An innovative operation to separate Siamese twins successfully completed

Virginia doctors last week performed a historic operation to separate 6-month-old Siamese twins. The condition of the girls is very good /

A’zhari and A’zhiah Jones were born together with their bellies. They had a common liver and chest. Possible surgery caused many problems and the doctors decided for the first time in history to perform the procedure of separating the Siamese with their twin neighbors in two stages.

When the girls fell ill in their second week of life, we had to undergo liver surgery immediately because it was the cause of inadequate blood circulation, said Dr. David Lanning, chief surgeon at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond, where the surgery was performed.

Last October, doctors split the common liver into two halves so that they could reduce the area where the sisters were joined. However, no complete separation was performed. “And at this stage, complete surgery would probably kill them, since A’zhari had damaged kidneys and A’zhiah suffered from an overgrowth of heart tissue,” explained the doctor.

In February, doctors placed expanders to expand the skin in the girls’ bodies, thus preparing them for the final procedure.

Doctors at Richmond Hospital had already performed a similar procedure, but this case was more difficult. They were held together by the chest over a larger area, so separation and proper closure were more problematic, Dr. Lanning said.

The team did a great job, however, and they were able to separate and reclose during the 14-hour operation. The girls are in very good condition. They may still need plastic surgery, but the hardest is behind them.



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