Androgenetic alopecia – how to treat it?
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Hair loss is one of those factors that can significantly lower your self-confidence. One of the causes is androgenetic alopecia, which occurs in both men and women. How to prevent excessive hair loss?

Androgenetic alopecia – what is it?

There are many causes of androgenetic alopecia. The results of scientific research have shown that the most common cause of hair loss is genetic predisposition. If our parents or grandparents started going bald at a young age, there is a very high probability that we will start losing our hair prematurely. A certain pattern of genes weakens the hair follicles, which becomes weaker and weaker, and finally begins to die. The result is hair loss.

For as much as 95 percent. In cases of excessive hair loss, disturbances in the secretion of hormones, and more precisely of androgens, are responsible [1,2,3]. These are steroid-structured compounds that are found in large amounts in men and to a lesser extent in women. Androgenetic alopecia can appear at any age, also at a very young age. It is estimated that about 80% of people suffer from the disease. men [4] and 42 percent. women [5].

Inflammatory processes and increased activity of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase (extremely sensitive to androgens) are also at the root of the pathomechanism of androgenic alopecia. In women, the perimenopausal period has a great influence on alopecia. Then there is a marked decrease in estrogens and an increase in androgens.

Others causes of excessive baldness are, among others:

  1. smoking tobacco,
  2. alcohol abuse,
  3. leading a stressful lifestyle,
  4. slimming,
  5. thyroid dysfunction,
  6. anemia,
  7. pregnancy.

How to recognize androgenetic alopecia?

It turns out that we lose about 100 hairs every day. It is a completely natural process and is not cause for concern. If we find our hair on the brush, in the shower and in every corner of the house, and if it continues for a long time, it is very likely that we are dealing with alopecia.

Androgenetic alopecia gives a specific and very characteristic model of hair loss. Women are then referred to as the Sinclair scale, and men are referred to as the Hamilton-Norwood scale.

The Sinclair scale in women

In women, hair falls out fairly evenly, and the whole process begins with parting. Therefore, baldness mainly affects the very center of the head. Initially, a thinning of the central part is visible, which may progress to the complete loss of hair loss in this area of ​​the scalp.

Skala Hamiltona-Norwooda

In men, the first symptom of androgenetic alopecia are the bends starting from the forehead line. It is slightly withdrawn. In the next stages, the depressions on both sides of the temples become visible. Over time, the forehead becomes more and more exposed, the top of the head is hairless, until the strands are completely lost.

How to prevent baldness?

There are many ways to fight androgenetic alopecia. Their goal is inhibition of hair loss and hair growth.

Androgenetic alopecia can be treated with pharmacology. The preparations for which androgenetic alopecia is a registration indication include minoxidil 2% and 5% for topical use and finasteride for general treatment of men. Minoxidil is a substance that increases the blood flow through the skin at the application site, which increases the supply of nutrients to the hair follicles, and then improves the condition of the hair and stops its loss. It is the only drug substance with an approved indication in the treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men and women [6]. It is the only clinically proven topical substance for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia – available without a prescription. However, it should be borne in mind that minoxidil cannot be used by people with arterial hypertension.

The recommended medicinal products are Loxon 2% (minoxidil 20 mg / ml) and Loxon Max (minoxidil 50 mg / ml) for women and men aged 18-65 struggling with androgenetic alopecia. They contain minoxidil, which inhibits hair loss and stimulates new hair growth. This has been confirmed by clinical trials.

Loxon medicinal products:

  1. strongly stimulate the multiplication of hair follicle cells in the growth phase, thanks to which they stimulate hair growth,
  2. inhibit hair loss.

Inhibition of hair loss was found in the second month of using Loxon Max and Loxon 2%. Hair growth usually starts after two months of treatment with Loxon Max and usually after four months treatment with Loxon 2%. The maximum effect of treatment with Loxon is most often achieved after 12 months of systematic use of the fluid.

Loxon 2% and Loxon Max should be used twice a day, morning and evening. The medicine should be used according to the patient information leaflet or according to the doctor’s or pharmacist’s instructions.

The implementation of proper and specialized care is no less important. The treatment can be supplemented with the Loxon Pro cosmetic product. The shampoo contains a number of valuable, innovative ingredients:

  1. zincidone — regulates the process of sebum secretion and the work of sebaceous glands,
  2. baicapil 3% – strengthens the hair follicles, inhibits hair loss and improves the overall condition of the hair,
  3. search engine 2.0 – effectively regenerates the hair structure by rebuilding their peptide sequence.

Loxon Pro shampoo should be used regularly. Massage a small amount of the product into wet scalp and hair, then rinse. Its ingredients regenerate damaged hair structure and protect against excessive hair loss.


LOXON 2%, 20 mg / ml cutaneous liquid

Composition: 1 ml of the cutaneous fluid contains 20 mg of minoxidil (Minoxidilum). Excipient with known effect: propylene glycol, ethanol 96%.

Intended use: Treatment of androgenetic alopecia in men and women.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients, arterial hypertension.

Entity responsible: Dog Poland Sp. z oo

LOXON MAX, 50 mg / ml, cutaneous liquid

Composition: 1 ml of the cutaneous fluid contains 50 mg of minoxidil (Minoxidilum). Excipient with known effect: propylene glycol, ethanol 96%.

Intended use: Treatment of androgenetic alopecia in women and men aged 18-65 years.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients in patients with treated and untreated hypertension, in cases of sudden or unexplained hair loss, if the hair loss is associated with severe diseases such as thyroid dysfunction, systemic lupus, hair loss from some area skin due to scalp inflammation or other diseases, when the scalp is shaved or affected (e.g. psoriasis, inflammation, the scalp is red, irritated or painful), in patients who use occlusive dressings or use other products topically healing.

Entity responsible: Dog Poland Sp. z oo

Before use, read the leaflet, which contains indications, contraindications, data on side effects and dosage as well as information on the use of the medicinal product, or consult your doctor or pharmacist, as each drug used improperly is a threat to your life or health.

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