Anabolic complexes

Lift more weight, eat lots of protein, get bigger muscles. It’s simple, isn’t it? Unfortunately no. With any load, sooner or later you will have to face the plateau effect. And sports supplements can prevent this. But if someone hastened to think that sports supplements are such a miracle cure, from which muscles grow on their own, then we are in a hurry to disappoint. Sportspit without training until the seventh sweat will not work. Yes, and before you rush to the store and pay a lot of money for sports nutrition, it is important to first sign up for a gym and, together with a trainer, develop an effective training program.

What you need to know about muscles

There are two types of muscle fibers in the human body. Fibers of the first type, they are also red, oxidative or slow, help the athlete perform endurance exercises. Fibers of the second type (also known as fast, white or glycolytic) are larger, responsible for the strength and strength of the muscles during strength training. Well-developed type XNUMX muscles are important in sports such as bodybuilding, powerlifting, weightlifting, martial arts, and sprinting.

In order to cause the growth of cells of the second type, paradoxically, it is necessary to damage them. And this is done through intense power loads. But the growth process also requires satellite cells, which are located on the outside of the muscle. Under normal conditions, satellite cells are dormant. But after strength exercises, when the fibers are injured, the cells begin to multiply rapidly, and then go to the damaged areas and “heal” them, restoring microtraumas. Subsequently, stronger and larger muscles develop.

This is what the natural process looks like. But scientists have developed special supplements that make muscle tissue growth more noticeable and not so slow. We are talking about anabolic drugs that accelerate the growth of muscle tissue, affecting the nutritional, hormonal and energy systems of the body.

What are anabolic complexes

Anabolic complexes are all sports supplements that contribute to a set of muscle mass. There is controversy regarding the effectiveness of these supplements. Some athletes cannot imagine effective training without anabolics, others believe that these supplements are nothing more than a publicity stunt. Why such skepticism? This is because in the sports nutrition market, in addition to high-quality drugs, dummies regularly appear, which contain nothing that could accelerate muscle growth. It is clear that such additions will not give any result. Hence the disappointment.

On the other hand, some nutritionists added fuel to the fire of controversy, who recalled that all food consumed by a person has anabolic abilities. So why pay more?

Who is right in this dispute, it is difficult to say for sure. But in order to draw final conclusions: whether to buy anabolics or not, it is important to understand what substances are included in this complex and what biochemical properties they have.

What are anabolic complexes made of?

So, the main question is: “What actually lies under the general name of” anabolic complex “?”. And if someone thinks that he will now read one or two names of known (or unknown) substances, then he is deeply mistaken.

In anabolic complexes, as a rule, additives from different groups are combined. The composition of the complexes usually includes:

  • protein supplements;
  • amino acids;
  • creatine;
  • multivitamins;
  • antioxidants;
  • essential fatty acids.

And, by the way, these are the safest substances for gaining muscle mass.

In addition to these substances, the list of ingredients of the anabolic complex may include hormonal drugs:

  • steroids;
  • a growth hormone.

These substances are considered less safe, and not all athletes are at risk of “addicting” to hormonal supplements. And among the so-called neutral components of anabolic complexes, caffeine and extracts of some plants are most often called. And now – in more detail about these components.

Protein Supplements

Protein is, without a doubt, the best supplement for building muscle mass. Without this component, you cannot create beautiful muscles. Protein is essentially a complex of amino acids. And amino acids are the building blocks for muscles. Without a sufficient amount of protein, the body is not able to develop, muscle atrophy begins.

And although almost all foods contain protein in one concentration or another, for athletes the most useful (and most often included in supplements) are whey, egg, milk and soy proteins. They differ in composition, nutritional value and, most importantly for athletes, the rate of absorption by the body. Whey is the fastest acting protein (it takes less than 2 hours for the body to digest) while casein is the slowest to be absorbed by the body (about 7 hours to digest).

Whey Protein

Whey protein supplements are the most popular and well researched. Whey protein is derived from dairy products, but lactose-free or almost free. This supplement provides a full spectrum of amino acids, including essential and non-essential. For effective muscle growth, this fast-acting protein is best taken 10-15 minutes after strength training.


Casein is not a bad muscle-building substance, but it works differently than whey protein. Like whey protein, micellar casein protein is an undenatured protein also found in milk. But casein is digested much more slowly. It is best to consume it before noon (for a stable supply of amino acids to the body) and before bedtime (when the most active muscle recovery processes occur).

Soy protein

Soy protein is obtained exclusively from plant sources. This protein belongs to the group of proteins with an average digestion rate. Best suited for vegetarians. The advantage of this type of protein is a high concentration of arginine and glutamine. Meanwhile, vegetable proteins for bodybuilders are not the most useful. Some research suggests that soy protein can lower testosterone levels, one of the most important muscle-building hormones.

