The singer advises Antenna readers what to do in order to quickly lose the excess weight gained during the holidays.
January 21 2015
In the New Year, Nastya did not deny herself food
Do manual labor… During the holidays, of course, I recovered, gained about 5 uninvited pounds. What is there to do? Do not resist the same feasts. At one time, after the birth of my son Sasha, it took me three years to get rid of 25 extra pounds. And now I understood: the main thing is not to start the situation, not to seize the frustration over excess weight with another spoonful of Olivier salad, generously seasoned with mayonnaise. It is necessary, despite the holidays, to do household chores, help, for example, parents with repairs or dismantle the attic in the country. In general, the holiday idle regime should be abandoned. This method works for me – as I immerse myself in work, calories are burned at once!
Change the menu gradually. Towards the end of the New Year holidays, I began to smoothly change my diet. We don’t eat fried here, I will refuse dessert there. Do not immediately try to jump abruptly from fatty salads into one water and spinach. This is a great stress for the body: it was spoiled with pickles, but here nothing is possible! And the mood from this method will quickly drop to zero. I gradually returned my body to optimal nutrition for myself. And now my daily menu includes a lot of cucumbers, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled meat and fish, bran. Of course, we had to forget about mayonnaise. Sweet for me is also strictly forbidden. Like fruits, they are high in carbohydrates.
Drink tea instead of snacks… Of course, I also have moments when I want to score on kefir and eat something harmful in memory of the holidays. In these cases, herbal tea helps out – both soothes and gives a feeling of fullness. And, of course, regardless of the diet, I drink 2,5 liters of water. You can even more, then no emptiness will walk through the stomach.
Try the Aphrodite Diet. For those who have already gained a lot of extra pounds and are striving to lose weight quickly, I can recommend the “Aphrodite” diet. I found out about it during my vacation in Greece and tried it on myself – I lost about 8 kilograms in three weeks. The essence of the diet: two weeks do not eat anything except cucumbers and goat cheese, then gradually introduce herbs and boiled meat into the diet. But if you feel unwell, dizzy, too sleepy, then this option is not for you!
Train yourself to gymnastics. But besides proper nutrition, physical exercise is also necessary. You don’t have to go to the gym, I do sports at home and all I need is a mat. I usually do stretching, stand “birch”, swing the press. Train yourself to do this for 15-20 minutes a day, and you will see the effect. An infrared sauna also helps in the fight against excess weight. Perfectly removes fluid from the body!
Change dishes, not your favorite pants. Well, from the category of psychological tricks – change the plate from which you are used to eating for a smaller one. The serving will look the same, but it will actually lose weight. But do not rush to hide your favorite trousers, which have become slightly small for you, deep in the closet. On the contrary, wear: the inconvenience will be an additional incentive to lose weight.