
Angioneurology is one of the branches of medicine, the subject of which is the vessels of the human brain. If earlier patients with headaches applied to the neurology department, now you can visit an angio-neurologist. In addition to vascular disorders, the doctor also deals with other pathologies of the nervous system. What you need to know about angioneurology, what symptoms should you see a doctor for and how is the diagnosis/treatment going?

What is included in the list of duties of a specialist

Despite the narrow focus of the industry, the angioneurologist is a universal specialist. His knowledge is applicable not only in neurology, but in cardiology and hemostasiology. The main task of the doctor is a comprehensive examination, prevention and treatment of vascular disorders of the brain.

In addition to the main medical activity, the angioneurologist is engaged in the promotion of a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid further health problems. A doctor can encourage a person to give up bad habits (smoking, excessive drinking), overeating, lack of physical activity, since all this adversely affects the functioning of blood vessels.

Which organs and diseases the doctor diagnoses and treats

An angioneurologist corrects the consequences of spinal or brain injuries, looks for the cause of symptoms that are mistakenly called vegetovascular dystonia – sleep and biological rhythm disorders, frequent headaches and dizziness. The doctor also works with acute and chronic cerebrovascular accidents.

Older patients are advised to visit a specialist at least once every six months, since he determines the risks of a first or recurrent stroke and helps to minimize them. Angioneurologist is one of the doctors whose consultation is necessary for chronic fatigue syndrome. Most often, this condition occurs under the yoke of several internal problems. Perhaps it is the pathologies of the vessels or the nervous system that provoke apathy and oppress a person.

The specialist deals with patients with parkinsonism. This is a neurological disease, which is characterized by damage to the structures of the brain, which gives tremor, muscle tone, gait disturbance, inability to maintain balance. Angio-neurologist also works with infections of the central and peripheral nervous system. The specialist diagnoses, eliminates the disease, minimizes its impact on the functional activity of the brain.

What other diseases and conditions are corrected by an angio-neurologist:

  • circulatory disorders in the cervical spine after an injury;
  • frequent dizziness with unexplained etiology;
  • meningitis;
  • problems with coordination;
  • encephalopathy;
  • epilepsy;
  • Alzheimer’s disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • otseochondrosis.

What symptoms should be referred to an angio-neurologist

Ideally, you should seek medical help at the first suspicious symptoms. In most cases, people ignore anxiety symptoms, attributing them to temporary fatigue or lack of sleep. As a result, the disease develops, takes even more strength and vitality. To prevent this from happening, be attentive to your own body and always strive for inner comfort.

You should visit an angio-neurologist with frequent headaches. Its episodic manifestations may alternate with unsteady gait, inattention, and inability to concentrate. Memory impairment, constant noise in the head, problems with sleep and biological rhythm, a decrease in interest in work, family, hobbies – a reason to visit a doctor.

Patients who have previously experienced a stroke or were treated by an angioneurologist are required to undergo regular examinations to prevent a possible relapse and monitor body parameters.

Among the possible reasons for contacting an angioneurologist may be bouts of numbness of the limbs or face. They are usually accompanied by speech and visual disturbances, double vision, difficulty focusing vision, and sudden dizziness. Desensitization of the extremities should also be studied by a specialist. Among the specific symptoms are frequent belching, which does not depend on the use or abstinence from food, incontinence or urinary retention, difficulty with defecation.

If you do not know which doctor to contact, make an appointment with a therapist. He will listen to complaints and identify a specialist who can help. Many private clinics offer telephone consultations. The patient shares problems over the phone, and the operator independently decides which doctor to redirect him to.

Methods of diagnosis

To establish a diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe 1 or more diagnostic methods. Most often, it is necessary to undergo a general and detailed blood test, a coagulogram (a study of blood clotting), a lipidogram (an assessment of the lipid spectrum, shows the state of fat metabolism) to select the optimal doses of medications.

Neuropsychological testing may also be required. It determines the skills, abilities, functionality of the brain, gives a behavioral assessment of the patient. Another type of diagnostics is a Doppler study of the vessels of the head and neck. This is an ultrasound examination of the arteries and veins, which allows you to get a two-dimensional image and visualization of the flow of blood through them. For patients with diabetes, a fundus examination is also performed. In some cases, the doctor will request a CT or MRI scan.

Do not delay the diagnosis and treatment to the doctor. The disease cannot disappear on its own, on the contrary, the symptoms will intensify, and the condition will be aggravated. Untimely seeking help can cause complications and death, so be attentive to your own body and always consult a doctor.

How is angioneurological therapy performed?

The therapeutic course is formed by the doctor on the basis of the individual indicators of each individual patient. The most commonly used drug therapy. In especially severe cases, the patient is prescribed surgical intervention. At the end of the therapeutic course, a preventive program is necessary. This is a set of actions that are aimed at the speedy recovery of the patient, returning to the usual rhythm of life, preventing the recurrence of the disease.

At the first examination, the doctor finds out the history of the pathology, learns about previous diseases and the general clinical picture. The patient undergoes a comprehensive examination of the vessels of the brain or lower extremities, including MRI, ultrasound; taking a blood test. After a whole range of measures, the doctor makes a diagnosis – excludes or reveals vascular pathology.

For the entire period of treatment, the patient has to take tests several times and regularly go to the reception. This is necessary to monitor the patient’s condition and prevent complications. Terms and features of therapy are selected individually. Self-cancellation of treatment or neglect of it can adversely affect health.

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