Sometimes a week flies by like one day, and sometimes it stretches like rubber. But here it is, the long-awaited day off. You can finally devote the day to yourself. Meet your friend, go to the movies and treat yourself to something delicious. The main thing is not to overdo it. After all, extra pounds will not keep you waiting. How to find a middle ground? How to pamper yourself, and what to refuse? Keeping an eye on the stars in our new section “My Healthy Weekend”. Actress Anastasia Makeeva told us about her right day.
My typical day is on the run and filming. But sometimes I have a day for myself, like it was yesterday! For breakfast, as always, I drank carrot juice with cream. He gives me vigor and energy. It’s also a great way to get the right amount of vitamins. Then I ate cheesecakes – I adore them, most often I cook them for breakfast.
After breakfast I walked my Pomeranian children. I have three of them. We went with them to the park next to the house and enjoyed the clean air for about half an hour.
Then I took the bike and rode in the park for another two hours, but without the dogs. Hungry, I returned home and ate a steak with vegetable salad for lunch. In this case, greens and lettuce leaves should be the overwhelming majority.