Anafalis (Anaphalis) is a genus of herbaceous perennial plants from the Astrov family, including several species and many varieties. Such flowers are often used for landscaping and decorating home gardens. Different varieties of anafalis are resistant to cold and drought. This explains the popularity of the plant among gardeners.

Description of anafalis

It is an upright, fast growing shrub. Unlike many other flowering perennials, anafalis has a strong and deep root system. Thanks to this, the shrub receives more nutrients and moisture from the soil, which, in turn, provides resistance to droughts.

The average plant height is 30-40 cm. Some varieties reach a height of 80-100 cm. Plants need a garter or auxiliary support. Anafalis has thin single stems that can break under the weight of the flower stalks.

The erect shoots are covered with small white hairs. Due to this, the plant appears silvery or white. On the stems there are a large number of elongated feather-like leaves resembling stripes. Sometimes they grow in bunches of 3-5 pieces.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

The plant is very resistant to weeds.

Almost all plant varieties are characterized by long flowering. It starts in July or August and lasts 2-2,5 months.

During this period, large corymbose inflorescences appear on the plant, formed from numerous flowers in the form of baskets. The color depends on the variety and variety. Most anafalis have flowers with white petals.

Important! The duration and intensity of flowering is not affected by the weather and growing conditions. Anafalis retain their decorative effect until late autumn.

Properly planted shrubs can withstand temperatures down to -34 degrees. Therefore, they are suitable for cultivation in almost any climatic zones of the Federation.

Description of the plant:

Flowerbed with silver and white Anafalis flowers

Types and varieties of anafalis

The plant has been cultivated for over two hundred years. There are several main types, each of which includes many varieties. Below are the most common in Our Country.

Anafalis three-veined

Herbaceous perennial, naturally growing in the Himalayas. Three-veined anaphalis (Anaphalis triplinervis) up to 50 cm high. Erect shrub, with a large number of elongated leaves.

The plant is covered with silver hairs. Because of this, it appears gray.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

Flowering of anafalis trivein begins at the end of June and lasts until mid-September

Main varieties:

  1. Summer snow (Sommerschnee).
  2. Silver Wave.
  3. Silver rain (Silberregen).
  4. Prunes (Snoeien).
  5. Winter (Winter).

In the photo of the triangular anafalis, it is noticeable that the round-shaped flowers gather in abundant inflorescences. This variety has a high growth rate. During the season, three-leaf anafalis is recommended to be cut twice.

Anafalis pearl

It is considered the most common type. Anafalis pearl (Anaphalis margaritacea) – undersized shrub up to 40 cm in height. The plant has fragile stems that dry out in the summer season. Shoots and leaves are gray with a slight blue tint.

Blooms for an average of 2 months. Thyroid-shaped baskets are formed on the stems. They consist of numerous flowers up to 1 cm in diameter.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

For planting recommended areas located in partial shade

Main varieties:

  1. Fresh snow (Neuschnee).
  2. Pearly Everlasting.
Important! The roots of pearl anafalis grow rapidly and harm other plants. Their growth is hindered by slate, brick or metal plates buried in the soil.

The presented variety of anafalis can be grown on any type of soil. The only important requirement is the presence of drainage to drain excess fluid.

Anafalis Nepalese

A dwarf variety that usually does not grow taller than 30 cm. Nepalese anafalis (Anaphalis nepalensis) is often used as a groundcover. Shoots on shrubs grow to the sides. At the same time, the stems are located close to each other, due to which the foliage seems thicker.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

Nepalese anafalis have 2 types of leaves – basal and stem

This variety is considered late. Flowering begins in late summer and lasts until mid-autumn. A distinctive feature of this species is one-color buds.

Nepalese perennial anafalis are found in nature in the mountains at an altitude of up to 5000 m. This explains the resistance of this plant to cold, winds and abundant sunlight.

Anafalis velvety

It is a dwarf shrub up to 35 cm high. Velvety anafalis (Anaphalis velutina) has larger flowers compared to other species. Their diameter reaches 2 cm.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

Velvety anafalis grow well on stony soils.

An upright shrub with many stems and leaves. The shoots tend to become woody, which occurs in summer. The decorativeness of the plant is preserved until the end of September.

Anafalis alpine

Groundcover low growing shrub. Also called alpine anafalis (Anaphalis alpicola).

During the flowering period, flower stalks up to 40 cm high appear on the bushes. A basket is formed on each, consisting of small white or gray flowers.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

The plant has a unique shape of basal leaves.

Shrub silver gray. Due to the thick pile, liquid is retained on the shoots and leaves, and they acquire a bright sheen.

Alpine anafalis grow slowly. However, they tolerate cold, lack of moisture and strong winds well. They can be planted on poor soils.

Anafalis in landscape design

There are a lot of options for using such a shrub for decorative purposes. Usually anafalis are planted in groups for landscaping, zoning and decorating green borders. The plant is well suited for planting in rockeries and alpine slides.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

Anafalis is considered compact, therefore suitable for any area

In mixborders, anafalis is planted mainly with annual plants. Undersized colors of red or blue are best suited, which contrast well against the background of white and gray foliage. Anafalis perfectly complement the compositions using conifers and low-growing deciduous shrubs.

