Guest of the program “Onet Rano.” former anesthesiologist Jakub Sieczko. In an interview with Piotr Kędzierski, he admitted that saving human life is one of the most beautiful experiences that can be experienced. “But when I started working in the emergency room, I didn’t know it was so rare and there were so many physical and psychological costs,” he said.

Saving a life is a beautiful experience

Jakub Sieczko, an anesthesiologist working in the ambulance service, revealed that saving human life is a beautiful experience. – One of the most beautiful you can have. Like a shot of adrenaline or endorphins. I associate it with looking at the birth. Because we are really giving a second life. It is beautiful, he said.

But working in an emergency room is mentally and physically exhausting. If there was only this element of good, doctors or paramedics would not quit their jobs after a few years – he added.

He revealed that medical rescue is his passion. He contracted it at the age of 16, after taking a first aid course. – I couldn’t imagine doing anything else. Saving human life is a beautiful profession – he emphasized.

Saving lives in serials

The doctor also revealed what the realities of emergency medical services look like compared to what can be seen in the series.

– Research was done and it turned out that 48 percent of the series “ER” are successful. resuscitation, in «Surgeons» over 50 percent. In fact, 12 percent are successful. cases – He said.

– Despite the advancement of medicine, one must remain humble. This job is confronting helplessness – he emphasized.

We encourage you to listen to the latest episode of the RESET podcast. This time we devote it to self-compassion – a trend that has developed very strongly in the United States, but is still in its infancy in Poland. What is it and how does it affect our daily functioning? You will hear about this and many other issues related to self-compassion in the latest episode of our podcast.

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