An explosion of a power plant in Ukraine? People ask for Lugol’s fluid

Lugol’s mucus is a disinfectant used, among others, in with skin irritations. In connection with the rumor about the alleged nuclear disaster in Ukraine, interest in this preparation has increased significantly in recent days. Despite the fact that the National Atomic Energy Agency in an interview with RMF FM denied this information, citizens still have doubts and wonder whether it is worth reaching for Lugol’s liquid.

What is Lugol’s liquid?

Lugol’s solution is simply an aqueous solution of iodine and potassium iodide. It was invented by a French doctor Jean Lugol in 1829, but in Poland this specificity became more widely known only in 1986. Lugol’s fluid was spread due to the famous disaster of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which took place in 1986. At that time, it was recommended to drink liquid (especially for children) to prevent the thyroid from absorbing the radioactive iodine isotope. In fact, Lugol’s solution had a positive effect in some, but in others it caused the development of numerous diseases, such as thyroid cancer. Nowadays, some people undertake to drink the liquid on their own, which may be more negative than good.

Application of Lugol’s fluid

Lugol’s fluid has many uses. Like iodine (a solution of iodine and ethanol), it has antiseptic effect – it can be used to disinfect wounds, skin and minor abrasions. For medical applications, low concentration Lugol’s solutions can be used for gargling. A properly developed dose of food Lugol’s liquid also allows to inhibit or increase the secretion of thyroid hormones (Wolff-Chaikoff effect).

The mixture developed by a French doctor is also used in tests for the presence of starch. When added to starchy liquids, Lugol’s solution turns purple red or bluish purple (if the concentration is low).

When added to liquids containing this compound, it changes their color to violet-black, and at low concentrations to blue-violet.

Contraindications to the use of Lugol’s solution

Lugol’s solution is contraindicated in the case of:

  1. hypersensitivity to iodine,
  2. tuberculosis,
  3. lung diseases,
  4. overactive thyroid gland
  5. taking by pregnant women,
  6. taking by breastfeeding women,
  7. use simultaneously with mercury compounds.

Lugol’s fluid and nuclear power plants

As is well known, Lugol’s fluid was recommended for consumption in Poland in 1986 after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster. Why is it administered under such circumstances? The thyroid gland is a gland that traps iodine from the body. When an atomic catastrophe occurs, there is a radioactive fallout containing the radioactive iodine isotope 131I. If the thyroid gland absorbs large amounts of this isotope, it can develop thyroid cancer. To prevent this, Lugol’s solution is administered, which saturates the thyroid with normal iodine so much that it is no longer able to absorb the radioactive element from the fallout.

However, administering Lugol’s solution has serious side effects. The main one is hyperthyroidism, which in extreme cases, for example in people with cardiovascular disorders, can be life-threatening. Therefore, oral administration of fluid is the last resort.

Watch out for Lugol’s liquid

Zbigniew Jaworowski, one of the radiologists who recommended the Poles to receive Lugol’s fluid in 1986, admitted in an interview many years later that he would not have made the same decision today because there was no such need. In connection with the information blockade by the USSR after the Chernobyl explosion, Polish doctors recommended the administration of iodine because they preferred to be prepared for the worst-case scenario.

We warn you: drinking Lugol’s water as a preventive measure can seriously harm your health.

Lugol’s solution without a prescription

Moreover, Lugol’s liquid available in pharmacies is not intended for consumption – it is an unpurified mixture that can only be used externally as an antiseptic. Consumption of this type of drug can lead to serious gastrointestinal disorders and allergies.

Edible liquid may be drunk by the patient only with the consent of the doctor! In addition, you must not buy iodine yourself and make Lugol’s liquid, and then give it to children, it can lead to tragic consequences.

Side effects of taking Lugol’s fluid

Taking Lugol’s solution without specific indications may seriously endanger your health. As with all medications, the recommended dose must not be exceeded as this can cause hyperthyroidism, which is the main side effect. In addition, it should be remembered that an overactive thyroid gland can be life threatening, for example in people who have problems with the circulatory system.

Taking iodine-containing preparations may cause:

  1. iodine acne,
  2. allergy (local or generalized).

In patients suffering from endemic goiter, Lugol’s solution can lead to thyrotoxicosis, which is an excess of thyroid hormones in the body. In addition, topical application of the fluid to people who are allergic to iodine can lead to:

  1. vesicles due to dermatitis,
  2. itching
  3. fever
  4. rashes
  5. irritation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa,
  6. erosions (ulcerative),
  7. enlargement of the lymph nodes,
  8. sometimes life-threatening shock.

See also:

  1. 10 interesting facts about Chernobyl. You will be surprised!

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