It grows well in rocky soils. Therefore, it is often planted near artificial reservoirs and decorative garden buildings.

Features of reproduction

The plant tolerates the division of the bush well. The procedure is carried out in spring or autumn after flowering. The entire bush is removed from the soil, several shoots with roots are separated from the plant, which are planted in a new place. For reproduction, bushes are used, the age of which has reached 3 years.

Important! For “delenok” wells are pre-prepared. They are positioned so that after planting the plant is not exposed to weathering.

“Delenki” are sometimes planted in pots or flowerpots. Plants adapt, leave for the winter in a cool room and periodically ventilate. Landing in open ground is carried out in the spring.

How to grow anafalis from seeds

A perennial shrub is rarely planted by seedlings. For this purpose, high-quality healthy seeds are required. In order for them to germinate, certain conditions must be maintained.

When to plant

To find out the sowing time, you must first determine the expected date of planting in open ground. Seedlings begin to grow in 1,5-2 months. This is enough to germinate the material and get healthy and strong seedlings.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

Seeds can be collected independently only after the plant has faded.

When growing anafalis from seeds, it is better to plant at the end of winter. This will harden the plant, making it more resistant to adverse factors. Sowing can be carried out in mid – late February or early March, to plant seedlings in open ground in April.

Preparation of containers and soil

For sowing seeds, seedling cassettes, peat tablets or small glasses are used. Plastic containers with drainage holes, pots and cut bottles are acceptable.

Important! To make the seedlings stronger, the seeds are soaked in a growth stimulator.

For the plant, nutritious loose soil from peat and river sand is recommended. It must be sufficiently moist and free from large solid particles.

Seeding algorithm

The method of planting seeds is simple. It is enough to follow a short instruction.

Planting steps:

  1. Fill the container with soil mixture.
  2. Soak the seeds of the plant in a growth stimulator for 10 hours.
  3. Spray the soil with a spray bottle.
  4. Scatter the seeds on the surface of the soil at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other.
  5. Close the container with a film and leave it in a room at a temperature of 16 degrees.

If the soil is taken from an open area, it should be sterilized. This eliminates the risk of infection or pest larvae that can cause irreparable damage to young plants. The soil is placed in the oven for 4-6 hours at a temperature of 80 degrees.

Seeds after sowing do not need to be covered with earth. After germination, the root system itself deepens into the soil.

Growing seedlings of anafalis

No specific seedling care is required. The container with seedlings should be kept on a windowsill or other place well lit by the sun. The film is removed 7-8 days after seed germination. Before that, they need to be ventilated daily.

Seedlings are watered as the soil dries out. Picking the plant after seed germination is not required. When they get stronger, they are immediately transplanted into open ground. Stratification is also not required.

Planting and caring for anafalis in the open field

This perennial is known for its unpretentiousness. It can be successfully grown in any conditions. Therefore, planting and caring for anafalis flower comes down to a set of simple activities.

Recommended dates

When growing by seedling method, spring planting is the best option. Then it is easier for the plant to adapt to new conditions. The bush has time to take root and later endure the winter.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

Anafalis can bloom even in the first year after moving to open ground

Autumn planting of a plant is preferable when planting large seedlings or “delenok”. They must be placed in open ground after flowering. In this case, the buds must be removed to stimulate the growth of the roots.

Site selection and soil preparation

For anafalis, areas located in partial shade are best suited. However, the plant also develops well in sunlit places. It is desirable that there is no stagnation of air in the area. The presence of drafts in this case is a plus.

Most varieties of anafalis are not demanding on the composition of the soil. It shouldn’t be too dry. Acidity is neutral.

Important! Anafalis can be harmed by fluid stagnation in the roots. Therefore, it is recommended to make a drainage layer.

Anafalis perennial does not require a lot of nutrients. Planting in sandy and loamy soils is allowed, provided that they are sufficiently loose.


Anafalis should be planted in the soil in accordance with the general technology. Then the flower fully adapts to the open ground.

Main steps:

  1. Prepare a planting hole 25-30 cm deep.
  2. Place drainage layers of expanded clay, crushed stone or pebbles.
  3. Sprinkle with fresh loose soil.
  4. Place the seedling in the hole, directing the roots to the sides.
  5. Cover with soil so that the upper roots are at a depth of 4-5 cm.
  6. Spill the surface soil with water.

If it is necessary to limit the growth of roots, a sheet of slate should be placed at the bottom of the pit and along the walls. Brick, stone and wood are also used for these purposes.

Watering and fertilizing schedule

For anafalis, moisture deficiency is not detrimental. The shrub tolerates drought well. Regular watering is required during the flowering period, as well as to prevent premature drying of the stems. Under each bush contribute 5-10 liters of liquid, depending on the size.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

For regular abundant growth, the plant does not require top dressing.

