Angelina Jolie: her family photos for Vogue
Angelina Jolie is on the cover of the November edition of American “Vogue”. In this issue, the actress poses with her 6 children and opens up about her fight against the disease, ovarian cancer, which caused the death of her mother and grandmother. The star, who has undergone a double mastectomy, explains that she is in a hurry to be 50 years old. “ I live each day as if it could be the last. My mother and grandmother began to die at the age of 40. I’m 40 years old. I can’t wait to have 50 and be able to say: I did it. The star also evokes his desire to introduce his adopted children to their culture of origin. “We go a lot to Asia, Africa, Europe, where my children were born. The boys know they are from Southeast Asia, and they have their food, their music, their friends and a special pride. Corn i want all my kids to be interested in the history of the country of their siblings and mother. So we do everything together. Instead of taking a special trip with Zahara, we all go to Africa and try to have the best time possible. »A mother open to the world who wants to give a rich education to her little tribe.