Ana Asensio: «Most of the psychological alterations come from self-demand»

Ana Asensio: «Most of the psychological alterations come from self-demand»


The psychologist and doctor in Neuroscience Ana Asensio reveals the keys to calm the anxiety and stress that we live in this stage of uncertainty

Ana Asensio: «Most of the psychological alterations come from self-demand»

Demand y demand more than necessary, wanting everything to be the same at the cost of anything, fighting and arguing at home, not forgiving a single one and not forgiving ourselves, worrying excessively before something happens, ruminating on what is not under our control control, rant and complain continuously, drain our emotions from rage y frustration, neglect ourselves physically and emotionally, alter our diet and sleep and rest habits … How many of these moments have you lived in these days? We hope there have not been many because these are the more harmful behaviors (for ourselves) that can occur during this stage of uncertainty, as revealed by Ana Asensio, psychologist, doctor in Neuroscience and founder of “Positive Lives.”

In a context such as the current one (confinement and threat from coronavirus) it is important to know, as Ana Asensio argues, that “most of the psychological alterations they come from demands and self-demands ». These behaviors also lead us to feel Stress and to react impulsively and unconsciously instead of acting from the serenity, thus spoiling communication with others and adding an added problem: the stress of others and deterioration in personal relationships.

Ana Asensio’s proposal to reduce the level of stress and anxiety to which we are subjected consists of taking care of the calm, work the patience kindly and conscientiously, seek the inner peace, turn on the Trust and turn off the overexertion Well, as he clarifies, “we must know that this is something exceptional and that we must be well to be able to take good care of our own and what is happening.”

This can be done with mindfulness, mindful breaks and breaths throughout the day, slowed, gentle and positive thinking, and practicing meditation. “With daily practice we can bring a stream of calm, peace, and understanding at home even when the storm is great,” he reveals.

Some of the practical techniques in this regard are these, as detailed by the psychologist:

– The diaphragmatic breathing. Mindful breathing for 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night (or counting to 50) is very healthy.

– Practice full presence, that is to say to keep the attention in what we are doing.

– If the above is difficult for us, we can practice pure cognitive attention Performing tasks that we cannot do automatically or allow us to think many things at once, such as counting backwards two by two, doing an alphabet soup or any task that allows the brain to rest from the repetitive thoughts that damage it.

Relaxation with music, or with audio guides and try progressive muscle relaxation or visualizations that help you relax.

Exercise at home, yoga, pilates, jumping, stationary bike, dancing …

– Tasks that amuse us and make us laugh or at least make us smile: family games, series, movies …

– Learn to think positive, so that when we are stunned by our thoughts, we can have alternatives to connect with calm and peace.

– Practice the meditation to lower the speed and amount of thoughts per second in our brain.

– Develop habits through our attitude, well with healthy readings, practicing laughter and laughter (although at first it is artificial), focusing on giving thanks, watching the news the right way, practicing mindfulness techniques, living in the present, making 24-hour plans … and trusting.

Time management, unfinished business

Another aspect that the psychologist advises to take care of is the management of tiempo. A concept that at the moment has totally changed and that, depending on each situation, has had its variations (people with or without children, teleworking or not, going to work or not …). In any case, as Ana Asensio explains, routines and times have changed substantially and that has meant that we have been forced to adapt to the day to day and we have also had to do it with a greater uncertainty, which is what stands out on an emotional level in this de-escalation.

Our brain needs time to adapt to changes in routines. “It involves effort and new learning, it involves putting other machinery in motion and working on other functions and areas of the brain. It is something like when we learn to tie our shoes, to write or to drive … », details Ana Asensio.

Most of the people today affirm that they have the feeling and the certainty of Work more despite being at home (teleworking) and not spending time traveling (car or means of transport). In addition, to all this demand by the circumstances has been added (in the cases with children) the educational burden and that of the housework, which may have been solved in another way before or was not so necessary. by spending more time away from home.

Therefore, what the psychologist recommends is to adapt time management to needs, but being kind to ourselves, without overflowing or squeezing more than necessary. For this, it is usually useful, as he explains, to develop a schedule of habits and chores that also include rest and time for yourself.

A weekly agenda, the key

La organization it is now more important than ever. Put on a telework schedule, a schedule of attention to the children, taking turns with the couple if they live together or with the help of technology (if they do not live together) and signing up for everything that makes our lives easier is the key, according to Ana Asensio, who also indicates that the homework (who and when) and distraction times, whether you live alone, as a family or as a couple.

The fundamental thing, however, is to think that everything will return to normal and that the best thing is to be emotionally well and maintain an order adapted to each moment. «Plan a realistic and conscious agenda, kind to us and our circumstances is a very good option for this moment, in which every day we have to adapt to what is presented, “he explains.

Signs that I should change

The signs that tell us that something is wrong and that it is time to change are by listening to sensations, emotions and thoughts to understand the message that our mind and body are giving us.

If we are invaded by negative thoughts or do we start somatize Already having a feeling of overwhelm, muscle aches, back discomfort, stomach discomfort, sleeping problems, irritability, continuous complaints, criticism or negative thoughts, if our relationship begins to suffer, we do not have sexual desire, we eat more or of less … or even if we feel periods or anxiety crisis … It is clear that we must change so that a real circumstance like the one we live in does not affect us on a psychological level beyond normal.

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