
Andrei Bilzho commented on the classics with his caustic caricatures — with the toothy doctor Petrovich, Raskolnikov with an ax, Masha from Tolstoy’s adaptation of the Three Bears fairy tale.

Andrei Bilzho commented on the classics with his caustic caricatures — with the toothy doctor Petrovich, Raskolnikov with an ax, Masha from Tolstoy’s adaptation of the Three Bears fairy tale. Petrovich, in response to the words of an acquaintance “I have a crazy chamber”, is interested in: “Number 6?”, The goldfish reports that new times have come and now she is a piranha, Mashenka praises “bear services”, Mumu, quietly blowing bubbles, notices in surprise that wet something promised in the toilet. Along the way, Bilzho recalls with a smile how this or that famous line was refracted in his own life, and in general his book is about the same thing: the words of these uncles with glasses and sideburns became part of the life of everyone who speaks Russian, they disappeared in us so much that none of our reflections and experiences without them are impossible.


Maya Kucherskaya

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