An extremely low birth weight premature baby: how is nursed

The girl was born 20 weeks ahead of schedule and managed to survive. Even the doctors were amazed at how the baby was fighting for life.

Robin and Joell Schneider will remember this Christmas forever. Indeed, on this day, the whole family was finally able to get together. Their daughter Eliora was due to be born in early November. However, something went wrong, the labor began prematurely. Ellie, as her parents affectionately call her, was born at the end of June, four months ahead of schedule. Doctors said in amazement that it was no larger than a can of soda and that it looked like a tiny chick.

“I didn’t think a person could be so tiny,” Robin recalls. – Honestly, I was scared to look at her. Her skin was like parchment paper, and her arms and legs were small and bony. When I saw her for the first time, I could only cry. Joell tried to be strong, but I know how hard it was for him. “

Neither the doctors nor the parents knew if the baby could survive. Her lungs did not have time to form, and the baby had to be connected to a life support apparatus. Any careless touch could inflict terrible injury on her – after all, comparing Ellie’s skin to parchment, Mom was not exaggerating at all. However, the girl was not going to give up. Everyone was amazed at how hard the little girl fought for her life.

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The following months were filled with ups and downs. Twice Robin and Joell nearly lost their daughter. The first time Ellie spent in an incubator, her parents could not even take her in their arms. They were able to touch the baby only in the fifth week after her birth. And the eldest son of the Schneiders, Elijah, was allowed to take his sister in his arms only when she was 5 months old. That is, if the pregnancy went well, the girl would be a month old.

“It was a very important and pleasant moment for us. There is something special about it – to see two of your children together, ”- shares her feelings Robin.

Now the situation has ceased to be critical. Eliora still needs additional oxygen from the machines, but every day it becomes easier for her to breathe on her own. The baby eats well, gains weight rapidly and grows quickly out of her clothes.

The older brother has turned into a real protector of his little sister: he constantly sits next to the girl, reads her books and sings songs. Thanks to such a reverent attitude and love, Ellie’s condition improved so much that the family was allowed to take the baby home.

“We know how lucky we are with her. We are glad that our girl is such a strong personality that she tried her best to be with us. It was a roller coaster ride and it will most likely continue. But thanks to our faith, we feel that this is the only way for our Ellie, our beautiful Christmas miracle. We are so happy that we are finally together, ”the parents say.

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