Anemia in pregnancy: before we panic

During pregnancy, a woman’s body changes in many ways. A few extra pounds appear, specific habits and tastes appear, but also the way the body functions partially changes. One example of such a change could be anemia during pregnancy or gestational anemia. Overall, this is perfectly normal and natural as a consequence of the changes that occur in us during pregnancy, and may affect more than 40% of mothers. This does not mean, however, that this state cannot turn against us. It is worth reading a few tips on how to monitor your health during pregnancy and what to do when it occurs in alarming form.

Anemia in pregnancy and the results of morphology

Regular blood tests during pregnancy give us an insight into the changes taking place in our body and allow us to monitor our health. However, it should be remembered that in the event of pregnancy, they will obviously differ from the norms that are usually given on a printout. Therefore, it is all the more necessary to consult a doctor instead of reading it yourself. First of all, we are interested in the amount of red blood cells (E, RBC) and hemoglobin (HB, HGB).

In the case of red cells, the norm for an average person is 4,2-5,4 million / microliter. During pregnancy, this norm decreases even to 3,5-4,5 million / microliter.

The quantitative norm of hemoglobin in an average woman is 11,5-15,5 g / dl. In the case of pregnancy, this number should be around 11,5-13,5 g / dl. As we can see, in both cases it may be the case that we will not only fit into the norm specifically assumed during pregnancy, but also in the norm that characterizes women in general. However, any drop below these standards should be taken seriously and reported – of course, we are able to make up for these shortages.

Perform anemia testing package. Anemia diagnostics offered by uPatient company. The study is available in two variants on Medonet Market. Pregnant women should also monitor other parameters. We recommend the pregnancy tests package – a package of blood tests, which includes, among others morphology, testing the level of folic acid, TSH or calcium.

How to recognize anemia in pregnancy?

In addition to the results of blood tests, there are a number of signs that tell us about progressive anemia. In the initial phase, when it is not yet dangerous for pregnancy, these are: tiredness, headaches and dizziness, problems with swallowing, brittle hair and nails, problems with concentration. If any of these symptoms occur, it is worth going to a doctor’s consultation sooner than planned. In advanced anemia, symptoms such as attacks of shortness of breath, pale skin, felt increased heartbeat, abdominal pain, visual and touch disturbances may already occur. If these symptoms occur, see a doctor as soon as possible.

Anemia in pregnancy – what is the risk of?

Anemia does not always mean a threat to the mother and baby. It is important to determine if it is just the beginning of anemia, which can be easily stopped with proper diet and supplements, or if it is an advanced form that will require specialized medications. Even in severe anemia, it is not known that the fetus has been damaged. In the first trimester, the risk of miscarriage is highest, and the fetus may not implant properly, which results in the same. In the second trimester, anemia can cause damage to the unborn baby, which then affects the health and development of the baby. In the third trimester, you may even experience premature birth, which can also have an adverse effect on your baby. It is also worth thinking about the mother’s health, anemia itself is not the most pleasant and we would prefer not to go through it in a normal state, let alone during pregnancy. Even if the child is born healthy as a result of anemia, the disease itself can have a very bad effect on the health and life of the mother. Nevertheless, you should stay calm, anemia does not happen suddenly and it can be easily remedied (stress caused by worrying about anemia affects your health much worse because it is immediate).

In order to prevent anemia in pregnancy or other problems related to micronutrient deficiencies, remember about proper supplementation. Try the Daily Mum ° for pregnant women at an attractive price on Medonet Market.

Home remedies for anemia in pregnancy

One way to fight anemia is through a proper iron-rich diet. The greatest source of iron is, of course, meat, especially veal, offal, beef and all kinds of fish. There are also vegetables such as broccoli, beetroot, spinach and legumes. For this we should be interested in dried fruit, cocoa and, of course, chocolate.

It is important not only to provide large amounts of iron, but also to eat products that will allow us to absorb it well. First of all, vitamin C supports us in this, so most juices – with particular emphasis on cranberry, currant and chokeberry. You can buy a set of vitamins for pregnant women now on Medonet Market. Also try dietary supplements with vitamin B12, which is involved in the production of red blood cells. Check the preparation Vitamin B12 SOLHERBS.

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