Anhedonia – causes, symptoms, treatment

Introduced by the French psychologist and philosopher Théodore-Armand Ribot in 1896, the term anhedonia (from Greek an means “without” and hedone – “pleasure”), being one of the key symptoms of depression, is the inability to experience pleasure (both sensual, as well as emotional, intellectual or spiritual) and joy and is characterized by a loss of interest in the elementary manifestations of life, as well as indifference and a lack of motivation.

People struggling with anhedonia may have difficulty empathizing and feeling both positive and negative emotions. Professionally active, stressed and exhausted people are exposed to anhedonia.

There are two types of anhedonia – primary, i.e. resulting from depression, and secondary, which is caused by antidepressants. The disease is curable, although its treatment is long-term.

Anhedonia – diagnosis

Anhedonia, especially in less severe depression, may be a more perceptible symptom, but paradoxically, it is very often difficult to notice and diagnose. The tool used in a psychiatric or psychotherapeutic office to assess the severity of anhedonia is SHAPS Snaith-Hamilton Pleasure Scale. Thanks to it, it is possible to assess the patient’s declared pleasure in the last few days.

The respondent is to say how much he agrees with the statement that one of the 14 listed activities or situations would give him pleasure:

  1. Watching your favorite program on TV or listening to your favorite radio show.
  2. Being with family or friends.
  3. Hobbies and entertainment.
  4. Eating your favorite food.
  5. A warm bath or a refreshing shower.
  6. Pleasant smell of flowers, forest, sea or freshly baked bread.
  7. The sight of other people’s smiling faces.
  8. Change to a more favorable appearance.
  9. Reading a book or magazine.
  10. A cup of tea, coffee or any other favorite drink.
  11. Little things like a sunny day, a phone call from a friend.
  12. Beautiful view or landscape.
  13. Helping others.
  14. Receiving praise.

Anhedonia – causes

Anhedonia is very common symptoms of depression, but may also be the result of a destructive effect of some antidepressants (including serotonin or serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitors) manifested in the remission phase, after the acute symptoms of depression have subsided.

The reasons for the appearance of anhedonia include: mental disorders (such as schizophrenia and addiction, among others – often anhedonia occurs in people who go through the withdrawal stage). Generally speaking, the cause is damage to the brain by which dopamine production is blocked.

Anhedonia – symptoms

Anhedonia is difficult to diagnose. However, there are specific symptoms that should be alarming and trigger a reaction. The main symptom of anhedoni is the lack of emotion, joy ceases to appear or its expression is very faint. The sick person does not enjoy things that have previously caused such a reaction. He also loses interest in his hobbies and has a low mood.

Another important symptom of anhedonia is social isolation, which does not consist in refusing to meet friends or colleagues for a while, but causes a person to have problems with functioning in society, avoiding people.

Anhedonia – treatment

Due to the fact that anhedonia is related to the psyche, it can be difficult to heal. There are no specific methods for this. If anhedonia is found, it is usually administered pharmacological agents. It is also important to eliminate the factor that influenced the occurrence of anhedonia. In such cases, support may also be provided psychotherapywhich usually lasts for many years. In the treatment of anhedonia, the support and help of relatives is also important, thanks to which the patient will be able to cope with the problem more easily and return to “form” faster.

Anhedonia – risk of relapse

Whether anhedonia returns is largely up to the patient himself. Medicines can be supportive, but lifestyle changes are also needed. Thanks to therapy, you can try to reevaluate the activities you have done so far by changing the setting of priorities. This does not mean that you should give up your ambitions. However, you must learn to manage your time in such a way that you can eliminate rush. You should set aside at least half an hour for yourself every day and not burden yourself with too many responsibilities.

Name of the disease / condition anhedonia
Introduction (e.g. description of the disease) It is the inability to feel pleasure (be it sensual, bodily, or emotionally, intellectually, or spiritually) and joy.
The name of the disease – symptoms loss of interest in the elementary manifestations of life,
Name of the disease – causes Depression, antidepressants, mental disorders, blockade of dopamine production.
The name of the disease – treatment Pharmacological, psychotherapy
Disease name – prognosis It can be life threatening
Disease name – prophylaxis Lifestyle change
Other important (if any) x

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