Egg white

Egg whites in the form of a sports supplement are usually dehydrated whites (sometimes with yolks) in powder form. Boiled egg whites are an alternative.

Protein supplements are extremely important for bodybuilders. Studies have proven the effectiveness of protein shakes after workouts. With this menu, muscle tissue increases in size much faster.

But even a well-balanced diet often does not contain the amount of protein necessary for athletes. The richest sources of protein are chicken fillet, beef steaks, eggs, beans, milk. But if the daily protein intake (for bodybuilders, this is about 1 g per 500 g of body weight) was not obtained from food, you should pay attention to anabolic complexes containing protein.

Amino acids

Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) are the most commonly found in anabolic complexes. The combination of leucine, isoleucine and valine is important because these substances are not metabolized in the liver, but in the muscles. Thus, BCAAs are used by the body to create new protein or as energy.

Branched chain amino acids have been scientifically proven to aid in muscle building.


Creatine, as a revolutionary supplement with anabolic properties, was first talked about about 15 years ago. Today it is the best-selling sports supplement. It is a combination of three amino acids: arginine, glycine and methionine. Although creatine can be obtained from food (the best source is red meat), but bodybuilders need additional servings of the substance. Scientific experiments have shown that creatine is able to retain fluid in muscle cells, increasing their size.

In anabolic complexes, creatine can be present in different forms. The most popular are creatine monohydrate and creatine ethyl ester. Creatine Monohydrate is the leading bodybuilding supplement. It is absolutely safe, available and without side effects. Athletes need it as a source of energy. The usual dose of the substance is 5 g per day, in the loading phase – 10-20 g per day. Creatine ethyl ester is a creatine molecule attached to an ester group. It has a similar effect as the monohydrate, but is used in smaller doses (1-2 g).


While the “anabolic window” is open (and this is within about two hours after strength training), it is important to drink a portion of a quality gainer. This is an effective and safe way to increase muscle mass. What’s the secret? The fact is that while the “window of opportunity” is open, the BJU received by the body goes into the muscles, and not into the cells of other types of tissues, and is also not deposited in the form of subcutaneous fat.


Everyone needs vitamins and minerals, especially bodybuilders. The body of athletes is prone to a more active loss of vitamins and minerals. By themselves, multivitamins will not accelerate muscle growth, but with beriberi, you should not count on the formation of a beautiful relief either. Without the necessary minerals and vitamins, the body is not able to perform at its full potential, and an exhausted body takes longer to recover.

But experienced athletes do not advise buying expensive sports supplements solely for the sake of multivitamins. In any pharmacy, you can buy multivitamin preparations at a more affordable price than sports nutrition.


These are substances that absorb free radicals – compounds dangerous to the body. Oxidation caused by free radicals can cause serious damage to the body and cause many diseases. A painful condition, as you know, is the main obstacle to regular exercise in the gym.


A huge number of these antioxidant substances are found in green tea and juices. Although for bodybuilders, pills can become an additional source. One of the most powerful polyphenols is resveratrol, found in grapes and red wine.

Vitamin C and E

These vitamins also have powerful antioxidant properties. In addition, they perform other equally important functions in the bodybuilder’s body. Although they cannot be called components that directly affect muscle growth.


Another group of antioxidants. Large quantities are found in vegetables. And in anabolic complexes are presented in the form of vitamin A.

Essential fatty acids

The essential fatty acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 are found mainly in fish, seafood, seeds (largest in flax seeds) and nuts. Omega-3 fatty acids are the most important, and they are not as common in food (usually only in fish). Also speaking of the fatty acids that make up anabolic complexes, one cannot help but recall alpha-linoleic (found in flax seeds), eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic (both found in seafood). The importance of these substances for weight gain has already been scientifically proven. As a rule, polyunsaturated fatty acids are included in most anabolic complexes. If these substances are not in the composition of the supplement for muscle growth, fish oil capsules are suitable as a supplement.

Hormonal anabolics

Yes, we can say that these are the strongest and fastest acting substances. The result of the use of hormonal drugs for muscle growth will be noticeable fairly quickly. But the price for such an impressive result can also be very high. And now it’s not about money at all (although the cost of these supplements is also high). Misuse or abuse of hormonal anabolics can have consequences ranging from serious health problems to disability and even death.


Steroids are considered unsafe muscle building supplements. Anabolic steroids have a large number of side effects, including aggressiveness, acne. Yes, drugs containing steroids give faster results. But a “quick result” is, as a rule, a big risk for the body. And tendons and ligaments are usually the first to suffer, which do not have time to “adjust” to the increased muscles.

