An implant in the brain that will help you recover your memory. The latest discovery of scientists

The government agency at the US Department of Defense is conducting research on a special implant that is to help restore memory. The device is to help war veterans, but also people who have brain injuries or suffer from dementia.

The Agency for Advanced Research Projects in the Area of ​​Defense (DARPA) deals mainly with the development of military technology. One of the latest projects, however, is to help not only war veterans, but all those who struggle with memory loss.

TBI – traumatic brain injuries lead to disorders and even complete memory loss. Such cases are very common among American soldiers. The agency found that 1,7 million people are diagnosed with TBI each year in the United States. “This was the motivation to start research on our project,” the researchers explain. They want to use nerve stimulation to recover memory after a specific brain injury. Ultimately, scientists strive to create a device that, when implanted in the brain, will enable the recovery of a person’s memory. A special implant is also supposed to help in coding new memories.

“It is supposed to be a portable device that will contain implantable probes to record and stimulate brain activity” – the authors explain. Implants are also supposed to speed up the pace of certain activities and reactions. DARPA is trying to recruit as many volunteers as possible to conduct appropriate clinical trials. Even animals are to be among them. Scientists say they are getting closer to their goal.

“The program is not designed to remind people of their names, but to restore them with the substantive skills they need to live and work,” said Geoff Ling, physician and vice president of the DARPA Defense Science Bureau.

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