
You can move fast, or you can move slowly, you can move in the right direction, or you can move in the wrong direction. Everyone understands that it is better to move quickly and in the right direction. How to move fast is a separate issue, but no less important is how to move in the right direction.

There is an easy way to keep the right direction — to «anchor» in the future. One of the best options for such an anchor is goals for the coming year. What are you planning to achieve. So a picture that will delight you if the year goes exactly the way you want it. The future and the point to which you are going. This point is in any case, no matter how things go, in any case, in a year you will come to some point. It is better if this point is formed and «drawn» by you, your own desire and imagination.

We at the University of Practical Psychology use some simple techniques to make the anchor more powerful and motivating in the future.

How to write goals for the year

There is a simple and convenient way to write goals for the year, you can write them in three main circles of life:

  • A business — your work, your projects, what brings you money. This includes professional training, new business contacts and much more.
  • Personal life – your family, loved ones and friends. Relationships with people.
  • My «I» — your development, personal training, your good habits, the ability to be happy. This includes your hobbies and interests.

​​​​​​​Imagine what you want to achieve in a year in each of these areas. Usually it turns out about 2 to 5 targets in each of them. Write down these goals — for starters, briefly, in one line, for example: «I want to become the head of the department» or «Buy my own country house.»

How to write down a goal

So, before you is a list of about 10 goals, written down briefly. Further, for each goal, we suggest that you answer a few questions — of course, in writing, this is an order of magnitude more useful than just thinking about the answer. It is important to write down your answers.


Each of your goals should have a number — what exactly you plan to achieve.

  • Write a book: at least 120 pages, viewed by 5 experienced people, at least 3 of them approved.
  • Become more confident: in 7 situations out of 10 where I used to feel insecure, now I feel confident.
  • Find a new job: a salary of at least 100 thousand per month, I like the team 8 out of 10, the work is interesting at least 7 out of 10.

Each goal should have a number, a criterion for achieving the result. This is not always necessary in the end, but it helps to think through your goal as accurately as possible, check it from all sides — which means making the goal better.

self image

Write a picture of yourself achieving this goal. What are you? What has changed in your life?

It is often convenient to find an image-image in three channels:

  • What do I feel?
  • What do I see?
  • What i hear

Imagine that you succeeded and find the picture that will be the brightest.


To achieve any goal, we can help different resources:

  • People, contacts.
  • Knowledge, experience.
  • Money.
  • The rest: a ready site, a car, a country house, various items and more.

For each goal, write a list of resources that will help you achieve that goal. It’s always good to know your allies by sight.


Write a rough plan to achieve each of your goals. Perhaps it will be a complete plan, detailed, step by step. Perhaps this will be a rough plan for the months. Perhaps this will be only the first step — to consult with an experienced person, undergo training or something else.

If you can, write the plan in as much detail as possible.

How to understand that the exercise has been worked out

You have a list of goals and for each of them you can answer all the basic questions. Moreover, you want to strive for these goals and it is clear what the first step should be.

Life Improvement Criteria: when you start thinking whether to do something, whether to achieve something, what choice to make — you first of all remember your goals, and the answer becomes clear.

And in moments when you may not have enough strength for something or you don’t want to take on some kind of work, you remember your goals, and suddenly strength appears.

Strong anchors to you in the future!

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