Angostura bitter

Briefly about the drink

Angostura – concentrated bitter from Venezuela, one of the most popular and frequently used bitters in the bar. Its recipe has been kept secret for almost 200 years, and the strength of angostura is 44,7 degrees.

angostura cocktail recipes

History of Angostur bitters

First prepared in 1824 by military doctor Johan Gottlieb Benjamin Siegert, Angostura tincture was initially used exclusively as a medicine. By the way, the city in which the bitter was prepared was also called Angostura (it was renamed Ciudad Bolivar in the 1840s).

Today, red-brown bitters are produced by various manufacturers, but the main one is House of Angostura, which is located in Trinidad and Tobago.

Over time, Angostura bitter has become an indispensable ingredient in many cocktails, which gives a pleasant aftertaste and enhances the taste of the cocktail.

Here are a few well-known ingredients that make up the bitter: extracts of nutmeg, cardamom, orange peel, cinnamon, cinchona bark, ginger, galipei officinalis, galgant. But this is only a small part of this amazing alcoholic drink.

Among the cocktails that contain Angostura, one cannot fail to note such as Rob Roy, Singapore Sling, Manhattan, Pisco Sour.

learn more about bitters

Relevance: 09.03.2015

Tags: Other alcohol, Bitters

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