Animals help survive the pandemic. And there is evidence for that. Get to know the details
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During forced isolation, pets were one of the most important sources of emotional support for us. How did they affect our mental condition? This has been shown by studies conducted on thousands of people. Check out the detailed results – we present them on World Animal Day 2020, which falls on October 4. However, it is worth remembering about them every day. See why.

  1. British scientists studied 6 thousand. citizens, asking them about their mental condition and the number of animals they have
  2. Over 90 percent owners of dogs, horses, and cats said the animals helped them cope with their emotions
  3. Humans form strong emotional bonds with all animals, regardless of species
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Scientific journals, including online ones, can be a treasury of good news. PLOS One recently published an article whose authors prove that having a pet – whether it sleeps in bed with us or lives in a stable – reduces stress. It also alleviates the psychological effects of the pandemic and is a sweetener for lonely moments during isolation.

Contact with an animal weakens the negative impact of social blockade on our psyche

According to research conducted in Great Britain, pets were for us one of the most important sources of emotional support during forced isolation. Thanks to them, we felt less lonely, and our mental condition did not weaken.

“Such research is particularly important now, as it shows how the presence of an animal relieves the stress of isolation,” said Daniel Mills, professor of behavioral medicine at Lincoln University.

We know that loneliness is associated with a higher risk of depression and anxiety. And previous research has shown that pets can support people struggling with mental illnesses such as bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

Now scientists took to the workshop representatives of various environments, whom they surveyed in unprecedented circumstances, because during the coronavirus pandemic. Almost 6 people in Great Britain were asked about their mental condition and the number of animals they had.

The research was carried out from mid-April to the end of May. The overwhelming majority of participants had at least one four-legged friend, which means that the discoveries of scientists are aimed primarily at animal lovers.

– When interpreting the results, we should take this fact into account – explain the authors of the publication. – Nevertheless, we concluded that contact with an animal weakens the negative impact of closure and loneliness on our psyche.

Interviewees were asked about how closely they are to their pets, and about the ways in which they influenced their well-being during the lockdown. The participants of the study talked about their emotions before and after the blockade of the country, they also assessed their mental condition and sense of loneliness.

In analyzing the data collected, the researchers took into account various factors affecting mental health, such as how lonely the respondent felt prior to lockdown; his age; whether the subject lives alone; after all, his social activity – how many people he sees a week.

Determined the majority of pet owners (including over 90% of dog, horse and cat owners) found that the animals helped them cope with their emotions and had a positive effect on their families. The mental condition of the pet owners did not deteriorate much, and they also felt less lonely. Such results could be expected, taking into account the findings from before the pandemic, which say, for example, that contact with pets reduces the feeling of loneliness, encouraging greater social activity.

While the vast majority of research to date has focused on dogs and cats, the discovery that humans form strong emotional bonds with all animals, regardless of species, is not surprising. So there is no need to compare our pets. Goats are as lovable as dogs.

“The respondents felt about the same emotional closeness to the guinea pig as they did to the dog,” says lead author Elena Ratschen, a mental health specialist at York University.

Animals are not a remedy for our emotional problems

The study also shows the influence of our mental condition on the strength of the bonds we form with animals. People who reported a stronger bond also said they felt worse. This may mean that they are a bit more prone to mood swings, and most likely the pet is a support for them.

– Interestingly, stronger relationships between humans and animals were associated with a worse well-being of the owner before lockdown, which is indicative of his weaker mental condition – the authors of the study say.

The study also found that sometimes just having a pet causes stress. More than two-thirds of pet owners reported that they were worried about their pets. Some feared that their pets would be left unattended if they fell ill. Others believed that the animal would miss more when it returned to normal work.

The researchers recall that although owners of dogs, cats and horses felt somewhat less lonely during the blockade, the differences noted were small. Therefore, we cannot conclude that a four-legged friend will solve our emotional problems.

The study found that having a pet can alleviate the psychological effects of the blockade, but it is important to understand that this finding has no clinical significance, the authors note.

– The results do not indicate that we should adopt a pet to protect our psyche during the pandemic – says Elena Ratschen.

Nevertheless, from New York to Sydney, there has already been a huge increase in the number of pet adoptions. There have even been fears that when adults return to work and children return to school, many four-legged friends will be abandoned.

See also:

  1. Why is COVID-19 deadly for some and not for others? Scientists have discovered other mechanisms responsible for the course of the infection
  2. Coronavirus Can Alleviate Pain? Scientists’ suspicions are worrying. There is a reason
  3. The Ministry of Health is changing the way deaths from COVID-19 are reported
  4. The more often we disinfect our hands, the better? Not necessarily

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