Anemia (anemia) – types, symptoms, treatment

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Anemia, or anemia, is an unfavorable condition of the body associated with disorders in the blood composition. In this case, the problem is mainly related to red blood cells and hematocrit. Disturbances in the content of these specific blood components and their parameters prevent the delivery of sufficient oxygen to the cells. What causes anemia? What can anemia lead to and how are it treated?

Anemia – what is it?

Anemia, also known as anemia, is a medical condition where hemoglobin levels, red blood cells (erythrocytes), and hematocrit index fall below normal levels. Irregularities in these parameters in anemia can be distributed in different ways. Anemia is already known when the hemoglobin level is lowered, which may or may not be accompanied by a decrease in the number of erythrocytes.

The most common form of anemia is iron deficiency anemia. It can be prevented by consuming iron-rich foods such as blueberries. It is worth including these fruits in your daily diet, so we recommend Kamchatka berry jam, which will help you provide the right amount of iron for your daily diet and are a tasty addition to your meals.

Less common is haemolytic anemia (from the breakdown of red blood cells), megaloblastic anemia (characterized by an increased volume of erythrocytes, e.g. in vitamin B12 deficiency) or aplastic (a decrease in the level of all types of blood cells due to bone marrow loss). It is worth remembering that different types of anemia are distinguished, for example, using the division according to pathogenetic mechanisms (e.g. deficiencies) or the size of erythrocytes (microcytic, macrocytic and normocytic anemias).

As an aid in the treatment of anemia, use pollen, which is mixed with water and drunk twice a day: on an empty stomach and at bedtime.


Anemia is a disease in which there is a reduced number of red blood cells and a reduced level of hemoglobin. Anemia is defined as if these values ​​are less than 2 standard deviations from the normal value.

At Medonet Market you can quickly and safely buy a package of diagnostic tests for anemia.

  1. Read more about how fatigue can camouflage blood disorders.

Types of anemia according to its severity

Red cell parameters that might indicate anemia are interpreted taking into account the reference values ​​for sex, age and latitude. The key factors in the diagnosis of anemia are hematocrit, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, MCV, MCH and MCHC.

If anemia is found, its severity can be additionally determined. Wyróżniamy następujące rodzaje niedokrwistości (klasyfikacja według przebiegu):

  1. mild – hemoglobin concentration ranges from 10 to 12 g / dl;
  2. moderate – hemoglobin concentration ranges from 8 to 9,9 g / dl;
  3. severe – hemoglobin concentration ranges from 6,5 to 7,9 g / dl;
  4. life-threatening – the hemoglobin level is less than 6,5 g / dL.

Iron deficiency anemia – what should you know about it?

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common form of this disease, as it affects up to 80 percent. all cases of anemia. Patients, who are mostly women, often complain of splitting, brittle nails and mouth corners. Often, after waking up, they find hair on the pillow, which, due to iron deficiency, has a tendency to fall out, brittle and split. Many people find these symptoms more troublesome than the weak feeling of anemia. Vitamins and dietary supplements do not bring the desired results. Then usually, helpless and exhausted by their deteriorating health, they turn to the general practitioner in search of help. You can make an appointment with your family doctor as part of the National Health Fund via the portal.

Lekarz, na podstawie wywiadu klinicznego, będzie mógł przybliżyć się do determining the subtype of anemia. The final confirmation of iron deficiency anemia is provided only by laboratory blood tests – low iron concentration, decreased number of red blood cells and their volume (MCV), decrease in hemoglobin concentration in the blood cell (MCHC), decreased hematocrit. What does it mean? The test result shows that each of these cells is smaller and less pigmented, which is affected by the lower content of hemoglobin filling it. At Medonet Market you can buy a blood test for anemia, performed at home by a qualified nurse.

In order to make more accurate iron economy analysis not only information about iron concentration is useful, but also parameters such as transferrin concentration (Tf), transferrin saturation with iron (TfS), sTfR level, as well as total iron binding capacity (TIBC) or latent iron binding capacity (UIBC).

