Animal fat

Fatty animal products have been drastically restricted in recent decades. The reasons for this are myriad: the vegan craze, scientific research on the increased risk of cancer, and an increase in childhood/adult obesity. To an ordinary person it may seem that the only explanation for his troubles lies in fat. Few people understand that it is fatty nutrients that are the key to quality life and health, and subcutaneous fat deposits and animal fats are absolutely unrelated to each other. Let’s figure it out: what is fat, where to get it and how to use it correctly?

What is fat (LIPID)

This is an organic component that is formed as a result of the esterification of higher carboxylic acids (R-COOH) and the trihydric alcohol glycerol (CH)3H2-(OH)3).

Esterification is an ester formation reaction that occurs as a result of the interaction of acids and alcohols.

As a rule, fats are divided into neutral (triglycerides – 95% of the total fat intake in the diet) and fat-like substances (phospholipids, sterols).

In turn, fatty acids are divided into saturated and unsaturated (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) acids. The saturation of a fat is determined by the number of hydrogen atoms each fatty acid contains. Medium chain fatty acids (C8-C14) are able to be absorbed in the digestive tract without the participation of bile acids and pancreatic lipase, are not deposited in the liver and undergo oxidation.

Animal fats can contain saturated fatty acids with a chain length of up to twenty carbon atoms or more, they have a solid consistency and a high melting point. Such animal fats include lamb, beef, pork and a number of others. A high intake of saturated fatty acids is a major risk factor for diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and other diseases.

Fat is found in all living organisms to perform two main functions: structural and energy. Cell membranes are formed from fatty acids, and the energy potential of a person is stored in the fat cells themselves. With any type of activity, fat cells give up their energy supply and provide us with strength for work, training and pleasant pastime.

Fat is the main structural element of nutrition along with proteins and carbohydrates. There are two types of the component: animal and vegetable. Animal fat is derived from animal foods (meat/fish), vegetable fat is derived from vegetable foods (nuts/oils).

Animal fats most often contain palmitic and stearic saturated acids. Among the unsaturated ones are oleic, linoleic and linolenic. The properties of fat as a structural and energy element are determined by the ratio of saturated and unsaturated acids.

Fat Types

There are 3 types of fat: saturated, unsaturated and trans fats.

Saturated fats are concentrated in animal products: cheese, milk, butter, fatty meats. It is very important to consider the allowable rate of saturated fats and learn how to combine them correctly. The use of animal fats should always be combined with an abundance of fiber – so it will be easier for the body to absorb everything and synthesize it into energy.

Overuse of saturated fats can lead to stroke and obesity.

Unsaturated fats are found in plant foods and some types of fish. They are considered the most useful and easily digestible for the human body. Sources of unsaturated fatty acids are: olive oil, walnuts, cashews, peanuts, almonds, avocados, salmon, tuna, herring, sardines, flax seeds, chia and others. The component has a beneficial effect on the appearance of a person, improves the functioning of the brain / heart / organs of vision, lowers cholesterol levels and blocks inflammation.

Trans fats negatively affect the functionality of the body. They bring disharmony to the level of “good and bad” cholesterol. It is trans fats that cause the filling of blood vessels with fat. As a result, we get a violation of the transport function of the blood and a direct threat to life. Nutritionists say you need to be especially careful with artificial trans fats. They are found in margarine, deep fat, your favorite chocolate and most ready-made gastronomic delights. The manufacturer is required to indicate trans fats in the composition, so check it carefully or simply refuse ready-made store-bought meals for health benefits.

Try to completely eliminate trans fats from your diet, and consume saturated and unsaturated fats in the ratio 1: 2.

Animal fats have ornate internal classification. They are divided by:

  • type of animal (mammal, bird, fresh / sea fish, amphibian);
  • type of animal (fat from pork, lamb, whale, etc.);
  • source (bone, liver, subcutaneous);
  • consistency (hard, soft and liquid);
  • grade (highest, first, second, third);
  • quality (purified, unrefined, technical, refined);
  • purpose (food, feed, medical, technical, cosmetic);
  • production method (separation, melting, digestion, extraction).

The biological value of the component

Most of the animal fat that enters the body goes to the construction of adipose tissue. It is located under the skin and is called subcutaneous fat. Also, fatty acids can accumulate in the omentum, where they form soft elastic linings between organs to protect them from damage and aggressive effects. Fat components act as a kind of barrier for organs, which envelops them and protects them from mechanical damage.

Another useful property is poor heat conductivity. It is the inability to conduct heat through fat that helps maintain a constant body temperature. If you live in a hot climate, then the subcutaneous fat layer will be minimal (under ideal conditions) as the need for significant temperature adjustment decreases. If you live in a cool climate, then the fat layer will accumulate to a greater extent. The body will need more energy to stabilize temperatures and more space to provide equally comfortable conditions for all organs.

Fat becomes a kind of energy depot. It depends on him the high-quality functioning of the cells and our inner comfort.

