Demodicosis is an inflammatory disease of the skin of the eyelids and face, which is caused by a special type of mite. The tick (demodex) penetrates the skin and lives in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. The disease is very common, since the tick survives in any climatic conditions, and about 5% of the entire population of the planet is infected with it. Most often, demodicosis is observed in people over 50 years old, since the work of the sebaceous glands is favorable for ticks.
Demodicosis develops for various reasons, including: abuse of fatty, salty, sweet, pickled foods; intoxication of the whole organism, etc. It is important to contact a dermatologist in a timely manner and take an analysis of eyelashes for demodicosis. If you do not determine it in time, the disease will progress, as a result, a number of uncomfortable and aesthetic disorders will develop. If the disease is not treated, it can move from the skin of the face to other parts of the body. How to correctly determine the presence of demodicosis? When should you go to the doctor?
It is difficult to determine the presence of demodicosis on your own at home. Most often, women with fair skin are subjected to the disease. Only a medical examination will help to recognize the presence of the disease. Most often, dermatologists prescribe laboratory diagnostics of eyelashes and skin, during which the count is carried out: eggs, adults, nymphs and larvae.
A dermatologist should determine the presence of the disease. It is necessary to consult a doctor if such symptoms are visualized as: profuse acne; itching, peeling, redness; increased greasiness of the skin; earthy gray complexion; itching of the ears; feeling of crawling under the skin. An indicator of the presence of the disease is also the loss of eyelashes, an allergic reaction to mascara and other cosmetic products. Mite Demodex folliculorum – hair mite, lives mainly in hair follicles, has a short form. The doctor, after a thorough examination, writes out a referral for a study on demodicosis.
Scraping allows you to determine the presence, variety and number of parasites in one cell. It is the results of scraping that allow the doctor to choose the most effective treatment. It should be noted that the analysis from eyelashes will be the most effective during the period of determining the presence of demodex, in the hair follicles their accumulation can be maximum.
Important points for the procedure
Before scraping, you need to properly prepare. A week before the analysis, it is important not to use alkaline facial skin care products: gels, lotions and cleansers. It is also necessary to abandon any decorative cosmetics. Wash only with plain water at room temperature. Scraping is taken from:
- eyelashes;
- eyebrows
- cheeks;
- forehead.
The analysis of eyelashes for demodex is carried out as follows: the doctor takes 4 eyelashes from each eye for analysis from each eyelid (from the upper and lower eyelashes, a total of 16 eyelashes), always with hair follicles. After placing the hairs in a special alkaline solution, which is based on glycerin. Further studies are carried out under a special powerful microscope. Step-by-step course of the procedure: scraping is completely painless, it only causes slight discomfort, you should be prepared that the doctor can pierce one pimple for analysis; all materials for research (except for eyelashes) are placed on glass with a drop of alkaline-glycerin solution; the analysis is carried out immediately and within a few hours the result will be known.
Interpretation of results
The results are considered positive if either the eggs of the tick or the ticks themselves were found in the collected materials. If only egg shells were visualized, the analysis is repeated.
The detected individual of the tick must be correctly identified, more precisely, its species must be determined. The algorithm for further treatment depends on whether the tick is long or short.
It is recommended to carry out the analysis in the first half of the day, preferably in the morning, as ticks are afraid of direct sunlight and hide.
Demodex tests can be taken at any laboratory, both public and private. The study is included in the list of services of almost all laboratories of the modern type. It is not necessary to take a referral from a dermatologist, only the patient’s desire is taken into account. In public institutions, the analysis can be taken completely free of charge, subject to the provision of a referral from a doctor. And in private clinics, the price may vary. Detailed information about the price of the analysis can be found on the laboratory website or by phone. We can only say that the cost is purely symbolic.
When choosing a diagnostic center, it is necessary to take into account the quality of the services provided and the professionalism of the employees, and it also does not hurt to read reviews from real customers. Remember, the procedure must be carried out in completely sterile conditions, since an infection can be introduced through the skin and significantly aggravate the condition.
Ophthalmodemodecosis – demodicosis of the eye
The subcutaneous mite can cause specific eye damage – keratitis and episcleritis, blepharoconjunctivitis, demodicosis blepharitis. Demodicosis of the eye can occur both separately and in combination with demodicosis of the skin. The main indicator of the presence of the disease is: loss of eyelashes, frequent formation of barley, the formation of mucus in the conjunctival cavity, a large number of scales form at the roots of the eyelashes, swelling of the eyelids, itching, eye fatigue.
Most often, the disease occurs in women aged twenty to forty years. Treating the disease is difficult and lengthy, so you need to be patient.
If a disease is detected, the doctor prescribes at least a two-month course of treatment, during which the following actions must be performed: give up feather pillows, knitted or terry products; change the pillowcase on the pillow every day; sleep only on your back; wash bedding at high temperatures, after which it must be ironed; forget about cosmetics; throw away all cosmetic brushes, sponges, mascara, eyeliner, shadows, etc.; at the time of treatment, completely abandon any cosmetics, except for moisturizing creams (all drugs that will be used for treatment dry the skin). Yes, you have to be patient, but the result is worth it.