International Andropause and Menopause Day is celebrated on October 18. The holiday was established by the World Health Organization and the International Menopause Society. However, this does not diminish the fact that andropause is a difficult time for a man, because it co-occurs with a decrease in testosterone, just like hypogonadism. Hypogonadism is not associated with the aging process, but with the presence of diseases of the testicles, pituitary gland and other brain structures. Genetic disorders may be the origin of hypogonadism.
How to distinguish it from andropause in time to take appropriate action?
Common symptoms of andropause and hypogonadism
Difficulties in the sexual spherej – decrease in libido, problems with maintaining an erection.
Bad mood – depression, incapacitating fatigue and sleep disorders.
Gaining weight – extra pounds are added in the form of adipose tissue. This is accompanied by a decrease in muscle and bone mass.
Deterioration of health – it is not uncommon for a man to develop osteoporosis or heart and circulatory system diseases
The doctor will make a diagnosis
In hypogonadism, in addition to the decrease in testosterone, we are dealing with an altered level of the pituitary hormones LH and FSH. Testicular diseases are indicated by their increase, while brain diseases are suggested by their deficiency. Prolactin status should be checked for hyperprolactinaemia. The symptom of this disease is the disturbance of sexual abilities. Hyperprolactinemia is often indicative of a prolactin tumor, which is an adenoma located in the pituitary gland. In addition, it may indicate kidney or liver failure, hypothyroidism, shingles, or chest injuries. Sometimes drugs for depression, schizophrenia, hypertension or peptic ulcer disease contribute to the increase in serum prolactin.
Excluding or confirming andropause is more difficult, because the symptoms often raise the suspicion of various diseases, and despite the occurrence of symptoms, testosterone did not have to fall below the norm. Sexual dysfunction is also possible when testosterone remains above 4 ng/ml. In the diagnosis, the experience of the doctor who will take into account the possible sources of diseases plays an exorbitant role.
Treatment for health and fitness
A doctor who declares hypogondism of pituitary origin will most likely prescribe pituitary hormones to stimulate the testes to produce testosterone. If the hypogonadism is not related to the pituitary, testosterone will be given. Doses can be taken in the form of:
intramuscular injections – they are inconvenient to use, but have the highest efficiency,
transdermal agents – highly helpful,
oral – not recommended in long-term treatment due to difficulties with absorption.