An operation of implanting an innovative prosthesis. This is the first such procedure in Poland and the second in Europe

On October 9, doctors from the University Hospital in Krakow performed the implantation of an innovative OVO arm endoprosthesis. The operation was performed by a team led by an orthopedist, shoulder surgery specialist, MD. Jakub Ślusarski. The patient was a 27-year-old blind from birth.

A 27-year-old patient suffered from advanced arthrosis of the shoulder joint. His joint mobility was very limited and he was in chronic pain. The man was very musically gifted, but problems with his hand made it difficult for him to play instruments. Thanks to an innovative operation carried out by Krakow specialists, he regained his fitness.

The innovative OVO arm endoprosthesis of the American company Arthrosurface allows you to replace only the damaged cartilage element. Contrary to traditional dentures, it does not interfere with the natural bone to such a large extent. The operation with the use of the American implant is much more sparing, carried out faster and with the preservation of muscle efficiency. The prosthesis is smaller, which minimizes operational injuries. The patient can leave the hospital after 1-2 days.

The operation with the use of the innovative OVO arm implant, performed in the Clinical Department of Orthopedics and Rehabilitation of the University Hospital, is the first such procedure in Poland and the second in Europe. In the USA, such endoprostheses are more common, but in Poland they are still new.

The treatment was successful and the musically gifted patient will soon be able to return to his passion. «It is an exceptional situation for us to put a prosthesis on such a young person. It is a patient with changes usually occurring in the 5th or 6th decade of life. Additionally, it is a blind patient, so the sense of touch is for him one of the most important elements of communicating with the world »- summed up Dr. Ślusarski.

Prepared on the basis of: Rynek Zdrowia

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