In addition, it is important to understand that steroids are the so-called muscle growth accelerators. What does it mean? Only that taking steroids is possible (or, better to say, it is permissible) only in the case when this same muscle growth is already observed. If muscle tissue does not grow, there is no properly designed strength training, then taking steroids will be dangerous.

And further. Professional weightlifters advise beginners to start by learning how to build muscle without “chemistry”. If a beginner is not able to achieve results without “helpers”, then steroids will not help him either. This is not a magic pill, but an amplifier of already existing results.

growth hormones

Any hormonal supplements carry with them a potential danger to the body. The effect of them resembles the effects of steroids. Many weightlifters who care about their health do not accept the use of anabolics containing growth hormone.


This supplement can be seen in the composition of many anabolic complexes. But there is an opinion that it does not make the anabolic either the worst or the best. This substance has the properties of energy. As part of a pre-workout complex, caffeine provides additional energy for exercise. However, you should not take caffeine-containing anabolics in the evening, as they disrupt sleep. The daily dosage of caffeine should not exceed 400 mg, which corresponds to 4 cups of coffee. It is important to treat anabolic caffeine complexes with caution for people with hypertension and other heart diseases.

Best Anabolic Supplements

The most popular supplements used by bodybuilders as anabolic complexes were named above. But among them there is a top list of substances, the intake of which gives the most powerful effect. What are these substances and why do athletes choose them?


Yes, and again we are talking about this supplement. The thing is, creatine is actually a key ingredient for bodybuilders. This supplement is loved by both professional powerlifters and beginner weightlifters. Regardless of the level of physical fitness or “experience” in the gym, creatine always gives the expected result in the form of a beautiful relief.


Even people who are far from weightlifting know that the diet of any bodybuilder always contains poultry meat. And all because this particular product is extremely rich in the amino acid beta-alanine. Without delving into all the biochemical processes caused in the body by this amino acid, it can be said simply: this supplement increases the performance of muscles and promotes their growth.

Whey Protein

Here, perhaps, there is no need to explain much, especially since a lot has already been said above about the benefits of different types of protein, including whey.


Of the 20 amino acids, BCAAs (leucine, valine, isoleucine) are key for athletes. These are arguably the best natural ingredients to speed up muscle metabolism, repair and increase tissue. Amino acid deficiency is the fastest way to break down muscle protein.


An equally important ingredient is glutamine. This substance increases the endurance threshold, promotes longer workouts, and allows the athlete to lift heavier loads. But most importantly for bodybuilders, glutamine activates the production of growth hormone and accelerates muscle recovery.


It is a combination of zinc, magnesium and B6 designed for athletes. The main task of this supplement is to regulate testosterone levels, which increases the effectiveness of training, and muscle mass grows faster.


This herbal extract is known as a hormone booster that directly affects muscle mass and athletic performance. But the main secret of the effectiveness of tribulus is hidden in the saponins contained in the plant. To get the desired result from this supplement, it must contain at least 40% saponins.

Citrulline Malate

Considered the most underrated supplement.

Citrulline is a precursor to nitric oxide, on which oxygen delivery to the muscles depends. And this is a very important thing in terms of muscle growth, in particular pumping.

Classification of anabolic complexes

If we analyze the chemical composition of some anabolic complexes, then all of them can be divided into 3 categories:

  • food (include protein, amino acids, gainer, fatty acids, vitamin-mineral complexes);
  • vegetable (contain biologically active compounds, plant extracts that stimulate the production of testosterone);
  • hormonal (they are artificial exogenous hormones).

With food anabolics, everything is very clear. According to some bodybuilders, athletes simply must receive creatine and Omega-3 in the form of sports supplements, the rest of the components are optional (they are available with food). Adherents of this theory believe that athletes (especially beginners) can get enough protein from a serving of meat. Although no one dares to argue that drinking powder is easier and faster. But there is a minus – the powder is more expensive than meat. The same argument is made about vitamins and minerals. Omega-3, of course, can also be obtained from fish, but there is one “but”. To satisfy the needs of the body (now we are talking about bodybuilders), it will need more than just a lot. So it would be more rational to take a couple of fish oil capsules.

As for plant-based complexes, they are most often designed to stimulate the production of testosterone. But here there is a remark: if the hormonal background is within healthy limits, then the plants will not do a miracle.

Forskolin, arachidonic acid, 3,4-divanilyltetrahydrofuran (substance from stinging nettle), protodioscin, eurycoma longifolia extract, icariin, agmatine, tribulus, ecdysterone, and others are often included in such complexes. Aspartic acid, extracts of oats, hops, valerian, fenugreek, Peruvian maca and some other plant components found in anabolics have unproven or less pronounced anabolic efficacy.