Iron deficiency anemia – symptoms

If anemia is suspected, the doctor conducts an in-depth interview. When asked about concentration disorders, distraction and increased susceptibility to infections, the majority of the respondents answered in the affirmative. White-collar workers and learners may notice worse well-being or irritability, and in the case of problems with concentration they draw attention to themselves.

Prophylactically, it is worth having blood tests for anemia. Anemia diagnosis – you can find the anemia test package on Medonet Market.

Iron deficiency anemia is the most common.

Iron deficiency anemia can take on different faces:

  1. make the skin pale;
  2. lead to a reduced fatigue threshold;
  3. make you prone to fainting;
  4. weakness;
  5. inability to climb to the second floor or out of breath after walking several hundred meters.

In order to prevent deficiencies, the daily diet should be enriched with products rich in iron. At Medonet Market, at an attractive price, you can buy the Gentle Iron dietary supplement with easily digestible iron. Iron also contains light spelled noodles and wholemeal spelled noodles, which can be found at Medonet Market.

However, linking these ailments to a specific disease is not so easy.

When looking for the cause of iron deficiency anemia, the physician must take into account the entire spectrum of symptoms reported by the patient and conduct diagnosis for anemia (the basic information is a reduction in the number of erythrocytes and hemoglobin per unit of volume). Determining the subtype of anemia is of strategic importance in determining the cause of this condition, allowing a definitive diagnosis to be made and effective treatment to be initiated.

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Treatment of iron deficiency anemia is to replace iron deficiency in the body. The primary task is to find the cause of the iron loss. Sometimes it is necessary to use iron injections (in severe anemia). It is important to introduce iron-rich foods into your daily diet, such as red meat, legumes, prunes and figs.

A properly composed diet will be supported by dietary supplements. Puritan’s Pride offers Iron Gluconate 28 mg, which supports the work of the circulatory system.

Check what other iron-rich foods should be added to the menu.

Causes of iron deficiency anemia

A physician can diagnose iron deficiency anemia based on clinical symptoms, tissue deficiency and anemia as well as laboratory results, but this is still not a diagnosis of the disease. You have to find the cause, and four factors may be responsible for this condition:

1. Insufficient supply of iron – may result from various circumstances, including the use of a vegetarian diet, saving on food, and losing weight.

2. Poor iron absorption – absorption requires proper gastric acidity and a proper digestive tract. Poor absorption may occur in people, e.g. after gastric resection surgery.

3. Increased demand for iron – occurs, for example, during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, and in the periods of rapid growth of young people.

4. Chronic iron loss – may be related to:

  1. gastrointestinal bleeding – in diagnostics it is important to perform a fecal occult blood test. Bleeding can easily occur in the XNUMX-meter digestive tract, the mucosa of which is very well supplied with blood. There can be a number of reasons for this, including a hiatal hernia, damage to the esophagus, and cancer of the esophagus. Increased bleeding may also result from iatrogenic causes – long-term use of glucocorticosteroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin). Gastrointestinal bleeding may occur in smokers, especially on an empty stomach. Stomach ulcer or stomach cancer can also lead to iron loss. It may also turn out that the bleeding is caused by the presence of polyps in the digestive tract or inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract, such as ulcerative colitis. Often the cause is also anal nodules (haemorrhoids).
  2. bleeding from the urinary tract – glomerulonephritis, kidney stones, bladder polyps, but also kidney and bladder cancers. You can check the condition of the kidneys by performing preventive laboratory tests.
  3. vaginal bleeding – in young women in the form of heavy periods that last longer than 6-7 days. In middle-aged women, bleeding occurs between months and is associated with myoma. The uterus is also a frequent site of neoplastic processes, which may manifest as bleeding. If you are struggling with heavy menstruation, make an appointment with a gynecologist today, who will help identify the source of the problem and suggest effective treatment methods.

Haemorrhagic anemia

Hemorrhagic anemia is a type of normocytic anemia accompanied by reticulocytosis. It occurs when there is a lot of blood loss, most often due to hemorrhage after an injury or bleeding into the gastrointestinal or genital tract. Blood loss up to 20% does not cause anemia, while chronic haemorrhage is the most common symptom of gastrointestinal diseases.