The application of fertilizers to the soil is reflected in the growth rate of the roots of anafalis, and at the same time does not affect the size of the bush itself. Therefore, there is no need for organic and mineral supplements. An exception is when anafalis are planted next to other plants that are more demanding on the composition of the soil.

Loosening and mulching

Anafalis roots need space. In order for them to grow normally underground, it is required to periodically loosen the soil. The procedure is carried out as it compacts, which is especially important after heavy precipitation or regular watering of the plant. In summer, soil loosening is carried out 2 times a month.

Soil mulching is carried out during the dry period. Moisture-retaining material is introduced into the soil by 6-8 cm. Bark, straw, peat or compost are used as mulch.


Shearing is required for both large and undersized plants. The first is recommended to be carried out 2-3 weeks before flowering. Shoots are cut from the bushes, on which there are no buds. In the future, this stimulates the growth of peduncles and contributes to a more abundant flowering of the plant.

The second pruning is designed to prepare the bushes for wintering. With anafalis, first wilted flower baskets are cut, then stem shoots to the ground. They are left 3-4 cm from the surface, which can be covered for the winter with spruce branches or dry foliage to protect them from freezing.

Diseases and pests

Anafalis does not require protection from infections or insects. The plant is not affected by bacteria and fungi. Diseases develop extremely rarely, usually due to excessive watering. Excess fluid contributes to the decay of the roots of the plant, which leads to the wilting of the bush. To prevent such a pathology, it is enough to observe the irrigation regime and make a drainage layer during planting.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

Anafalis is resistant to diseases and pests, if the soil is not waterlogged

Almost all varieties of anafalis exude a specific smell that is almost imperceptible to the human sense of smell. This fragrance is harmless, but it repels insects. Therefore, the perennial is not affected by pests that can cause significant damage.

Medicinal properties of anafalis

This plant was previously used for medicinal rather than ornamental purposes. Anafalis pearl, which is used in the manufacture of medicines in combination with other plant components, has the greatest benefit.

The above-ground part of the plant – leaves and flowers – has healing properties. By distillation or steam distillation, a concentrated extract is obtained from them.

It has the following properties:

  • expectorant;
  • hemostatic;
  • vasoconstrictor;
  • antiseptic;
  • astringent.

Such properties are explained by the content of rosafuran in the composition of the anafalis extract. Preparations with this substance are used for numerous diseases.

Plant application

Due to their unique properties, anafalis varieties are used for various purposes. The most common area of ​​​​application, in addition to decorative, is medicine. Anafalis is also used in cosmetology and floristry.

In folk medicine

Dried flowers and leaves of the shrub are actively used for medicinal purposes. The material can be prepared with your own hands, collecting it from a plant, or purchased at a pharmacy. With self-harvesting, the collection is carried out during flowering.

The most common variant of the drug is the infusion of anafalis. To prepare 2 tablespoons of dried flowers and leaves pour 300 ml of boiling water. The mixture is infused for 2-3 hours.

The resulting liquid is used for:

  • washing wounds, burns, cuts;
  • muscle recovery after stretching;
  • treatment of acne, acne;
  • anesthesia and removal of edema on the background of injuries, damage to tendons, ligaments;
  • for lotions with fungal forms of lichen;
  • for compresses for headaches, arthritis, rheumatism.

The infusion can also be used internally. At the same time, it is diluted with water 1 to 1. Oral administration is indicated for numerous diseases.

Among them:

  • diarrhea;
  • bronchopulmonary diseases accompanied by cough;
  • insomnia;
  • nervous tension, stress, as a sedative;
  • headache;
  • muscle neuralgia.

As a folk remedy, essential oil is obtained from anafalis. It is used for steam inhalation in diseases of the respiratory system.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

Anafalis oil is often used for massage treatments.

It is necessary to take into account possible contraindications and limitations of folk remedies. Before using anafalis for medicinal purposes, you should consult your doctor.

In cosmetology

The effectiveness of anafalis pearl in various skin diseases has been scientifically confirmed. Therefore, plant extract is often added to cosmetics.

At home, you can prepare a concentrated infusion. It is used to wipe problem areas of the skin. It is advisable to prepare an infusion of anafalis for pathologies caused by a bacterial or fungal infection. For preventive purposes, it is used as a cleanser.

In floristry

Numerous photos and descriptions of the anafalis flower indicate that such a plant is actively used to create bouquets that decorate rooms. Moreover, both fresh and dried specimens perform a decorative function.

Anafalis flower: photo and description, growing from seeds

Dried anafalis – a popular dried flower plant

Flowers are used for compositions in combination with other plants. Also anafalis can be cut and put without addition. They remain decorative for a long time and look good even after drying. Therefore, bouquets of them will complement any interior well.


Anafalis is a perennial plant with winter hardiness, low sensitivity to drought and excellent decorative qualities. There are many varieties that differ in the size of the bush. In landscape design, both tall and dwarf anafalis species are used. The flower is unpretentious and grows well in any conditions.

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