And now about the group of hormonal drugs. There is an unwritten rule in the world of athletics: taking steroids is unethical. To comply with this rule or not is a personal matter for everyone. But if sport is synonymous with health for an athlete, he will not resort to “chemistry”, although at the same time “straight” bodybuilders realize that they are not rivals to “chemist” bodybuilders with their parameters.

How to use

Anabolic complexes, depending on the composition of the drugs and the goal pursued, can be taken before or after training, as well as on non-training days.

To build muscle, you can use anabolics from among the sports nutrition, combining them with products that have anabolic properties. We offer several diet options to improve muscle growth. But these are just examples, bodybuilders create more effective programs together with their trainers and nutritionists specifically for the requirements of their own body.

Anabolic Plan: Option 1


Dosage varies according to diet and body weight. For example, if a 75-kilogram man receives 100 g of protein with food, then the missing 50 g can be taken from whey. Another option is to drink 25 g of protein in the form of a protein shake before training, and another 25 g in the form of casein before bed.


The first three days of loading take 5 g of creatine mixed with liquid and plenty of dextrose. This cocktail is drunk 4 times a day. After the loading phase, take 5g of creatine with liquid approximately 30-45 minutes before training.


Take one tablet daily with breakfast.


Vitamins A, C and E are part of all multivitamins. To get other antioxidants, it is important to eat fruits, vegetables, and drink green tea during the day.


The Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Plan can be achieved by taking 1 fish oil tablet 2-3 times daily.

Sample Supplementation Schedule: Option 2

A day of training
WhenWhat to use
9:00Protein shake (1 scoop of protein powder and oatmeal) multivitamins.
  • beef (200 g);
  • protein from 3 eggs;
  • baked potato / rice
12: 00Training
After training
  • BCAA (in capsules);
  • protein shake (1 scoop) with creatine and glutamine.
  • portion of rice;
  • asparagus;
  • 300 g beef.
  • protein from 6 eggs;
  • portion of oatmeal.
  • 200 g tuna / 200 g turkey;
  • multivitamin.
21:00Protein shake (1 scoop) with oatmeal and glutamine.
Non-training days
WhenWhat to use
  • protein shake (1 scoop) with oatmeal and glutamine;
  • multivitamins;
  • BCAA.
  • Xnumx of beef;
  • protein from 4 eggs;
  • baked potato;
  • asparagus.
  • protein shake (half scoop)
  • 250 g beef.
  • rice;
  • asparagus;
  • 300 g beef.
  • protein from 6 eggs;
  • brown rice.
  • tuna (200 g) / turkey (200 g);
  • multivitamins.
  • protein shake (1 scoop) with oatmeal;
  • 2 teaspoons of peanut butter;
  • glutamine.

The scheme takes the anabolic complex: option 3

WhenThatHow many
7:00Fish fat1000 mg
Creatine2-3 g
11:30Carbohydrate protein shake1 portion
Creatine5 g
Caffeine100 mg (1 tablet)
Testosterone booster (only for persons over 35 years old)
12:30Power training45-55 minutes
13:30Protein-carbohydrate shake1 portion
Creatine5 g
Fish fat2 capsules
14:00Lunch rich in protein
16:00High protein snack or protein shake1 portion
20:00A growth hormone1 portion
Fish fat2 tablets

An example of an annual plan

Also, to improve performance, you can develop for yourself an annual plan for taking anabolic steroids. How it should look like, what supplements to include in the program – each athlete decides for himself. An example chart might look like this:

MonthTestosterone Boostersgrowth hormonesCaffeineCreatineFish fatProtein
MayTime free from all additives

instead of an epilogue

The range of modern sports nutrition offers hundreds of options for a wide variety of complexes and supplements. How to choose the best from this abundance, everyone decides for himself, and as a rule, by trial and error. But it seems that no other complex of sports supplements causes as much skepticism as anabolics. And all because unscrupulous manufacturers often under the brand name “anabolic complexes” often offer substances that have nothing to do with muscle growth.

But still, athletes have identified several products worthy of attention. Here they are:

  • HyperTEST (Axis Labs);
  • Stenandiol 3.0 (German American Technologies);
  • Axis-HT (BSN);
  • T-Bomb II (MHP);
  • T-911 (Legal Gear);
  • Animal M-Stak (Universal Nutrition);
  • Virtix (Nutrex).

Of course, it is possible to achieve the desired results without sports supplements, but this process will be slower. But you should not go in cycles in sports supplements. It is important to understand that anabolic complexes are just supplements. The main thing in the process of muscle growth is regular training, proper and balanced nutrition, as well as healthy rest, without which the muscles do not have time to recover properly.

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