An overactive bladder is a problem for over 2,5 million Poles

An overactive bladder, one of the types of urinary incontinence, affects 2-3 million Poles. However, most of them have never discussed this problem with the doctor because they perceive him as embarrassing – said urologist Dr. Jan Karol Wolski at a press meeting in Warsaw.

Meanwhile, this disorder can be successfully treated today. Modern therapies work even in 80 percent. patients – emphasized the specialist.

During the meeting, Dr. Wolski presented the latest scientific reports on new methods of treatment of an overactive (otherwise overactive) bladder presented at the XXVI Congress of the European Society of Urology in Vienna, on March 18-22.

As explained by Dr. Jan Karol Wolski, urologist at the Oncology Center in Warsaw, normally people have control over the emptying of the bladder and do it according to their will. In the case of an overactive bladder, the bladder rules us – he emphasized.

It is a very embarrassing condition that affects the professional, social and sexual life of patients. It affects a large part of society, regardless of age, gender, place of residence and wealth. Although it is assumed that it is more common in women and the elderly, men and children also suffer from it. Genetic factors play an important role in its development, but so far they are poorly understood.

An overactive bladder is one of the three most common forms of the so-called urinary incontinence, in addition to stress incontinence and mixed form. It is based on disturbances in the work of the nerves that control the functioning of the urinary system, including the bladder. This can lead to symptoms such as urgency (i.e. inability to control your bladder contractions as desired, regardless of fluid intake, time of day, or activity), frequent urination (10+), and urinary incontinence. The individual symptoms may be more or less severe depending on the patient.

Dr. Wolski pointed out that similar symptoms may also accompany diseases such as kidney stones, prostate hyperplasia and tumors, and urinary tract infections. Therefore, patients who have them should necessarily see a doctor in order to diagnose the problem – noted the urologist.

Based on data obtained in studies conducted in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, it is estimated that as much as 40 percent. people with this disorder have never discussed it with their doctor. This problem is considered embarrassing.

Meanwhile, effective drugs are now available that give results in up to 80 percent. patients with an overactive bladder. It is about the so-called antimuscarinic drugs (i.e., that block muscarinic receptors, especially M3 receptors located mainly in smooth muscle of the bladder). According to European and world recommendations, newer generation drugs should be used because they have less troublesome side effects, such as constant dry mouth or constipation, which may result in discontinuation of therapy.

In Poland, however, new drugs are not reimbursed, and patients, who are often elderly, cannot afford to spend about PLN 150 on them every month – noted Dr. Wolski.

According to him, the reimbursement of these more expensive drugs would be profitable in the long run. Thanks to them, people with an overactive bladder have a better quality of life, return to work and social activity.

Research conducted in the USA shows that this disease is a heavy burden on the state budget, not only due to the costs of therapy, but also the costs of absences and lower productivity of patients at work.

Among other methods of therapy in people who will not be helped by drugs, there are, among others, lagging toxin (botulinum toxin) administered intravesically. It is a neurotoxin that blocks the nerve-muscle connection and hormone therapy, especially in perimenopausal women. Research has shown a correlation between the decrease in estrogen levels and the appearance of symptoms of an overactive bladder. (PAP)

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