Anemia pokrwotoczna przypomina niedokrwistość z niedoboru żelaza.

Symptoms of haemorrhagic anemia:

  1. drop in body temperature;
  2. cold sweats;
  3. hypovolemic shock;
  4. disturbances of consciousness;
  5. urination disorders;
  6. loss of consciousness.

Anemia in chronic diseases

Anemia pojawia się bardzo często w chorobach przewlekłych. Dzieje się tak, ponieważ stany zapalne oraz dysfunkcja produkcji czynników regulujących szpik kostny wpływają na jej powstawanie. Z anemią możemy mieć do czynienia w przypadku chorób takich jak:

  1. tumor,
  2. rheumatoid arthritis,
  3. lupus erythematosus,
  4. bacterial infection,
  5. fungal infection
  6. viral infection,
  7. kidney problems,
  8. gastrointestinal diseases.

Megaloblastic anemia

Megaloblastic anemia is closely related to the enlargement of erythrocytes, resulting from the disturbance of proper DNA synthesis in the red blood cell system. Megaloblastic anemia is associated primarily with a deficiency in the body. The most common problem is:

  1. deficiency of folic acid – it is involved in joining DNA, and its lack promotes the formation of erythrocytes in an unnaturally large form;
  2. less often vitamin B12 deficiency – is responsible for the correct connection of DNA strands, and the lack of vitamin B12 disturbs this process, which in turn leads to abnormal growth and a reduced number of erythrocytes.

Folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiencies will help supplement the dietary supplements available at Try, for example, Vitamin B12 SOLHERBS, which can also be used by vegans and vegetarians.

Megaloblastic anemia from folate deficiency It may appear with malabsorption disorders (e.g. cystic fibrosis or celiac disease), nutritional errors causing folic acid deficiency, during pregnancy and lactation, in people who abuse alcohol, suffer from cancer or use certain medications (anticonvulsants, cytostatics, methotrexate, anti-tuberculosis drugs).

This form of anemia, caused by insufficient supply of folic acid, also occurs in premature babies, children during intensive growth or chronically suffering from haemolytic anemia. The way to treat this type of anemia is to enrich the diet with a large amount of fruit and vegetables and the use of preparations containing folic acid.

Megaloblastic anemia from vitamin B12 deficiency it is most often the result of a diet poor in this vitamin, alcohol abuse, deficiency or dysfunction of the Castle factor (responsible for the absorption of vitamin B12), as well as problems with the absorption of this factor in the ileum. Treatment of megaloblastic anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency is by injection.

Symptoms of megaloblastic anemia include:

  1. tingling in hands and feet;
  2. numbness;
  3. sensory and balance disorders;
  4. problems urinating;
  5. visual impairment;
  6. discoloration of the skin (may take a lemon shade);
  7. early graying of hair;
  8. changes and soreness around the corner of the mouth;
  9. enlarged liver, spleen.

Hemolytic anemia

Haemolytic anemia is characterized by premature breakdown of red blood cells (haemolysis) and thus excessive destruction of red blood cells. This disintegration may occur intravascularly or extravascularly (spleen, liver). This type of anemia can present with jaundice, increased levels of reticulocytes, and bilirubin. Increased iron concentration is also detected in the blood serum, and an increase in urobilin and urobilinogen in the urine – the increase in the latter concentration is manifested by darker urine.

There are two types of hemolytic anemia:

  1. congenital – is caused by an abnormal structure of blood cells: erythrocytosis, sickle cell anemia, thalassemia or methaemoglobinaemia;
  2. acquired – good blood cells are damaged for immunological reasons, by toxins, including heavy metals, by drugs, e.g. sulfonamides, platinum derivatives, by mechanical damage, e.g. an artificial heart valve, or by infections, e.g. malaria, toxoplasmosis.

Treatment of hemolytic anemia: use of immunosuppressive glucocorticosteroids and discontinuation of drugs that may have an influence on the development of haemolytic anemia. Sometimes the only solution is periodic red blood cell transfusions.

