Animal symbol: which totem animal to choose, which animal figurine to keep at home

Animal symbol: which totem animal to choose, which animal figurine to keep at home

In order to make your wish come true, you can move the furniture according to Feng Shui or … buy a statuette at home, symbolizing your request. We tell you what symbol this or that animal carries in itself.

They say the devil is in the details, there are no accidents, and every little thing matters. This is probably why feng shui so strictly regulates our life, along with signs, traditions and superstitions. If the rules are violated, then age-old wisdom will surely take revenge – it will throw up problems with money, and with health, and in personal life. And if you follow it, it will reward you a hundredfold: you will add energy, and joy, and good luck, and optimism.

By the way, the latter is desperately lacking in our life in difficult covid times. And in order for everything to suddenly become good, sometimes one tiny detail is enough. For example, figurines of a totem animal on the desktop.

Many popular beliefs are associated with storks. And the most common of them says that this bird brings a baby to the house. Even on postcards with congratulations on newborns, a stork is often painted. So if you dream of replenishing your family, decorate your house with figurines of this bird. What if it helps?

Butterfly – a symbol of joy and optimism

Probably everyone is familiar with the expressions “flutter like a butterfly” or “butterflies fly in the stomach,” meaning that a person is happy and joyful at that moment. Do you dream of always being in this state? Buy home butterfly figurines, when you look at which you will experience only positive emotions.

The dove is found in many myths, legends and historical facts. So, Aphrodite was born from a pigeon’s egg, Tsar Alexander the Great learned from the dove the way to the priests whom he had been looking for for a long time, and the Slavs believed that the human soul turns into this bird after death. Currently, there is a well-known tradition of releasing white doves into the sky at weddings or other significant holidays. And figurines of these birds are often presented to newlyweds as a symbol of peace and purity of love.

The snake is a symbol of female beauty and wisdom

The snake is the most complex totem animal. And all because it has two opposite meanings. Some consider the snake a symbol of lies and betrayal, using the expression “language like a snake,” others are sure that it personifies beauty and wisdom. Confirmation of the last fact – a compliment to a woman in the East: “You look like a real snake!” Let’s look at the world from the good side and present the snake in a positive light.

Cat – a symbol of harmony in the house

Since ancient times, a cat has been associated with harmony and good energy in the house. Can’t get a live one in your apartment? Buy a figurine!

Rabbit (hare) – a symbol of fertility and good luck

In the West, the hare is associated with the Easter holiday, and in the East, this animal personifies the feminine principle of yin and is associated with a sign of good luck (when you accidentally see a rabbit, get ready for the best). In our country, we often meet a hare in all kinds of fairy tales. In general, a figurine with him in the house is needed!

Swallow – fortunately, a new turn in life, travel

The swallow that comes to us from warm countries certainly reminds us of spring and happiness. And also about the imminent vacation at sea. Remember how Hans Christian Andersen’s Thumbelina asked this bird to take her with him? And the swallow, of course, fulfilled the heroine’s request.

Horse (horse) – a symbol of strength, intelligence and success

If your work doesn’t go well, your strength has left you and you can’t decide on your goals, get a horse figurine! At one glance at it, your doubts, as Feng Shui experts assure, will be dispelled. It is also an incredibly powerful and capable animal.

Don’t like frogs? But in vain. In the East, this animal is considered the most powerful symbol of protection, and also provides its owner with wealth and prosperity. Perhaps the whole point is in the beautiful story that one day Buddha, having learned that the toad is vengeful and harmful, conquered it and called on to help people by spitting out money coins.

Bear – for a change in life

In Russian tradition, the bear is the king of beasts. And his image is associated with masculine energy and strength. Especially when he wakes up after a long hibernation. So if you do not know what to do in a particular situation, or your soul requires drastic changes, look at the figurine of this animal and imagine how you wake up after a long sleep.

Spider – a symbol of creativity and wealth

Since ancient times, the spider was considered the keeper of the hearth and the protector from evil forces. It was, of course, impossible to kill him! Moreover, a belief is associated with this insect: if you see a red spider, wait for good news and … a monetary reward. In addition, due to the myth that the spider taught people the art of weaving, this insect is considered a symbol of creativity.

The elephant is a symbol of nobility and good luck

Elephants are considered the noblest and most intelligent animals. And according to the teachings of Feng Shui, figurines with this animal should be in every home and office, as a symbol of nobility and good luck. After all, every day we are faced with a choice that can radically change our life, and sometimes the life of others. And… an elephant helps to make the right decision! The main thing is that its trunk is directed upwards.

It is not for nothing that a dog is called a friend of man. Perhaps no other animal can boast of such devotion to its owner. So, if you dream of surrounding yourself with loyal and understanding people, buy a figurine of this animal in your house.

Tiger – a symbol of energy and strength

In the East, the tiger is the king of earthly animals, the ruler of all animals living on land. And almost everywhere this animal is personified with the masculine principle of yang, endless energy and strength, which is always directed for good.

Duck is a symbol of family happiness, pure love and fidelity

Duck figurines are usually given to lovers, newlyweds or single people who dream of true love. And this is no coincidence. These birds may well become an example for all of us. Firstly, they always fly in pairs, and secondly, as the Chinese believe, they choose a partner for themselves once and for life and even die if they have to be separated from him.

Turtle – a symbol of health and longevity

There are many beliefs associated with the turtle. And besides the fact that earlier people were sure that the Earth was flat and stood on a turtle in the World Ocean, there was an opinion that this animal could live for more than 3 thousand years without food and water. Also in ancient times, the turtle was called the “black warrior” and was considered a symbol of life on the planet. Currently, this animal is associated with health and longevity.

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