Angelina Jolie had her ovaries removed

For several years now, the famous actress has been fighting cancer. More precisely, with the possibility of its occurrence. Two years ago, Angelina went through a mastectomy, and the other day she went under the surgeon’s knife again to remove the ovaries. As a result of the operation, the 39-year-old star went through menopause.

Following Jolie, another star – Kelly Osbourne – decided on a preventive operation. Stating that she was delighted with the act of Angelina. And I’m ready to remove the ovaries. But first she will do another operation …

“I also have a great predisposition to oncology. My mom got tested and was advised to have a mastectomy. After the operation, my mother asked me to also remove the mammary glands to minimize the risk of cancer. I agree with her and know that sooner or later I will also have to undergo surgery. I admire Angelina Jolie’s determination. By her act, she drew public attention to such a serious problem, “- said Kelly in an interview with the Daily Mail.

Only there is a nuance – Jolie already has seven children, while Kelly has not given birth to a single one. Did the star think about impressionable fans when making such statements in the press? Hardly.

Woman’s Day, with the help of oncologists and psychologists, figured out whether to follow the example of Hollywood stars and go under the knife if there is even the slightest chance of a malignant tumor.

Angelina Jolie and her mother, Marcheline Bertrand

Brad Pitt’s wife began to take seriously her health in 2007, when, after seven years of battling cancer, her mother, actress and producer Marcheline Bertrand, passed away. Angelina’s mother has been diagnosed with malignant tumors of the mammary glands and ovaries in different years. Alas, the disease was discovered too late, and the doctors were unable to do anything. After long-term treatment, at the age of 56, Marchelin passed away. She lived only eleven years longer than her mother, who died of ovarian cancer at 45.

The tragic history of a family illness could not help but make Angelina think about the question “Who is next?” The actress was very worried about the loss of her mother, she was depressed, but already in 2008 she began to look for ways to protect herself from a terrible fate.

In May 2013, The New York Times published a column by Angelina Jolie, in which the actress admitted that on April 27, she completed a three-month course of medical procedures related to mastectomy. The sex symbol, one of the most beautiful and desirable women on the planet, reported that she removed both breasts of her own free will. The public was shocked.

In her open letter, Angelina said that she decided on such radical measures for a reason. The actress underwent a series of examinations and found out that she is a carrier of the BRCA1 gene. With such a mutation in the genome, the likelihood of breast cancer is 87%, ovarian cancer – 50%.

Angelina Jolie The New York Times:

“I started with the breast, because my risk of developing breast cancer is higher than that of ovarian cancer, and this operation is more difficult. Now I am writing about this and I hope that my experience will help other women. Cancer is a word that strikes fear into the hearts of people, leads to helplessness. But today, having done a blood test, you can find out if you are at risk and take action in time. Going for a mastectomy was not easy, but I am very glad I did it. The chances of developing breast cancer have dropped from 87 percent to less than 5 percent. I can tell my children that they should not be afraid, they will not lose me. “

In her frank story about the past operation, the actress mentioned the possible removal of the ovaries. Rumors that Jolie was about to do it went around for two years and were confirmed the other day.

Angelina Jolie before surgery, January 2015

In early March, Jolie went to an emergency operation. Both ovaries and fallopian tubes were removed. As it turned out, the actress for two years continuously followed research in the field of cancer treatment, studied methods of alternative medicine, but at the beginning of March there was a call from the attending physician …

Angelina Jolie The New York Times:

“I have found an increase in the CA-125 markers in my blood, they signal the development of cancer. The doctor wanted the surgeon to check my ovaries immediately. I told myself that I had to stay calm, be strong. On the same day, I went to the surgeon who treated my mother. The last time I saw her was the day my mother died. She told me, “You look so much like her.” After these words, I broke down. “

The actress spent five days in agony awaiting the test results. The test showed that there was no tumor, but, nevertheless, Angelina decided to say goodbye to life in fear and act.

