bring it to a boil and hold it on low heat for 3-5 minutes until the crystals are completely dissolved, not forgetting to remove the foam.

  7. Leave the solution to cool to room temperature, and in the meantime, strain through cheesecloth and carefully filter the alcoholic infusion.

  8. Mix the infusion with syrup, close it tightly again and leave for 3 weeks in a cool, dark place.

  9. Then pour the drink into bottles and seal them tightly.

  10. Store in cellar or refrigerator.

Club option with coffee and cocoa

They say that this thing burns very aesthetically, and behaves quite decently in cocktails. But taking it as a naturel is not recommended.

List of ingredients

  1. 50% neutral alcohol – 500 ml

  2. Anise seeds – 2 tsp

  3. Well-roasted coarse coffee – 3 tsp. with a slide

  4. Cocoa powder – 2 tsp

  5. Sugars – 150 g

  6. Water – 150 ml

  7. Food grade glycerin (optional) – 2 drops

Method of preparation

  1. Pour anise, coffee and cocoa roasted according to the first recipe into a jar and pour alcohol over it.

  2. Keep a tightly closed vessel for 3 weeks in a warm, dark place, shaking it occasionally.

  3. Next, proceed according to the first recipe, starting from step number 6 (after mixing the syrup and infusion, glycerin can be added to the drink to thicken).

Noble Anise Spotykach

Whatever you say, there is some kind of elusive charm in these lordly drinks.

List of ingredients

  1. Vodka – 1 l

  2. Water – 125 ml

  3. Sugar – 150 ml

  4. Anise seeds – 3 tsp

  5. Fennel seeds – 1 tsp

  6. Coriander seeds – 1 tsp.

  7. Zest – 1/2 lemon

Method of preparation

  1. Pour water into a small saucepan.

  2. Add zest and spices.

  3. Bring the mixture to a boil.

  4. Add sugar and stir until the crystals dissolve.

  5. Keep the substance on low heat for 15 minutes.

  6. Pour the finished solution into a larger container and add vodka to it.

  7. Wrap a vessel with a liquid that has not had time to cool down in a towel or a woolen scarf and let it brew for about an hour.

  8. When the substance has cooled to room temperature, strain it through a single layer of gauze.

  9. Pour the liquid into a jar, close it tightly and leave for 2 weeks in a warm, dark place.

  10. Strain the drink again and bottle.

  11. Store in a basement or cold store.

Classic sambuca recipe

The preparation of sambuca, unlike most other varieties of anise liquor, involves not only infusion and the addition of syrup, but also distillation; which means that it requires additional knowledge and skills.

List of ingredients

  1. 70% neutral alcohol – 1 l

  2. Drinking non-carbonated water – according to the situation

  3. Fructose – 350 g

  4. Anise seeds – 50 g

  5. Whole star anise – 50 g

  6. Black elderberry inflorescences – 25 g

  7. Lemon zest – 3 g

  8. Thyme (optional) – 25 g

  9. Cardamom (optional) – 3-5 pcs.

  10. Vanilla (optional) – 1 pod

  11. Licorice root (optional) – 3-5 g

Method of preparation

  1. Pour zest, spices and herbs with alcohol.

  2. Place a tightly closed container for 5 days in a dark, warm place.

  3. After the specified period, strain the liquid through a dense gauze and carefully squeeze the plant mass into it (in no case should you try the tincture: elderberry that has not been distilled is extremely toxic).

  4. For further use, select the entire star anise and a third of the remaining cake.

  5. Add 250 ml of water to filtered alcohol.

  6. Place the liquid and the selected plant material in the still of the distiller.

  7. To avoid turbidity, it is necessary to distill on the maximum allowable slow fire (speed – 3 drops per second).

  8. Cut off 20 ml of “heads”, select 700-750 ml of “body” (the last 50 ml is a risk zone), discard the rest as “tails” so that the main fraction does not become cloudy.

  9. The result is diluted with water to a fortress of 45-50 degrees.

  10. Add fructose.

  11. Close the vessel with the drink tightly and put it in the cellar or refrigerator for a couple of months.

  12. Ready liquor bottled and returned to coolness for storage.

Coffee liqueur a la sambuca

A drink with a claim to light show off.

List of ingredients

  1. 70% neutral alcohol – 1 l

  2. Water – according to the situation

  3. Fructose – 350 g

  4. Anise seeds – 100 g

  5. Whole star anise – 25 g

  6. Black elderberry inflorescences – 25 g

  7. Cardamom – 3 g

  8. Lemon zest – 3 g

  9. Licorice root – 2 g

  10. Roasted Arabica coffee beans – 30 pcs.

Method of preparation

  1. Crush the coffee in a mortar.

  2. Then proceed according to the previous recipe.

Aniseed ratafia liqueur

In this case, the original alcohol can be taken stronger (80 degrees).

List of ingredients

  1. Neutral alcohol (vodka / alcohol / moonshine) – 1 l

  2. Water – according to the situation

  3. Fructose – 350 g

  4. Anise seeds – 30 g

  5. Whole star anise – 30 g

  6. Black elderberry inflorescences – 15 g

  7. Crushed almonds – 2 nuts

  8. Large nutmeg – 1/2 pc.

  9. Peel 2 lemons

Method of preparation

All actions are performed according to the fourth recipe. However, only star anise is sent to the still of the distiller.

red sambuca

In conclusion, the recipe for the most complex anise liqueur of all known to us.

List of ingredients

  1. 70% neutral alcohol – 1 l

  2. Water – 500 ml

  3. Sugar – 250 ml

  4. Anise seeds – 50 g

  5. Whole star anise – 25 g

  6. Black elderberry inflorescences – 22 ml

  7. Black elderberry fruits – 1/2 tsp.

  8. Thyme – 1 tsp.

  9. Coriander seeds – 1/2 tsp.

  10. Cloves – 2 pieces

  11. Ground cinnamon – 1 g

  12. Vanillin (can be replaced with vanilla extract) – 1 g

  13. Fresh zest of 1/5 lemon

Method of preparation

  1. Anise, star anise, elder flowers, coriander and thyme pour alcohol.

  2. Then follow the instructions of the fourth recipe contained in steps #2-8.

  3. After distillation of the anise infusion, boil the syrup: Boil sugar, cloves, zest, cinnamon and vanillin for a quarter of an hour in 250 ml of water, methodically removing the foam.

  4. Cool the resulting solution to room temperature, strain and combine with distillate.

  5. Add elderberries and tightly close the container with a drink.

  6. Keep the liquor in a dark place at room temperature until it acquires a reddish color (usually it takes about a week).

  7. Then, the drink is thoroughly filtered, bottled and hermetically sealed.

  8. Store in a cool dark place.

Relevance: 13.11.2017

Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Recipes of liqueurs

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