Anemia symptoms – characteristics, classifications, causes and effects

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Anemia is a disease related to a disorder of the red blood cells and the amount of hemoglobin. It is a serious disease both for the health of the heart and the brain. Anemia is diagnosed with a simple blood test. It can have different causes and the treatment depends on them. Find out more about anemia.

Anemia symptoms – characteristics

Anemia results from a reduced amount of red blood cells, i.e. erythrocytes, or a decrease in blood hemoglobin levels with a normal level of erythrocytes. The symptoms of anemia are quite clear-cut and you should see a doctor right away and get tested.

Anemia is a serious disease and should not be taken lightly. Therefore, if we constantly feel tired, sleepless and feel severe stress, we should seek help and start treatment. Untreated anemia it causes too little oxygen to be transported to tissues and cells, which has a very negative effect on the brain and heart, which are very sensitive to hypoxia.

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Anemia symptoms – anemia classifications

Anemia is a disease resulting from a decrease in the number of erythrocytes in the blood, the level of hemoglobin and hematocrit, which is an indicator of the ratio of erythrocyte volume to blood volume. Anemia is diagnosed when the values ​​of these parameters drop by more than 2 standard deviations.

It stands out different types of anemia. If we focus on worsening of anemia, stands out:

  1. mild anemiawhen the hemoglobin level is between 10 and 12 g / dL;
  2. moderate anemiawhen the hemoglobin level is between 8 and 9,9 g / dL;
  3. severe anemiawhen the hemoglobin level is between 6,5 and 7,9 g / dL;
  4. life-threatening anemiawhen the hemoglobin level is less than 6,5 g / dL.

Another classification is based on the cause of anemia. Taking into account the causes of the disease, the following types of anemia are distinguished:

  1. haemorrhagic anemia – anemia caused by heavy blood loss, haemorrhage after an injury, or heavy bleeding in the gastrointestinal or genital tract. According to statistics, the loss is already 20 percent. blood can lead to anemia;
  2. iron deficiency anemia – anemia caused by low levels of iron in the body. Man loses a lot of iron, especially during bleeding, which is why this type of anemia affects especially women with heavy menstruation. The increased need for iron also appears during adolescence, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Preterm and bottle-fed babies are also at risk of low iron levels. One of the causes of low iron levels is gastrointestinal malabsorption syndrome;
  3. anemia of chronic diseases – anemia that occurs in many chronic diseases. It is associated with the development of inflammation and disturbances in the production of indicators responsible for the proper functioning of the bone marrow. Therefore, people suffering from cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic bacterial, fungal and viral infections, kidney diseases etc are particularly at risk for this form of anemia;
  4. megaloblastic anemia – anemia associated with enlarged red blood cells. This process is associated with a deficiency of vitamin B12 and folic acid. Deficiencies of these nutrients lead to disturbances in the synthesis of DNA strands, it also affects the cells that form red blood cells. As a result, there are fewer of them, but they are larger in size. The main causes of vitamin B12 deficiency include improper diet, alcohol abuse, diseases related to Castle factor deficiency, malabsorption of the cobalamin complex, and broad keratocephalus infections. Whereas folate deficiency anemia results from malabsorption, dietary deficiencies, alcoholism, insufficient supply in periods of high demand for folic acid (pregnancy, breastfeeding, etc.) and taking certain medications, including anti-tuberculosis and anti-epileptic drugs;
  5. hemolytic anemia – a group of diseases associated with abnormal (too early) breakdown of red blood cells. A symptom of hemolytic anemia there may be jaundice, but this is true in extreme cases. We divide hemolytic anemia into congenital anemia (defect in blood cell structure) and acquired, where the blood cells are destroyed on an immune basis;
  6. aplastic anemia – this anemia results from bone marrow disorders and a lower number of blood elements. It develops in people of all ages and can be both acquired and congenital anemia. Aplastic anemia may develop gradually (even over several months) or it may appear suddenly. The disease can be very severe and may even lead to death. The causes of aplastic anemia are not fully known. It is suspected that its development may be influenced by radiotherapy, chemotherapy, immune disorders, contact with insecticides or herbicides, benzene, viral infections, systemic diseases of connective tissue, the use of certain medications (e.g. antibiotics), aplastic crises in the course of hemolytic anemia or nocturnal hemoglobinuria.

