Ancient spell “Where it came from, it went there”

😉 Hello dear readers and guests of the site! This is a mystical story about how one ancient spell helped in life.

Where it came from, it went there!

Two years ago, Karina and her family moved to a village house, which was designed for two owners and inherited from distant relatives. A married couple lived in the neighborhood behind the wall.

And it just so happened that relations with the new neighbors did not work out right away – they turned out to be very curious, envious, and indeed some kind of strange people.

Karina’s son was then about four years old. After the move, inexplicable things began to happen with the child. Every night the baby screamed loudly in a voice that was not his own. The boy was trembling with fear, could not explain anything, his blood pressure rose sharply, his nose was bleeding.

The doctors just shrugged their shoulders, a complete examination also did not give anything – the child was absolutely healthy!

Nevertheless, the baby was fading away literally before our eyes. One night Karina could not sleep. She entered her son’s room and sat down on the edge of the bed. Twenty minutes later, the woman decided to go back to bed.

But barely leaving the room, she felt a strong growing rumble in her ears, her temples squeezed so that the woman clutched her head. But after a few seconds everything was quiet – the noise was replaced by dead silence. Karina saw how something entered the baby’s room … The alien looked like a vague silhouette of a tall, hunched-over old man with bony hands.

Karina watched in horror as the night visitor headed for her son’s crib. Not remembering herself from fear, she shouted:

– Hey, who are you ?!

The creature froze in place, then turned and headed towards the woman. Gathering her courage, Karina shouted:

– Where it came from, it went there!


The creature was taken aback. It straightened up to its full height and, after standing that way for a few seconds, was pulled into the wall behind which the neighbors lived.

A few minutes later, the sound of breaking glass was heard in the neighbor’s yard: it turned out that the neighbor’s 10-year-old son broke the window and flew out into the street with wild screams. Karina went out to see what happened. The boy was in a terrible state – he was shaking, his nose was bleeding, he could not explain anything.

The parents called an ambulance and the child was hospitalized. After this incident, Karina’s son got better – sleep returned to normal, health improved. Neighborhood boy was taken to all hospitals and “grandmas”.

It soon became clear that the neighbor, being very greedy and eager for someone else’s good, decided to keep Karina out of the house and take possession of her half. To do this, she turned to a witch. An interesting way, of course, and most importantly – unprovable.

Boundless love for his son and a simple ancient spell “Where it came from, there it went” turned out to be much stronger than black magic and envy, and evil turned into a boomerang against the one who sent it.

Ancient spell “Where it came from, it went there”

If suddenly you hear curses in your address, then say: “Yes, your speeches are on your shoulders.” This is also an ancient spell. Dark deeds and evil slander will return like a boomerang to their master. Remember that good deeds also work like a boomerang. 😉 Do good deeds!

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