The celebrity put everything she had into the house. And now the ballerina’s country house has everything one could dream of: a home theater, a swimming pool, a bathhouse with a mouse king and a grand piano from Nikolai Baskov.
29 May 2019
“When everyone thought that I lived in mansions and palaces, it was not so,” says Anastasia. – Even with the father of my daughter (Ariadne is 13 years old. – Approx. “Antenna”) Igor Vdovin we wandered around rented houses. Everyone considers this person an oligarch. He was only known as such. Ten years ago he borrowed all the money from me – $ 3 million. When I stopped hoping that my ex-husband would return them, I started saving up again to buy my own home. And put everything that was in it. “
Clothes for shooting provided by designer Anika Kerimova
“This house was given to me with incredible efforts. When I first hit it, there was nothing but a marble floor on the first floor, a staircase without railings and a fireplace in the living room. I went out into the courtyard, and there was already a refined garden. For me it was a shock in a good sense of the word. I immediately said to myself that the house should be mine. Unfortunately, he had a very angry mistress. Having learned that Anastasia Volochkova was interested in housing, she did not want to sell it to me and showed it to me with displeasure. At first, the sum was called outrageous, but in the end I bought a house for a price half as much as originally requested (now the cost for such mansions in the village where Anastasia lives starts at 130 million rubles – note by Antenna). We closed the deal on November 2, 2014. But, since it was impossible to live in the main house with an area of 850 square meters, having received the keys, I moved into the guest house that the former owner had built on the site for himself.
The guest house was competently planned by the previous owner, it already had a bedroom, a summer kitchen with a barbecue and a stove, and in the second part, which I call a spa area, there is a bathhouse, a hammam, a swimming pool and a relaxation room.
After the purchase, a very small amount remained for repairs, and that quickly disappeared. I am an open, gullible person, so the builders deceived me three times. Plumbers, electricians, all those people who were paid for work in advance, as a result, did nothing. I went to stores myself, chose lamps, laminate flooring, baseboards. There was a moment when a designer dumped me. She was counting on a luxurious renovation and wanted to advertise herself at my expense, but I explained to her that everything would not be made of the most expensive materials, and the designer disappeared. “
“Before the crisis, which came in December 2014, I managed to buy some of the furniture, lamps, plumbing fixtures. The renovation began with Arisha’s room, I wanted to please her. She has a large bedroom of 70 square meters with the largest terrace and a wall-to-wall fresco. The frescoes, in principle, were the salvation for this house. I had no idea what kind of wallpaper there could be, and then I found a company that paints the walls using the same technology as in Italy. So the entire first floor was decorated with frescoes from my portraits, painted by a St. Petersburg artist, the balustrade of the second floor – paintings by the French artist Nicolas Poussin, and in the center on both sides of the stairs – frescoes depicting Swiss castles, to which I asked to add swans, on the right – a couple of lovers, on the left – three, where dad, mom and baby.
The frescoes are guaranteed for 30 years. When I got the idea to transfer Poussin’s paintings to the walls, I personally went to the firm, which I entrusted the painting, and figured out how to frame them so that they fit beautifully into the moldings.
Emperor Nicholas II appeared on the first floor in an interesting way. There was a fresco from my portrait from the Catherine Palace, where my charity ball was held in 2003, and then my wedding took place in 2007. Once a friend came and said: “Nastya, you are everywhere alone in these images. You need to attach a man’s appearance somewhere. ” After this conversation, I went on a tour to Yekaterinburg, and before leaving I told the woman artist to add some kind of male shadow to the portrait. I come in a week and see Nicholas II next to me. I was shocked because during my tour in Yekaterinburg I first got to the Church on the Blood, on the site of which was the house where the royal family was shot. And then the king is at my house! With pride I go down the stairs and look at this mural. Yes, my husband should be a man of that rank. “
“There was a separate story with the renovation of the third floor. For a long time I could not think of what would be there. In addition, a crisis broke out. In the fall of 2015, my team and I went on tour to Crimea with charity concerts. By the way, in seven years I have not sold a single ticket to my performances, they are all charitable. The mission of my festival “Symphony of Kindness” is that local creative groups take part in each concert. I give master classes to children, and we go on stage together.
A good friend of mine was supposed to meet us at the airport, but he could not and sent his friend Sergei. He helped us with accommodation, put me and the director in his apartment, and my whole team in a house where it was incredibly beautiful. Gradually we became friends, somehow we got to talking, he found out about my trouble with the repairs and offered help.
