- What is andragogy and why adults suddenly needed to learn
- How will we learn in the post-industrial world
- Features of adult education
- How to create a learning environment that’s right for you
- How to define learning objectives
- How to motivate yourself to complete the course
- How to learn to notice negative attitudes and overcome them
- How to enjoy the learning process
The concept of one profession for life is no longer relevant: it is being replaced by lifelong learning – lifelong learning. What is andragogy and how it helps in its implementation – in the material Trends
Pedagogy is the science of upbringing, development and education of a person, mainly in childhood and adolescence. At the same time, adult education has a number of distinctive features, which are studied by andragogy.
The world has changed faster in the past 15 years than it did in the previous 100 years.
By 2010, it had created 1,5 zettabytes of information in its entire history, which is equal to 34 billion smartphones with the largest amount of memory. Based on the dynamics, by 2025 we will create 175 zettabytes of information, and this figure is difficult to express in terms of values that the human brain understands.

The speed of creation and accumulation of information and its availability are changing the traditional attitude towards knowledge and learning.
Encyclopedic knowledge and mechanistic skills are rapidly losing their relevance, which means that forms of learning designed for “cramming” and repetition of monotonous actions become irrelevant.
There is a need to develop skills of a different order – meta-skills, who help to synthesize knowledge from different sources, connecting them with their experience and creating their own unique knowledge base as a result.
What is andragogy and why adults suddenly needed to learn
A recent conversation about andragogy in the podcast “Everything is complicated” began with the host’s question “Andra – what?”. And it’s true, it’s amazing – we all heard about pedagogy and imagine what it is, and we didn’t hear anything about the section of andragogy, this concept itself is unknown to many. Although these sciences and approaches to personality development were born at the same time. Why is that?
Traditionally, the emphasis has always been on human development, the acquisition of skills in childhood and adolescence, that is, on pedagogy. Professional development, the development of direct skills took place either through workshops and workshops for workers, or at universities for exact and humanitarian specialties, to which only selected segments of the population had access until the middle of the 1980th century. The profession, as a rule, was received at a young age and for life. In this regard, andragogy as an approach and science was not in demand until the XNUMXs.

Most adults did not need to retrain or acquire radically new skills: for example, our grandparents and even parents worked in the same company or in the same area all their lives, and this was normal. Such a situation is almost unimaginable today.
In the 1980s, and especially after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the world went global. Companies began to enter the global market, and a huge number of people had the opportunity to enter the global labor market. The rapid development of technology has forced enterprises to change production methods, automate them, and transfer them to countries with cheaper labor. Millions of people, especially in developed countries, for the first time in their lives, are faced with instability and the need to change their activities, set of competencies and even profession in the middle of a career path. There was a need to relearn – quickly, effectively, based on practice, not theory. At this point, andragogy was born. At the same time, the American scientist Malcolm Knowles published his fundamental work “Modern practice of adult education. Andragogy versus Pedagogy”, in which he formulated the basic principles of adult education.
How will we learn in the post-industrial world
Now mechanical labor is increasingly performed by robots with the help of modern technologies. Одновременно с этим растет спрос в креативных областях, где нужны другие навыки и отношение к организации работы — больше самостоятельности, свободы и инноваций. Активно развиваются маркетплейсы фрилансеров: один человек часто может одновременно выполнять проекты для разных компаний, больше не связывая свою жизнь с одной организацией. Этот тренд будет развиваться и дальше.

