An infectious disease specialist told when the outbreak of the virus in Russia will end

An infectious disease specialist told when the outbreak of the virus in Russia will end

All citizens are concerned about the question of when the quarantine will end and we will return to normal life. A specialist from the biomedical agency gave his forecast.

An infectious disease specialist told when the outbreak of the virus in Russia will end

Now everyone is interested in only one question – when the pandemic will end, and with it the forced quarantine. The experts announced their forecast regarding the decline in the incidence in our country.

The chief infectious disease specialist of the FMBA of Russia, Vladimir Nikiforov, believes that the peak of the spread of coronavirus in the Russian Federation has not yet been passed.

“At least in the middle of next week we will reach the top. It would be nice. If we take the standard of such outbreaks of ARVI, and we have a coronavirus, whatever one may say, to ARVI, usually this is the rise, and then the decline lasts for about 10-12 weeks, “Nikiforov said on the air of the Dok-Tok program. 

According to the infectious disease specialist, the pandemic should end within a couple of months: “What will end by the summer, that’s for sure.”

All discussions of the coronavirus on the Healthy Food Near Me forum.

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