An unusual case from life: the morning is wiser than the evening

😉 Greetings to regular readers and guests! I hope that this unusual incident from life will be of interest to you. The story is about how sometimes life itself puts everything in its place.

The consequences of a holiday romance

Galina did not notice how night fell. The landscapes outside the window had long turned into a continuous darkness, through which from time to time the meager lights of streetlights or windows of other people’s houses broke through. One of her neighbors turned off the light, and it became dark in the compartment.

The girl was sitting on a clean bed, her cheek against the cool window pane, listening to the sound of the wheels and mentally going over all sorts of versions of the story that she should tell her parents tomorrow morning. It is necessary to come up with some unusual incident from life. There must be history!

At first I wanted to think that the father of her child is in the army. Received a secret mission and disappeared. Still not responding. But then they will start asking about his parents, asking for an address. Even if she says that she is dead, the same series of logical questions will arise that she will not be able to answer.

The truth? No! Never! Her family is too conservative for such a truth. Oh Lord, if she tells her parents that she got pregnant during a holiday romance with one blue-eyed brown-haired man, whom she did not even ask for her phone number goodbye, as she left hers.

After all, she was sure that he himself would certainly find her. That this was her first real, most passionate, and possibly her only love. That she completely succumbed to her feelings and sensations, not wanting to think about the consequences, enjoying every minute spent with her beloved.

No, her parents will not forgive her for such a truth until the end of her life. It will be a big shame for their family! It’s even scary to imagine mom’s reaction. And the father? .. They raised their daughter so strictly, they believed in her decency.


A provincial fool! Maybe so. And yet she had, albeit fragile, but real happiness. And the child is the fruit of this happiness. Therefore, I did not even think about an abortion. She remembers how several of her university friends resorted to such a sin and then very much repented.

Almost every night they dreamed of unborn children with bloody eyes, as if begging for salvation. No, this is not for her.

She decided not to tell anyone until she came up with a suitable story. Or, eventually, until the belly grows. I did not tell either the head of the company, or my colleagues, or my friend Marina, with whom I had rented housing in Rostov for several years.

She smiled sadly at the darkness. Marina always scoffed at her friend, called her “old maid” as she herself, having once torn herself away from her parents, went on a spree in the city, as she said, “at full capacity”.

Galina has long since lost count of her gentlemen. Silently, she wondered how she could change men with such frivolity? How is she not disgusted with herself? ..

And here’s a surprise for you! Marina immediately understood everything, since the changes that were taking place with Galina were obvious. I asked for all the details for a long time, then “in a friendly way” invited Galya to look for “that bastard” and take her to the registry office by force.

But the girl flatly refused. She was not even sure that Maxim was the real name of the father of her child. After all, no one promised anything to anyone. They just felt good together. It was a period, an episode that he may have forgotten about. But she can’t. Never.

An unusual case from life: the morning is wiser than the evening

Neighbors in the car

She stroked her tummy gently. I felt slight tremors from within. I realized how much she loves the one who lives in her. It seemed that he was about to burst into tears from his love. Gently got up and left the compartment.

I involuntarily looked into the next door, which was open. I saw there two guys in camouflage uniforms, a bottle of vodka on the table and … crutches, which lay as a bridge between the two lower shelves.

She spun for a long time in her temporary bed, trying to find a comfortable position, but could not fall asleep. It was cramped – both for the body and for the thoughts. I couldn’t come up with a story for my parents, and the time before meeting them was inexorably shortening. The sound of wheels reminded of this, like the movement of a pendulum of a clock.

There was a fallback – the story of the rape. But this is so humiliating! They will ask why she did not immediately contact the police, did not tell them, they will start asking about various details. Mom will faint, and dad …

No, it’s better not to think about it at all. Her parents will never be able to love a child from some maniac. Well, how do you come up with an unusual life event?

Night talk

Again the urge to leave. Near the toilet I bumped into one of the soldiers. He stood at the open window and smoked. He looks about thirty years old, very thin, with an unshaven face and tired eyes.

– Please, – politely retreated before Galina.

She just nodded instead of “thank you.” When she left, the guy spoke:

– Who are you waiting for?

– The doctor says a girl.

– It’s good.

She said nothing. But she was in no hurry to go to her compartment either. I felt the need to talk to this stranger. This could distract her – at least for a while – from her problems. The guy silently finished his cigarette and threw it out the window.

– Have you been from the service for a long time?

– Almost seven months.

– Coming home?

– No, I’m accompanying a friend.

– Was he injured?

– If the place where the leg used to be can be called a wound, then yes.

The girl felt a lump rise up to her throat. I didn’t know what else to ask in order to keep this casual night interlocutor near me, but nothing came to mind. Finally, the guy spoke himself:

– You can live without a leg. And they live without two. But for my friend, this is a great tragedy. He was in the hospital for a month and a half, after being wounded in a hot spot, during which time he tried to commit suicide three times.

His parents do not know that he volunteered for Luhansk to help the militia. He always told them that he was working: “Everything is in order, alive and well.” I want to take him to my home. Maybe we can find a psychologist to give him back his desire to live. In the meantime, I am “saving” him with vodka, although I know how dubious it is.

– Does he have a girlfriend?

– Once there was. Do not stand for a long time at an open window, you may catch a cold. She must take care of herself and the child.

After these words, the guy gallantly opened the doors to the compartment in front of Galina.

Crazy thoughts

Galya returned to her seat and again tried to sleep. But she couldn’t do it. Thoughts doubled. Now she thought about that guy with no leg, who was sleeping right next to her.

Her problem compared to his tragedy is ridiculous. It’s even a shame to compare. Who knows, maybe he was so wounded that he lost not only his leg, but also the opportunity to be with a woman, to be a father. Therefore, he sees no reason to live on. Unfortunately, such cases are not uncommon.

And suddenly – like a flash – one crazy idea, devoid of any common sense, dawned on Galina. To offer that guy … well, how would it be more correct to say, a hand and a heart, or what? .. And why not? So she will save herself and the guy. If only he didn’t come out earlier than she did.

But what will it look like? A pregnant woman will enter the compartment in the morning, wake up the soldier and say: “Please, become a father to my child.” No, she’s still really crazy, even if she admits such a thought.

Is the fear of parents so strong that she is ready to connect her fate with the first person she has come across, whom she has not even seen before? How will she live her whole life with an unloved, and even a disabled person?

Yes, it’s true, he’s a hero. But not her hero. Because she doesn’t love him. Because he continues to love “that bastard” who, perhaps, after their romance, changed more than a dozen girls. Is it worth making such sacrifices? Here is a crazy woman. Rave!

Better to tell the parents that they were raped. It will be better by herself, without a husband. The main thing is that she will soon give birth and no one will be able to take away this sacred right from her – to be a mother, to give life, to enjoy a new life, to love her child with boundless pure love.

Morning Station

Galina was awakened by the clear voice of the conductor:

– We are arriving in half an hour! Hand over your bed, wash your face, I’ll close the toilet soon!

The girl quickly got out of bed, grabbed a towel, ran into the corridor and … almost fainted. Towards, leaning on a crutch, Maxim jumped on one leg.

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