An eyesore in adults
Belmo is a pathology of the cornea. The disease not only brings discomfort to the patient, but can also lead to blindness and disability. We will tell you what a thorn is, why it appears, how it is treated. Talking to an ophthalmologist

What is a thorn

Belmo in adults is a clouding of the cornea of ​​uXNUMXbuXNUMXbthe eye. A thorn is formed due to various pathological processes in the body.

Unfortunately, the disease is very common, it will easily lead to the fact that a person’s eyesight will deteriorate significantly if he does not treat it on time, and then to blindness and disability. The thorn occurs in equal quantities in both men and women, age does not affect the disease – the thorn affects both the young and the elderly.

Belmo is congenital – when a child is already born with a cloudy cornea, the reason for this is genetic abnormalities. Also, a thorn can occur due to injuries, burns and pathologies.

Symptoms of an eyesore in adults

If we are talking about a congenital thorn, then its main symptom is a change in the transparency of the cornea, that is, a strong clouding. In addition, children may experience increased intraocular pressure – glaucoma, a reduced cornea with a normal size of the eyeball.

If we are talking about an acquired thorn, then the symptoms, in addition to clouding of the cornea, include:

  • pain in the eye;
  • sensation of a foreign object in the eye – a feeling as if a speck has fallen;
  • blepharospasm – when the eyelids close involuntarily;
  • tears flow;
  • it hurts to look at the light.

Causes of an eyesore in adults

The causes of the thorn may be the following:

  • genetics – when the thorn is inherited;
  • eye burns – acid or other substances got into;
  • eye trauma;
  • inflammatory eye diseases.

– It happens that a child is already born with a thorn, it was inherited by him. Also, a thorn can cause injuries, blows, foreign bodies, burns. In practice, I had such a situation when a woman curled her bangs, and the curling iron touched the eyelid. The patient did not have time to close her eye, and the cornea became cloudy. It happens that acids, alkalis get into the eye, a burn occurs. This is common in manufacturing. Rarely, a thorn occurs due to conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye), more often there is subsequent inflammation of the cornea. Wearing contact lenses is a common cause of the appearance of a walleye, says ophthalmologist Alsou Ikhsanova.

Treatment of eyesores in adults

As the specialist notes, if the thorn has already arisen, then only corneal transplantation, that is, surgical intervention, will help.

The essence of the operation is that the surgeon performs keratoplasty – it can be through or layered. But which method to choose, the doctor decides based on the patient’s condition. In other words, the doctor replaces the affected area of ​​the cornea with a transplant.

How the operation will be done depends on how badly the eye is affected. If the form is mild, the doctor will perform a through operation – that is, completely remove the cornea and replace it with donor material, make a transplant.

If the iris is involved in the pathological process, then not only the replacement of the cornea will take place, but also iridoplasty. This is an operation in which the doctor will restore the structure of the anterior chamber of the eye, the pupil will be formed. If, in addition to the walleye, the lens is also cloudy, then the transplant will be performed first, and then the implantation of the intraocular lens.

For a certain time (the doctor decides individually), the patient should not engage in physical activity, lift weights and lead an active lifestyle.


If a person has noticed symptoms of a thorn in himself, then you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to aggravate the situation. The doctor will collect complaints and anamnesis of the patient, examine his eyes. At the appointment, the ophthalmologist will assess how transparent the cornea is, whether there are opacities, if so, what size and where they are located. Also, the doctor will ask the patient when he noticed the first symptoms in himself, clarify the events that could cause a thorn, find out about chronic diseases. Next, the doctor will check visual acuity using the familiar Golovin-Sivtsev table. There are signs on it, they are located in ten or twelve rows, which decrease in size from top to bottom. Each eye will be checked separately, because it happens that the damage to each eye is different – one sees better, the other worse.

So that the doctor can determine the degree of transparency, biomicroscopy is used. A special slit lamp is used, it directs a beam of light to the eye, and it will be examined under a microscope. Do not be afraid – the procedure is absolutely painless, it is done without special preparation.

If an even more thorough examination of the condition of the eye is required, then the doctor resorts to optical coherence tomography. Thanks to it, the doctor will be able to study the architectonics of the anterior segment of the eye and the fundus at the microscopic level.

Modern treatments

As mentioned above, if a thorn appears, there is only one way out – a transplant. But it must be assumed that after the operation, the doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics for the patient. This is because any surgical intervention can increase the risk of developing an infectious process. Both anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics can be prescribed individually. Recall that drugs should be used only as directed by a doctor, and not on the advice of friends and colleagues.

Prevention of eyesores in adults at home

At risk are people who work in industries. A plant employee may be burned or injured, which will subsequently lead to a thorn. Therefore, production workers should observe safety precautions, wear a special mask or goggles to protect the eyes.

If a burn or injury is nevertheless received, you should immediately consult a doctor, and not self-medicate. This will only make the situation worse.

Infectious diseases also lead to thorns. Prevention in this case is the correct and timely treatment received, there is no need to believe, wait and hope that the disease will pass by itself.

If we talk about congenital thorn, then it has a less favorable prognosis than the acquired form. Congenital thorn is difficult to treat. That is why the expectant mother should lead a healthy lifestyle and monitor her health – especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Popular questions and answers

Answered our questions ophthalmologist Alsou Ikhsanova.

What diseases cause an eyesore?
A thorn in the eye can occur as a result of surgical interventions. For example, after cataract surgery, after removal of benign diseases. Rarely, a thorn occurs due to conjunctivitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye), more often it occurs as a result of inflammation of the cornea. Wearing contact lenses is a common cause of thorns, and it also occurs after viral diseases, such as herpetic keratoconjunctivitis. With a decrease in immunity, the thorn can also appear as a complication.
When to call a doctor for an eyesore in adults?
If you have inflammation of the eye, which is accompanied by soreness, tearing, it is difficult for you to look at bright light, then you definitely need to consult an ophthalmologist. You can go to the nearest eye emergency room if it occurs in the evening, or get an appointment with a doctor. An eyesore is already such a process when the cornea becomes white, the light no longer penetrates, and an irreversible process is already taking place here. You need to see a doctor at the stage when it can be prevented.
Is it possible to treat an eyesore in adults with folk remedies?
Treatment of walleye with folk remedies is contraindicated, there should be more serious therapy here. Basically, this is the use of antibiotics, antiseptics, anti-inflammatory, healing.
What diseases can occur after the formation of a walleye?
As mentioned above, a thorn is a clouding of the cornea. Accordingly, due to the fact that the rays of light do not penetrate the cornea, the retina does not perceive the image of the outside world, then a disease such as amblyopia (“lazy eye”) occurs. The retina atrophies due to lack of light. I compare it to a broken leg – you don’t use it, the leg muscles atrophy, it becomes thin, “lifeless”. The same thing happens with the retina.

Even with a corneal transplant, it can happen that a person will not perceive information 100% with this eye. When amblyopia occurs, the muscles of the eye become lazy, both eyes work out of sync, and strabismus occurs.

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