In an open letter published on March 24, two weeks after surgery, Jolie wrote that she was not encouraging other women to follow her example. “A positive test for the BRCA gene does not mean a step towards surgery. I have spoken to many doctors, surgeons and naturopaths. There are other treatment options, ”said the star. And then she answered the question why she did not use alternative methods. In the case of Angelina, when three women in the family have already died of cancer (oncology was diagnosed in the actress’s grandmother, mother and aunt), doctors from both the East and the West agreed that surgery is the best way out.

Jolie was aware of all the consequences of removing the ovaries and was mentally prepared. The actress will have to repeatedly undergo a course of supportive hormone therapy, because due to the operation, she had a premature menopause.

Did the actress really have no choice? Angelina Jolie’s methods of treatment for Woman’s Day were commented on by an oncologist, senior researcher at the Institute of Clinical Oncology, Russian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Evgeny Cheryomushkin.

– There is a relatively small group of women who have certain mutations in the genome. It has been proven that they actually increase the risks of developing cancer. Thanks to tests similar to those done by the actress, it is possible to identify breast cancer that has not yet manifested itself clinically. This is perhaps the only case when we can talk about preventive removal of healthy tissues and organs. There must be serious reasons for such operations, they are not done just like that.

As for the effectiveness of the method, in the case of breast cancer, tissue is removed, implants are placed, there is no tissue, which means that the disease has nowhere to develop. But with the ovaries, everything is more complicated. In the formation of a tumor, not only they can participate, but also the tissues of the peritoneum. Therefore, no one will ever give a XNUMX% guarantee that after the removal of these organs, cancer will definitely be avoided, but the risks are significantly reduced.

How will surgery and early menopause affect Angelina’s appearance? I think that no one will know about this, except for her mirror in the bathroom. Yes, female hormones are involved in many systems, affect muscle tone, bone density. Each organ in the body is provided for and performs a specific function. But do not forget about the huge industry of professionals who help the stars to look good.

Solidarity with a colleague and obstetrician-gynecologist of the European Center for Aesthetic Medicine EAC on Yakimanka Anna Olegovna Kosovskaya:

“Angelina Jolie was indeed a carrier of a dangerous disease inherited from her mother, so the risk of breast and ovarian cancer was increased. I want to note that this practice is popular abroad and there is nothing surprising in this. In Russia, “surgical castration” is nonsense. “

But this does not mean at all that you need to immediately go under the knife if one of your close relatives had cancer.

“Monitor your health by periodically visiting a gynecologist, mammologist and oncologist to keep abreast of all hormonal changes. Forewarned is forearmed! ”Advises Kosovskaya.

While one half of the globe admires Angelina Jolie’s courage, the other doubts her mental health. Why go under the knife if you’re not sick yet? A psychologist, a permanent expert of the show “Let them talk”, tried to understand the actions of the actress. Annette Orlova.

– For women who have similar serious health problems, the attractive and famous Jolie, who decided to take such radical measures and openly speaks about it, is an example of fortitude. Angelina’s candid stories are good for society.

Why does the actress do this and heal something that doesn’t exist yet? Undoubtedly, Jolie has gone through a serious trauma, she lost loved ones and is now trying to make sure that her children do not face similar grief. When a person has children, the question “I am, I live” for him rises in the square. His life is filled with even more meaning. If there are things that he would not do for himself, then for the sake of the child he will do it.

Also, Angelina’s similar attitude to herself and to her body can also speak of carcinophobia. Considering that her mother, grandmother and aunt died of cancer, that Jolie is a UN Goodwill Ambassador and is constantly faced with tragedies, troubles, illnesses and other negative aspects of life, we can say that she has a sensitive nervous system. She is an impressionable person. And this fragility can be the basis for the development of carcinophobia. Perhaps she is experiencing uncontrollable fear and, through operations, tries to reduce her anxiety. But the problem is that, no matter how much you don’t delete, if there is fear, you will still be afraid. It is impossible to say what exactly is happening to her, whether she is experiencing fear of death or fear of life. The problem clearly has a center, but only Jolie herself is aware of this.

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