And how much you? Add up the numbers and find out your biological age (from 13 to 30)

And how much you? Add up the numbers and find out your biological age (from 13 to 30)

Calendar age does not always fully reflect the criteria for a person’s health status. According to doctors, the true age of a person is biological. We will teach you how to define it, rather scroll through it!

In the process of individual development of a person (ontogenesis), the development and formation of the functions of all systems of the body is completed. The age of optimal physical shape is approaching. In women, this happens by the age of 18, in men – by the age of 21.

Then comes the inevitable and somewhat universal aging process of the organism. Biological (anatomical and physiological) age characterizes the biological state of the body at the moment and can differ significantly from the chronological one in the direction of both leading and lagging.

There are a variety of ways to determine biological age. They use indicators that regularly change throughout life. More than a hundred markers of age-related changes have been proposed. Most of them are laborious and require measuring a large number of parameters, sometimes using special devices, as well as lengthy questionnaires. But simpler methods are not objective enough. And tests published in popular publications are not always reliable.

Russian scientists Alexander Gorelkin and Boris Pinkhasov1 proposed a method to determine not only biological age, but also the rate of aging. It is described in detail in the book by Inessa Trubetskoy and Natalia Naydenskaya “Appearance Code”2.

To find out what your biological age is, try calculating it using this formula.

First, it computes aging rate factorand then based on it – biological age.

To do this, you need to determine the following values:

  • calendar age (CV) of a person in years (the accuracy is not less than 0,1 years, i.e. months after the birthday are also added)   

  • body weight (bw) in kg, measured on scales (accuracy not less than 0,5 kg)

  • height (P) in meters, measured by a stadiometer (with an accuracy of at least 0,005 m)

  • waist circumference (OT) in cm, measured with a soft measuring tape (accuracy not less than 0,5 cm)

  • hip circumference (OB) in cm, also changes by tape (accuracy not less than 0,5 cm)

  • weight (W) in kg


Based on the data obtained, it is first determined aging rate for women and men separately according to the following formulas:

The formula for the aging rate coefficient of KSS (m):

FOR WOMEN: KSSzh = (OT × B): (OB × R2 × (14,7 + 0,26 × RL + 0,01 × RL))

FOR MEN: KSSm = (OT × B): (OB × P2 × (17,2 + 0,31 × RL + 0,0012 + RL))

RL (w) и RL (m) – the difference in years between the calendar age and the age of the ontogenetic (physiological) norm for women and men.

An example of how to calculate – see below!

The ontogenetic norm is the age at which, in the process of ontogenesis (individual development of a person), the development and formation of the structure and functions of all systems of the human body is completed.

It is generally accepted that this age for men = 21 years, for women = 18 years.


  • 0,95 to 1,05 inclusive – aging rate is normal

  • Less than 0,95 – delayed aging

  • More than 1,05 – accelerated aging

An example of how to calculate – see below!


The biological age of a person (BV) is determined by the formulas:

FOR WOMEN: BVj = KSS × RL + 18

FOR MEN: BVm = KSS × RL + 21,

where KSS is the real rate of aging, RL is the difference in years between the calendar age (CV) and the age of optimal physical shape (for women it occurs at 18 years, for men – at 21 years), and is calculated by the formula:

FOR WOMEN: RLj = KV – 18

FOR MEN: RLm = KV – 21.

An example of how to calculate – see below!

Step 1. Consider what is before division.

60 (waist) * 48 (weight) = 2880

Step 2. Consider what is in small brackets.

20 (real age) – 18 (constant number for women) = 2 (RL is the difference in years between the calendar age and the age of the ontogenetic (physiological) norm for women).

0,26 * 2 (RL) =0,52,

then0,01 * 2 (RL) =0,02

Total: 14,7 + 0,52 + 0,02 = 15,24

Step 3. Consider what is in large brackets.

92 (hip girth) * 2,96 (height in meters squared) * 15, 24 (sum from step 2) = 4150

Step 4. Almost everything! We consider the aging rate coefficient (KSS).

2888 (result of 1 step): 4150 (result of 3 steps) = 0, 69

Step 5. And now that’s it! Now you will find out your biological age!

0 (KSS) * 69 (RL) + 2 = 19, 38


“Appearance Code”, Natalia Naydenskaya and Inessa Trubetskaya

The authors of the book are a creative union that constantly generates ideas in the field of Style and Image, implements interesting projects and gives birth to new books. Natalia and Inessa have already written 10 bestselling books together!

Appearance Code is a publication for those who are ready to cast aside all doubts and know their uniqueness. From the book you will learn:

  • is it possible to measure beauty;

  • which bust is considered a reference;

  • how to determine your type of appearance and much more!

Information sources

1. Alexander Gorelkin and Boris Pinkhasov, Russian scientists.

2. Appearance Code, Natalya Naydenskaya and Inessa Trubetskaya.

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