An organic baby meal

AB, the most famous logo on the organic food market. A guarantee of quality that applies to both basic fruits and vegetables and processed products such as compotes, drinks, chocolate. But beware, Ecocert, the certification body ensures: to be recognized, the finished product must contain more than 95% organic ingredients.

But after all, is it really useful to buy organic baby food when a regulation strictly regulates conventional productions? Yes, according to Lizzie Vann, author of the book “Bébé bio” (Editions Hachette). ” Sometimes baby products can contain preservatives. Beware of texture auxiliaries (emulsifiers, thickeners), small organic jars must not contain any She warns.

And the milk in all of this? No question of questioning the benefits of breast milk. But for mothers who do not breastfeed, alternatives to industrial infant formulas exist.

From the market to merchant sites

“Eating organic is good, but it costs time and money”, an argument often advanced by detractors of organic. However, the points of sale are today more and more numerous and competitive.Many towns also have a fully organic market or a few stalls. Back home, mom or dad can easily make a puree or a compote. A more economical formula than small jars! ” We favor everything that is local production. This limits transport from producer to distributor. So ultimately less pollution », Specifies Galdys, organic mother.

A small patch of garden in the countryside? Get started in your organic vegetable garden. Do you live in a big city? All the major brands have an organic infant food section at attractive prices.

« Never forget to take a look at frozen foods, vegetables are often cheaper than their fresh equivalents. », Advises Lizzie Vann.

Did not find THE product you were looking for? Go for a specialty store. Some have even become real “chains”, flourishing everywhere.

This mode of consumption has also adapted to new technologies. Thanks to many merchant sites such as or, shopping becomes child’s play.

Who said organic is incompatible with modern life?

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