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Anemia symptoms – causes

Most often, anemia occurs as a result of low iron levels or severe blood loss. Anemia can also have other causes:

  1. vitamin B12 deficiencies – they lead to development of pernicious anemiawhich deals with the malabsorption of vitamin B12 in the gastrointestinal tract. It may be a consequence of an unbalanced diet, veganism, and even alcoholism;
  2. erythrocyte damage caused by an attack of antibodies – this leads to hemolytic anemia;
  3. diseases of the bone marrow – this applies to, inter alia, multiple myeloma or leukemia. The bone marrow is unable to produce enough red blood cells, leading to anemia. In addition, the chemotherapy used to treat cancer can damage the bone marrow;
  4. HIV and AIDS virus;
  5. certain medications.

At Medonet Market you will find dietary supplements with vitamin B12, such as Vitamin B12 SOLHERBS, which can also be used by vegans and vegetarians without fear.

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The most common symptoms of anemia

Little characteristic symptoms of anemia have:

  1. weakness;
  2. dizziness;
  3. constant feeling of fatigue despite resting – this is a very imprecise symptom and often ignored by many people. However, it is worth remembering that this is an indication for examination;
  4. pale skin tone – in anemia there is pallor of both skin and mucous membranes. The lips and the conjunctiva of the eyes are pale, the eyelids may also be pale, which can be seen by tilting them back;
  5. dry, brittle and falling out hair.

The more characteristic symptoms of anemia are:

  1. palpitations;
  2. memory and concentration disorders;
  3. somnolence;
  4. mood drops and even depression.

Anemia symptoms also depend very much on the specific type of anemia. In addition to the above-mentioned, there may also be neurological disorders, paresthesias, personality changes or paranoid reactions. For example, people with megaloblastic anemia show earlier gray hair that is thin and dull, as well as inflammation of the tongue mucosa, chewing and lack of appetite.

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Anemia symptoms and diagnostics

In the case of suspected anemia First of all, a morphology should be performed. When analyzing the test result, the doctor takes into account hemoglobin, the number of red blood cells and hematocrit. If the doctor suspects aplastic anemia, the doctor will usually order a bone marrow biopsy. It is also indicated by specific changes in morphology. In addition to low hemoglobin, there is also a low level of leukocytes and platelets.

Anemia diagnosis – you can buy an anemia test package now on Medonet Market.

Anemia symptoms and treatment

Treatment of anemia depends primarily on its type and cause. If the anemia is a consequence of iron deficiency, treatment will include iron replenishment. The doctor then prescribes iron supplements to increase iron levels. It is also advisable to change the diet and supplement with vitamin C, which increases the absorption of iron from food.

However, it is not possible the treatment of congenital anemiawhich is a genetic disease. In such cases, drugs such as androgens, glucocorticosteroids or erythropoietin are used. In the treatment of congenital anemia, red blood cell transfusions are used.

For example treatment of sickle cell anemia is based on blood transfusions, and supportive therapy is antibiotics, painkillers and various preparations that increase the elasticity of erythrocytes.

If you have anemia, you can use Pollen, which, mixed with water, should be drunk on an empty stomach and at bedtime. As an aid, it is also worth drinking ANEMIKA – fruit and herbal tea, which strengthens the body, adds energy and reduces fatigue.

Anemia symptoms – effects

Anemia has many health effects. They are both mild, such as fatigue, slips, and severe, such as heart failure. Most often, the effects of anemia can be healed. It all depends on what its causes are, how severe is its course and how old the sick person is. The prognosis of treatment effects is often better in young people.

We should also remember that iron deficiency anemia weakens the immune system, making the sick person more susceptible to various diseases and infections. Yeah anemia form it also increases the risk of early delivery and low birth weight.

Anemia is preventable. A healthy lifestyle and a properly balanced diet rich in iron and vitamins essential in the process of blood production are very important. So it is good to remember to consume, among others dark green leafy vegetables, nuts, dried fruit, meat, fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, citrus or legumes. You can also support yourself with the use of drugs and dietary supplements.

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