There is a growing need to develop other educational models that would provide fundamentally new competencies. Given the speed of socio-economic change and the global nature of labor markets, they will need to be updated much more frequently than just a decade ago.
There is a big demand from business and states for innovation and technological development in all spheres of society. All this is not done mechanically, it is creativity, discoveries, ideas, communication between specialists from different fields. In innovation, the unified actions of a large number of people will not lead to a result, but the creativity and individuality of each person matters. Более важную роль начинает играть сотрудник как субъект, его личность и индивидуальность, а не коллектив и институт.
Features of adult education
How to teach new things and retrain adults, taking into account their individuality, rich life and practical experience, attitudes, different life goals, social restrictions (little free time for study, family and work)? Modern andragogy answers these questions.
Forget how you learned in school – adults learn differently.
At the center of educational approaches is the harmonious and conscious development of an already established personality, and not the “fitting” of a person to the requirements of institutions, companies or the state.
When we talk about learning, the key difference between adults and children is a special attitude to the past, present and future. Adults have experiences through which new information is filtered. An adult has a special attitude to the present with a number of restrictions – unlike a child, an adult needs to earn money on his own, take care of loved ones, cook food, etc. An adult makes plans differently from a child: as a rule, he has a specific vision of his future, with which he correlates any training. Accordingly, his program should be built taking into account these three components.
The learning patterns and methods you used in high school and university most likely won’t let you study successfully now. In order to build your strategy, as well as to develop harmoniously and consciously as an adult, you need to understand the key principles of andragogy.
The advantage of this science is that, having mastered its approaches, a student adult can independently build his own educational strategy and adjust it throughout his life.
How to create a learning environment that’s right for you
The first thing to understand is how you learn. To do this, you need to do the following exercises.
- Remember all your educational experience and choose from it the moments when you felt most confident, learned with pleasure and felt useful. Something that will make you want to go back there.
It is also worth remembering your negative experience and sorting it out – why was it uncomfortable to study? Why did the study fail? Evaluate not so much the content, but the formats, pace, channels through which the information was given (visual, auditory, kinesthetic). Was it more comfortable in group work or in mixed, in discussions or in an individual format, first practice, and then theory, or vice versa? Search and find some pattern.
Tip: pay attention not only to the process, but also to the events in life that you were experiencing at that moment. Was there sports in your life at that time? Which? Try to evaluate whether they have had an impact on your educational experience.
- Write down all the positive elements of the learning experience—this is your ideal learning environment. Try to recreate it. In a separate column, write down all the negative components of the educational experience – this is your worst learning environment.
Tip: if it is not possible to recreate all elements, use at least some. Think about how you can transform a negative experience into a positive one.
- Organize feedback. Knowledge is collective, but man is social. New knowledge and practices are learned only if you can discuss your progress with others.
Tip: feedback can be organized in the family, work team. You can find like-minded people on the Internet: blog, get feedback from readers or listeners, write an article or take part in a podcast, share the results on social networks. You can write to industry experts, meet someone in person at a specialized conference or business event.
- Listen to yourself and start exploring your individual characteristics.
Tip: both self-reflection practices and various available tests will help you with this.
Test examples:
Mayer-Briggs personality type test. It will help you pay attention to how you perceive the world and how you make decisions.
Visual-auditory-kinesthetic test. It will determine which channel of information perception is the most preferable and effective for you.
HBDI test (Hermann Brain Dominance Instrument), which determines the type of thinking based on cognitive preferences.
Any test must be treated critically: none of them reveals all the personality traits.
How to define learning objectives
One of the training methods that will help you aim correctly is the Dilts Pyramid. It includes six levels of goal setting: environment, behavior, abilities, beliefs/values, identity, mission. Determine the problem you want to solve and the level in the pyramid it corresponds to. The solution to the problem is usually one or two levels higher. For example, in order to change your behavior, you need to pay attention to changes in beliefs and values.

You can read more about the method here.
Goal setting should become one of your regular practices and cause only positive emotions.
How to motivate yourself to complete the course
Motivation is the driving force behind the educational process in adults. If children can be forced to learn through discipline and instruction, then the whip method is unlikely to work with adults.
The gingerbread method is also not entirely reliable. If an adult goes through a program just to, for example, get a nice annual bonus, and does not focus on it, then it will be of little use. The carrot and stick method refers to extrinsic motivation. In the androgogical approach, it is important to be able to reveal your resource of internal motivation, use and manage it.
Motivation in learning in an adult consists of two components:
Reflect on each of these points. Ask yourself questions: what do I get from the learning process? What development area is currently in my focus? What can I share and who can I get feedback from?
How to learn to notice negative attitudes and overcome them
Cognitive attitudes are positive and negative and formed as a response to external experience. They protect the psyche from unnecessary irritations and offer ready-made thinking schemes that are guaranteed not to allow a negative experience to be repeated or, on the contrary, allow a positive one to be repeated.
In learning and life in general, it is extremely important to recognize negative attitudes and transform them into positive ones. This is quite a difficult job that requires a high level of self-reflection and awareness.
For example, for many, the negative attitude “I have no predisposition to languages, so I cannot learn English” is relevant. Pay attention to how it manifests itself in behavior, notice the limitations, rephrase in a positive way.
How to enjoy the learning process
In pedagogy, great importance is attached to the results of the educational process and its assessment – remember all kinds of exams, tests, tests, tests. Surely, you sometimes had the feeling that you were studying not for the sake of knowledge, but for the sake of an exam, after which everything was safely forgotten.
One of the most important principles of andragogy is to pay equal attention to both the results and the process, as well as enjoying it and tracking changes in attitudes, attitudes and values in real time, and not after the completion of training.
This will allow you to instantly correlate the educational experience with real life, correct the process and receive positive emotions that positively affect the memorization and comprehension of information.
Online courses that help you learn consciously:
- “Self-development as a skill”
- “Adult Learning Strategies”, DEDU Center Course
- «Learning how to learn» на Coursera
Books about andragogy:
- Stephen Sloman, Philip Fernbach, The Illusion of Knowledge: Why We Never Think Alone
- Ulrich Boser “How to Learn to Learn”
- Peter Brown “Remember Everything” (in the original version, the title of the book sounds more attractive – The Science of Successful Learning)
- Barbara Oakley “Think Like a Mathematician”
Telegram channels for those who want to build their own learning system:
- Learn while (not) young
- I study as best I can
Telegram channels for those who want to professionally understand adult education:
- School of Education
- Education trends
- Art of education
- LX notes
- Notes of a methodologist
Instagram accounts about adult education:
- Nadezhda Hort
- “workshop”
- Dedu Center
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