Anastasia Reshetova revealed how much she gained during pregnancy

Timati’s bride is now in her seventh month.

The 23-year-old model hid her position for a long time, posting old photos or close-ups on Instagram. But the secret of Anastasia was revealed by the singer Hannah – publicly declared that soon the beauty would need a baby carriage. It was pointless to hide anything here.

After the girl admitted that she was expecting a child, life became easier – Anastasia tells how her pregnancy goes, what she has to give up, and how her life has changed in general.

Moreover, the model does not hesitate to answer even very personal questions. Here, for example, she posted on her Instagram page a snapshot in a short champagne silk dress.

Under this photo, one of the fans asked a provocative question: “How many kilograms did you gain, ice cream?” To which Reshetova herself replied: “8 – 9 kg approximately.” By the way, for such a period – a completely normal rate of weight gain.

Recall that Anastasia has been dating Timati since 2015. However, young people still have not registered their relationship, despite the imminent birth of a baby.

It is known that Reshetova will become a mother in September. She plans to give birth at home – in one of the Moscow clinics.

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