When Seryozha got into the house, he launched his people to finish what they had begun. He also asked about the third floor. What’s planned there? I did not know. I always dreamed of a home theater, but at that moment there was no money and no opportunity, so there was Arishka’s playroom, where we brought all her toys. Seryozha, hearing about the theater, said: “Can I put my hand?” And I trusted. A month and a half shouldn’t have gone there. Withstood. I remember how on my birthday, January 20, 2016, I go up to the third floor and actually faint from beauty and luxury. I have my own theater! A string quartet was sitting on the stage, Andrei Malakhov, Bari Alibasov and the film crew were already waiting for me. And when I entered the room opposite, I was shocked. In the same style of Louis XIV, they made a bedroom for me. It’s a miracle! “
“An important criterion when choosing a house was the presence of a Russian bath and an ice bath, because since the age of 13 I have been taking a steam bath, my dad is an athlete (Yuri Volochkov – champion of the Soviet Union in men’s doubles in table tennis. – Approx.“ Antennas ”) … And ice water helps me cleanse of all negativity. I love winter very much for the reason that I can run out into the garden in the morning, break the ice in the font with a hatchet, dive into it, and then I feel great.
Now the bathhouse in the house is already different, not the same as it was originally. When I visited the town of Tarusa near Moscow, the owner of the local bath complex said: “Nastya, let me give you a bath.” Why not? The masters came to me and did everything with such a soul. Moreover, they saved us from the fire, because when they began to dismantle the old interior, they discovered an engineering mistake. An iron pin was stuck under which coals were collected, that is, one wrong swing – and a fire could occur. These masters completely went over everything and, knowing that the first ballet that I saw as a child was The Nutcracker, they made me an author’s bath with a mouse king, a nutcracker and ballerinas who were made from my photographs!
There is a poster in the kitchen with a tour that was very valuable to me. It is symbolic by the fact that after performing with the Bolshoi at the Coliseum in London, choreographer Derek Dean offered me the lead role in his play The Sleeping Beauty. I lived in London for a year and a half and played 12 performances at the Albert Hall. And then I traveled around the UK and performed with my solo programs, three of which I danced in two days at the Coliseum. And this is their poster. I take care of the poster and the photo from it, it will be on the cover of my book “Paying for Success” ”.
“The first housewarming gift was made by Kolya Baskov. I called and said: “Nastya, I heard you bought a house. I want to give you my piano. ” For me, it’s like Maya Plisetskaya would give her pointe shoes. Arisha played this instrument until she gave up music.
The only furniture I have brought with me from the rented accommodation is a large sofa in the small living room. It is unique. My beloved and I call it the Bermuda Triangle, because as soon as you sit down on it or kiss it, then it’s gone. If you still hide with a blanket, then any shooting, everything is postponed. Impossible to get up. The sofa is about eight years old. This is my favorite place in the house. And the second is the courtyard. We do not have huge iron fences between neighbors, as is customary, the fence is alive – from green thujas. Having moved here, I myself planted three lilac bushes in the garden, and Arisha – a gooseberry.
I still enjoy every moment I spend at home. If there is an opportunity not to go anywhere, I stay here. The ballet hall is located right in the hotel building, located in our village, right there I can do a massage or swim in the pool. “
“In my life, all cats are white, starting with the Angora Marquis, which my father gave at the age of 10. Zhorik moved to this house with us, but he ran away. Then I stumbled upon a cool cat on Instagram, saw his eyes and realized that he was mine. Gucci stayed with us for about six months. Unfortunately, the doctors incorrectly performed the operation on him, and he was gone. Arisha and I were very sad. Time passed, and I decided that we should still have a favorite. I called the owner of the nursery from which I took Gucci, it turned out that he has a sister, but she lives in Donetsk. As soon as the kittens were born to that cat, the boy was given to me. Iosif Davydovich Kobzon’s assistant brought our Laki from Donetsk by car ”.
“In winter and summer, we have a Christmas tree in our yard. We dressed her up twice for the New Year. When I lived with Igor, I always asked him to decorate a rented house with lights. He either didn’t do it, or he hung up some cheap three garlands. Now my house is decorated with lights all year round, they sometimes burn even during the day.
My assistant Rustam takes care of all this. I once had a housekeeper, Raya. When she saw a new house, she immediately said that she could not cope with it alone. In our village, we found Rustam. He was going to live with us and work, and his wife Lola was going to rent an apartment. But I insisted that the two of them be accommodated in my two-room apartment above the garage. Lola, in gratitude for the shelter, helped the housekeeper with the cleaning. When Rustam said that they wanted a baby and thought that I would kick them out, I presented them with a stroller, a crib, clothes, and arranged a birth for Lola.
Soon I found out that our Raya used her as a real servant. Then other unpleasant details surfaced, it turned out that the housekeeper was stealing. Due to dishonesty, she had to be fired. Then Lola came up to me and asked: “Nastya, maybe the two of us can handle it?” flowers, my favorite soup tom yum with spinach and cabbage on the table. What is there to think about? The point is not that there is cleanliness in the house, it is more important that there is cleanliness in the souls of people. I trust Lola and Rustam. Human relations are neither sold nor bought for money. “
The ballerina’s clothes are provided by designer Anika Kerimova.