Aplastic anemia

Aplastic anemia is a disease in which disorders of the normal hematopoietic functions of the bone marrow and a reduction in the number of blood morphotic elements are observed. This anemia occurs in patients of all ages, taking the form of a congenital disease (it can be detected at different times after birth) or acquired disease (it is most common in children over 6 years of age). Aplastic anemia can occur suddenly and last a long time. Her severe form even causes death. Although the reasons for its formation are not fully known, its presence may be influenced by:

  1. connective tissue diseases;
  2. autoimmune dysfunction;
  3. aplastic crises in hemolytic anemia;
  4. contact with benzene;
  5. viral infections;
  6. radiotherapy;
  7. chemotherapy;
  8. kontakt ze środkami owadobójczymi lub chwastobójczymi;
  9. taking certain medications, for example, certain antibiotics and remedies for rheumatoid arthritis;
  10. nocturnal hemoglobinuria.

Symptoms of aplastic anemia:

  1. weakness,
  2. dyspnoea,
  3. spontaneous bleeding
  4. tendency to bruise.

Treatment of aplastic anemia depends on the severity of the disease, the condition and age of the patient. It includes bone marrow transplantation, immunosuppressive therapy, and androgens. As a supportive measure, patients are supplemented with blood components (platelet and erythrocyte transfusion), antibiotics and antifungal drugs are used in the prevention of infections, and hematopoietic growth factors are administered. It may also be necessary to treat secondary haemochromatosis (excess iron in the body).

What are the other causes of anemia?

Among the factors influencing the formation of anemia, we can also mention:

  1. selected drugs,
  2. vegetarianism,
  3. alcoholism,
  4. leukemia,
  5. multiple myeloma,
  6. HIV i AIDS.

Anemia – diagnosis

The basic test for diagnosing anemia is the peripheral blood count, which is included in the test package offered by the Polmed medical center. It analyzes the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin and hematocrit. In order to confirm or rule out anemia, it is worth performing a Home ferritin test – a cassette test.

Normy hemoglobiny:

  1. in a woman 12-16 g / dl,
  2. in men 14-18 g / dl,
  3. newborns 14,5-19,5 g / dl.

Another parameter studied is hematocrit:

  1. women: 35-47%;
  2. men: 42-52%;
  3. newborns: 44-80% (in the first days of life).

It is also being investigated number of red blood cells:

  1. women: 4,2-5,4 million / mm3;
  2. males: 4,7-6,2 million / mm3;
  3. newborns: 6,5-7,5 million / mm3.

Values ​​below normal indicate anemia.

If you want to check your health in a convenient way, and at the same time check the work of the most important organs, you can do the e-test for women.

Anemia – chances of recovery

Early diagnosis of anemia and implementation of appropriate treatment is a good predictor. This applies to anemia: z niedoboru żelaza, kwasu foliowego lub witaminy B12. W pozostałych przypadkach nie zawsze udaje się do końca wyleczyć pacjenta. Anemia to mimo wszystko groźne schorzenie, które nieleczone może powodować spustoszenie w organizmie i inne komplikacje.

A solution in the case of deficiency anemia may be the use of drugs or dietary supplements, provided that the legitimacy of such a procedure and dosage are agreed with the attending physician. Here are some sample products:

  1. A drug that supplements your daily diet with iron – check prices
  2. Vitamin B12 – dietary supplement in capsules – check prices
  3. Folic acid – dietary supplement in tablets – check prices

It should be remembered that supplementation without consulting a doctor and careful diagnostics is a mistake. It can mask the true disease, which can have serious health consequences. Detected too late can be much more difficult to treat. And iron deficiency anemia may or may not be the first harbinger of a serious pathology. In order to prevent the development of diseases, do not wait and perform basic blood and urine tests, which will help to exclude the possibility of suspecting the disease.

Read also:

  1. Anemia symptoms – characteristics, classifications, causes and effects
  2. Ferritin – role, deficiency, testing of ferritin levels
  3. Are people with anemia at risk of coronavirus?

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