Angiocholitis: definition, symptoms and treatments

Angiocholitis: definition, symptoms and treatments

Angiocholitis corresponds to a inflammation of the lining of the bile ducts. It is usually due to the presence of gallstones. Acute cholangitis requires rapid medical treatment.

What is cholangitis?

Angiocholitis is a acute inflammation which manifests itself at the level of the wall of the bile ducts.

What is the cause of acute cholangitis?

Angiocholitis occurs as a reaction to bile infection, yellow biological fluid involved in digestion. The germs responsible for this infection are bacteria including:

  • certain pathogenic strains ofEscherichia coli ;
  • pathogenic bacteria Streptococcus faecalis ;
  • pathogenic bacteria Bacteroides fragilis.

Bile infection usually results from the presence of an obstacle in the main bile duct. This obstruction is often related to lithiasis of the main bile duct with the presence of gallstones, also called gallstones. Usually composed of crystallized cholesterol, these disrupt the flow of bile and promote the development of bacteria in the walls of the bile ducts. The presence of gallstones is involved in nearly 90% of cholangitis cases.

In a minority of cases, cholangitis can also be a consequence or a complication that follows:

  • the presence of a tumor obstacle, especially in cancer of the biliary tract or cancer of the pancreas;
  • parasitic infection like roundworm, fluke or hydatid vesicle;
  • a surgery conducted in the bile ducts;
  • bile duct catheterization, a bile duct exam;
  • an endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy, section of a sphincter in the bile ducts by endoscopy.

Who is concerned ?

The cholangitis mainly affects people with gallstones. There are several risk factors for the formation of gallstones including age, obesity, diseases affecting the ileum, resections of the ileum and the use of certain medications.

What is the risk of complications?

Although the course of cholangitis is variable, this inflammation can be the cause of serious complications. In particular, acute cholangitis can cause:

  • the formation of an abscess in the liver ;
  • the occurrence of a septicemia ;
  • a acute renal failure.

Urgent medical care is necessary to limit the risk of complications.

What are the symptoms of acute cholangitis?

Angiocholitis is characterized by the occurrence of three symptoms, in a very precise chronological order:

  1. abdominal pain, which is similar to that of hepatic colic;
  2. a sudden, high fever, usually between 39 and 41 ° C, which appears shortly after the pain, is accompanied by chills, and lasts from a few hours to a few days;
  3. jaundice, or jaundice, which occurs one to two days after the first symptoms.

In the most severe forms, cholangitis can also be accompanied by delirium and disturbances of consciousness.

How to prevent cholangitis?

Prevention of inflammation involves preventing the development of gallstones, the main causes of cholangitis. For this, it is necessary to limit the factors increasing the risk of gallstones. In particular, it is recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and regular physical activity.

How to treat cholangitis?

Acute cholangitis requires urgent medical treatment. Treatment of inflammation involves removing infectious agents and treating the source of the infection.

To treat bile infection, antibiotic treatment is usually given intravenously.

If the infection is due to the presence of gallstones, they can be removed by:

  • cholecystectomy, a surgical treatment that involves removing the gallbladder;
  • cleansing of the bile ducts;
  • an endoscopic biliary sphincterotomy, section of a sphincter in the bile ducts by endoscopy.

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