An optimistic view of… menopause

Hardly anyone rejoices at her arrival. The day before, the body begins a “rehearsal”, when the heart, joints declare themselves, followed by the intestines and other organs. Meanwhile, Ayurveda considers menopause to be the time when a woman fully enjoys maturity. You can prepare for it, and it’s easy. Ayurveda doctor Light Miller’s opinion.

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The fact that the stomach arranges a real rebellion (when, in the apt expression of one lady who wished to remain anonymous, “it inflates you like a frog”), in fact, is quite understandable. During this period, the production of hormones and enzymes, the absorption of food and nutrients slows down. What follows from this? Only that you need to reconsider nutrition. Food should be less, and it should be of high quality. Realizing that our body has slowed down, we need to stop fussing ourselves, both physically and spiritually. The tearfulness and captiousness of a typical “lady in menopause” also does not arise from scratch. Ayurveda believes that we age due to a lack of vitality, which we waste on negative thoughts and fears. Therefore, it is very important at this time to deal with anger, find a way to do things that will reduce your stress, whether it be gardening, meditation, a calm ski trip or breathing exercises. In order to enjoy your maturity at this time – and you need to enjoy every moment of your life! – a woman should go forward slowly, realizing every step she takes. To be a woman. Is always.

New sense of freedom

Thanks to the efforts of the pharmaceutical industry, we began to treat natural processes as a disease. In many languages, there is no corresponding term for menopause, since for centuries this transitional process has never caused people great inconvenience. The cessation of menstruation was a reward, a freedom. It was as if we were programmed, and as a result, we decided that without estrogen replacement therapy we would suffer terribly, this became part of our beliefs. Most of the women who entered this period of life, the children have already grown up and left the parental home. For a mature woman, the independence of children gives a new sense of freedom. If possible, she should use this time to find new points of application for her experience and wisdom. This is a chance to rediscover yourself after years of caring for a home and raising children.

In the period of maturity, we stop growing, needs decrease quantitatively, but increase qualitatively. With age, the efficiency of the excretory system decreases, and it ceases to cope with its task, so the well-being of a mature person improves significantly if he starts eating organic food and refuses industrially processed food (sausages, canned food).

A woman who understands this maintains her youth and vitality with a small amount of quality food that has estrogen-replacement properties. Among them are such simple and familiar dill, fennel, cumin, soybeans. In a healthy woman in menopause, the weakening of the hormonal function of the ovaries is partially compensated by the adrenal glands. Due to chronic stress, the inhabitants of the modern world often suffer from adrenal insufficiency. The symptoms of menopause that frighten us are caused precisely by the weakness of the adrenal cortex and malnutrition. At the beginning of menopause, a woman suffers from dry skin, hot flushes, anxiety, palpitations, sleep disturbances, headaches, lack of sexual desire, fatigue, weight gain, flatulence, bloating. But all this can be avoided if you take care of yourself.

There are plants that have estrogen-replacing properties that have proven effective for menopausal symptoms. Leading among them is licorice, or licorice, but, like every drug, it should be used sparingly. It will be useful to replace strong tea with a decoction of a collection of herbs, each of which acts on one of the symptoms: for example, sage is recommended for excessive sweating, mint and sweet clover – for pressure surges. Before going to bed, drink a soothing tea made from lemon balm and St. John’s wort with honey, if you are not allergic to it.

  • Sweet clover (herb)
  • Salvia officinalis (herb)
  • Field mint (herb)
  • Baikal skullcap (roots)
  • Licorice (roots)
  • Stinging nettle (herb)
  • Rosehip May (fruits)

How to increase vitality

You need to start by examining your thoughts and attitudes towards life. Thoughts can be one of the main causes of aging, the fear of disease manifests itself in our body. Negative thoughts, worries (even if it was a long time ago and has nothing to do with the present moment), they all remain with us in the present.. Aging begins when the body loses its stability in the flow of life. We grow old and die due to a lack of vitality, which we sometimes waste without any benefit. Getting rid of useless old beliefs can slow down this process.

Make time for meditation. Deal with anger and fears. Set aside time for pleasurable and stress-reducing activities. Start doing breathing exercises. Concentrate on your needs and listen to the inner forces of the body. Can you take care of yourself? Then nothing will stop you from easily starting a new life.

Try Sound Therapy

Sound is concentrated energy. We respond to sounds with our whole being. Sound is interpreted and assimilated by our body at the cellular level. It is perceived by the nervous system and radiates energy that causes a specific response throughout the body, depending on the pitch and intensity of the sound.

The surrounding world is filled with harmony. She is everywhere. Listen to the sounds of the wind playing in the tops of the pines. Isn’t that music?

Our music is hidden so deep under the dense crust of the ego that it cannot escape. The music of life, sounding in space, cannot penetrate inside and reach our hearts. This crust, this wall that we have erected between the inside and the outside, is the idea of ​​our separation from nature and from each other. But in reality we are one. Track the moments of enjoying the harmony of the world around you when you listen to music or sing yourself, admire the sunset or the starry sky, just sit in silence, finishing the tedious physical work, when you are overwhelmed with feelings of awe. And then this wall will gradually become thinner.

Organize your own moments of pleasure. When passing through nature, stop for a few minutes, forget about business and admire its beauty. Such moments are like windows in the Creator’s house.

For more details, see L. Miller “Ayurveda for the whole family” (Sattva, 2011).

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