  • Thinking and mind

Mind is the ability to think, to find a solution to life’s problems. Thinking is one of the premises of the mind. See →

  • Think and think

As a rule, these terms are used as synonyms, but there seems to be a difference between them. See →

  • Thinking and perception

Perception creates images, thinking clothes images in words and formulations. See →

  • Thinking and emotionality

The thinking of an emotional person has its own characteristics. See →

  • Thinking and language

Thinking develops, including through the development of language. See →

  • Thinking and Speaking in Inner Speech

In a complex, confusing situation, pronunciation of the available data in inner speech helps thinking (it is called thinking out loud). In simple situations worked out for thinking, pronunciation in inner speech slows down thinking. Everyone who masters speed reading is taught to turn off the pronunciation of the text in inner speech, and this does not eliminate or spoil thinking in any way.

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