Analysis of feces for helminth eggs is the fastest and easiest way to detect parasites in the human intestine. The fast pace of modern life often leads to an increase in intestinal parasite infections. Moreover, even a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition do not always guarantee the absence of helminths in the body.
In order to timely detect the presence of helminthic invasion, it is necessary to periodically undergo examinations, one of which is the analysis of feces for worm eggs, which is carried out three times. How to properly collect material for analysis, how to prepare for this study, what this analysis is, as well as answers to many other questions can be found in the following article.
Why is this analysis necessary?
Helminths or worms are parasitic worms whose habitat is the body of animals, humans or plants. Accordingly, helminthiasis is an infection of the body with parasitic worms. Such a disease significantly weakens the human immune system, exacerbates the symptoms and course of an existing disease, negatively affects the nervous system, as well as the development of the child.
Worms significantly reduce the effectiveness of various vaccines, increase the growth of pathogenic microflora in the intestines and cause significant harm to the human body with their decay products.
Parasites have a particularly negative effect on the body of women during pregnancy. Their presence enhances the phenomena of toxicosis, interferes with the complete absorption of vitamins, and significantly weakens the body.
In men, parasites also contribute to the development of various pathological processes, but their body is two times less susceptible to infection with worms than women.
Infection of the elderly, immunocompromised people and children is more severe and often leads to unpleasant and serious complications.
It is in order to identify the presence of various parasites in the human intestines that an analysis for helminth eggs is prescribed. Such a study makes it possible to identify various types of parasites: ascaris, pinworms, tapeworms, schistosomes, whipworms and other helminths. However, you should know that this analysis is effective only for worms that live in the human intestine or stomach. Moreover, it is rarely possible to achieve the desired result the first time, so such an analysis must be carried out three times. Other parasites can be detected with a blood test for helminths.
When to get tested
A referral for a scatological examination for helminth eggs is mandatory issued by a local pediatrician or family doctor in such cases:
- when visiting a public pool or sports sections;
- when issuing medical books;
- before registering a child in a kindergarten or school;
- upon admission to the hospital.
The analysis results are valid for ten days. At the same time, this study must be taken quite seriously, since there is no guarantee in the absence of infection with parasites.
Typically, such an examination is scheduled in a planned manner in pediatric practice. An analysis in both children and adults is necessary if there are cats or dogs in the house, work activities associated with prolonged and frequent contact with animals, and suspicion of helminthiasis.
This analysis is also prescribed for the following negative symptoms:
- frequent disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: constipation or diarrhea;
- a significant decrease in body weight;
- increased flatulence;
- frequent occurrence of SARS;
- frequent and painful urination;
- severe itching in the anus;
- increased fatigue;
- allergic reactions.
Indications for the study are also problems with the cardiovascular system, liver, brain, lymph nodes and bladder.
Rules for collecting material for analysis
The material for research must be collected in a special sterile container, preferably in the morning, immediately after waking up. Certain inconveniences are associated with the collection of feces from young children. If the child cannot empty the bowels in the morning, it is necessary to collect the material the night before and store it in the refrigerator.
In order for the analyzes to give the most accurate result, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules when collecting material:
- Collect feces in a sterile container.
- It is necessary to transfer the material with a clean stick.
- The use of rectal suppositories, laxatives and enemas on the eve of the study is prohibited.
- It is necessary to exclude the ingress of urine into the material.
- Feces should be stored in a hermetically sealed refrigerator.
- Taking material into cardboard containers or polyethylene is strictly prohibited.
- You can collect feces from the surface of the diaper.
For research on enterobiosis, it is necessary to analyze scrapings from the anus. The study of feces in such cases will not give anything.
Preparation and conduct of the study
Preparation for this study includes:
- exclusion of laxatives and the introduction of rectal suppositories;
- the abolition of drugs that can affect the color of feces or intestinal motility.
All this must be done seventy-two hours before the start of the study.
The collected material is being studied in specialized laboratories. The laboratory assistant prepares a smear from the provided material, carefully examines it under a microscope. As a result, both adults and their eggs and larvae are found.
The norm when deciphering such analyzes is a negative result, which indicates the absence of parasites in the human body. Approximate time for the analysis is six days from the delivery of the material.
In some cases, a very small number of helminths is diagnosed and then the analysis is repeated to confirm a possible positive result. With a positive result, the analysis form indicates those pathogens of helminthiasis that have been identified.
In conclusion
The analysis of feces for helminth eggs reveals many known parasites that live in the human gastrointestinal tract, which the patient may not even be aware of. However, helminths cause various diseases, especially severe in children and elderly patients. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically do such a study to make sure that there are no helminths, their larvae or eggs in the body and protect yourself from possible serious complications.
- Sources of
- Severin M. V., Ponomarev D. N., Borzunov V. M., Tretyakova T. B. Diagnostic methods for the most common protozooses and helminthiases. – Yekaterinburg, 1996 – 71 p.