What is fraught with a lack of fat

The lack of fatty acids will immediately hit your well-being. Energy will not be enough even for routine tasks, but this is only the beginning. The reaction of the body will be lightning fast, and the nervous system will take the first blow. Nutritionists call this process – exhaustion of the nervous system. A person experiences apathy, frequent pain throughout the body, inability to concentrate and remember information. Anxiety and depression may develop.

Subsequent symptoms:

  • problems with the reproductive system;
  • deterioration of the skin, hair and nails;
  • violation of the functioning of the organs of vision;
  • memory impairment;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • start the process of premature aging of the body;
  • a decrease in the protective function of the immune system.

Chemical composition of matter

All animal fats are triglycerides of higher acids. But their properties and chemical composition may differ depending on the type of animal from which the fat is extracted. The substance may contain varying composition and amounts of vitamins and co-nutrients, which may vary. The chemical composition of chicken fat and, for example, cow fat is significantly different. That is why different fats have different fat composition and benefits.

In terrestrial mammals, fat is predominantly hard, while in bones and hooves it is soft. The composition is dominated by saturated fats of palmitic acid, less often – stearic acid. Their percentage can vary from 40 to 60%. The concentration of unsaturated acids is much less. For example, linoleic acid is found in pork fat at a concentration of 6%, and in horse fat, linolenic acid is 18%.

In cow milk products, the concentration of solid fats is as follows:

  • from 26 to 34% – oleic;
  • from 24 to 26% – palmitic;
  • from 8 to 17% – myristic;
  • from 4 to 8% – stearic;
  • from 0,5 to 1% – linoleic.

The fatty acid composition of birds differs significantly from that of terrestrial vertebrates. Poultry meat contains solid fat and unsaturated acids (oleic – 45%, linoleic – 20%). The content of saturated acids is minimal and does not exceed 25%.

Liquid fat is extracted from reptiles, freshwater, marine fish. In the first two groups, the maximum concentration of oleic acid (up to 60%), 10% polyunsaturated acids and 25 to 30% saturated. In marine fish, the content of poly- and monounsaturated acids is increased. The leading position is occupied by palmitic acid – about 20% of the chemical composition. The most common and familiar product in this category is fish oil, which is extracted from cod liver oil. The product was actively used during the Soviet era to improve the health and quality of life of citizens.

What foods contain animal fat?

DuckPorkAcneDry egg yolkGoose liver
TurkeyMuttonSayraEgg powderPig tongue
ChickenRabbitHerringQuail eggBeef udder / brain / tongue / liver
GooseBeefSturgeonPork liver / heart / kidney / liver

How to get animal fat

The component is obtained by dry or wet melting / digestion / extraction / pressing / separation / treatment with special chemicals.

Extraction is one of the ways to extract a substance from a solution or a dry mixture using a special solvent (extractant). The solvent is selected specifically for the mixture/substance to be extracted. It is important that the solvent and mixture do not mix during the extraction process.

The main raw material for the extraction of animal fat is lard, omentum, skin, bones, fat, which is concentrated around the heart or liver. Also, the substance can be isolated from the fat trim, stomach, intestines and other internal organs.

Use and consumption of animal fats

Fat is used not only in the gastronomic industry. Animal fat is in demand in the pharmacological, cosmetic and household industries. It is added to cosmetics, household cleaners, dietary supplements, building lubricants, and more.

About a third of the animal fat that is produced worldwide is used for technical purposes.

The technical and domestic use of fat is clearly regulated, but the world community still cannot reach a consensus on the dietary intake of animal fatty acids. The World Health Organization states that animal products should make up no more than 10% of the human diet. Calculations must be carried out based on the nutritional value of products. EFSA (European Union) believes that saturated acids are independently synthesized by the body, so it makes no sense to establish clear boundaries for their consumption. Nevertheless, all experts argue that excessive consumption of fatty foods leads to diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular pathologies, and a lack of it leads to hormonal imbalance.

Fat absorption

Fatty acids of animal origin are absorbed longer than vegetable. Such products create a large load on the digestive organs, contribute to long-term saturation. Why? Chemical bonds of plant products are less resistant to the effects of gastric juice, and animals, on the contrary, are more durable. Plant foods are quickly absorbed, but they have a minimal concentration of calories. That is why you have to eat a whole bucket of salad to feel full, but a small piece of steak will be quite enough until the next meal.

Theories that men are more into animal products and women are more plant-based are misleading assumptions. The human gastrointestinal tract is arranged in the same way and is completely independent of gender. The breakdown and absorption of fat is called lipid metabolism. This process is a complex biochemical physiological process that occurs every second in our cells. It is important to maintain harmony in the consumption of all groups of fats, no matter who you are – a man or a woman.

If there are difficulties with the diet, or the principles of nutrition seem to be something incomprehensible in knowledge, contact a nutritionist. The specialist will determine the reaction of your body to all food groups and select a flexible nutrition system that will bring joy to both internal organs and taste buds.

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