An expert panel on COVID-19 was underway. Suddenly, the question was asked by Andrzej Duda himself
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Medical experts, doctors and professors took part in the COVID-19 panel at the invitation of President Andrzej Duda. They answered questions sent by viewers. At one point, a question was also asked by Andrzej Duda, and soon after that another one.

  1. Andrzej Duda asked specialists first about COVID-19 in vaccinated people, and then about why vaccinate children
  2. In this phase of the pandemic, vaccinated people will suffer, convalescents will suffer, only a little less explained prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, referring to the fact that the vaccine does not protect 100% against the disease itself, but it effectively protects against severe course and death
  3. – We can acquire immunity in two ways: through disease and vaccination, but those who die in the course of the disease will not develop immunity – said the drug. Lidia Stopyra
  4. The panel of experts was organized at the Presidential Palace to popularize reliable knowledge about COVID-19. It was broadcast on the Internet and on television
  5. You can find more up-to-date information on the TvoiLokony home page

At the beginning, experts answered viewers’ questions about vaccines, about their safety, and also about whether they arose with the use of aborted fetuses. Andrzej Duda, absent from the panel he had initiated, also asked a question. One of the meeting leaders, Dr. Michał Sutkowski, read them out.

“If so, how many serious cases are there in people vaccinated with at least two doses?” Duda asked the experts.

Recall that the president recently underwent COVID-19 for the second time. He fell ill after taking the third dose. His question was answered by prof. Krzysztof Pyrć, member of the Healthcare Council of the President of the Republic of Poland.

See also: A six-year-old who was treated oncologically died. He has been confirmed with COVID-19

Are vaccinated people seriously ill with COVID-19?

“People vaccinated with two doses lose their immunity and therefore a third dose is needed,” the expert began. – It is worth noting that it is not about numbers, but about how much the risk of severe disease is reduced. In the well-vaccinated countries, when Delta arrived, those vaccinated with the two doses also fell ill because their immunity declined. But the mortality rate was very low, much lower than in those who had not been vaccinated – pointed out prof. Throw. I stressed: Yes, immunity will decline over timebut over the long term (vaccine) appears to reduce the risk of severe illness and death.

– Omikron has come, this is a new variant. The background pandemic has raged for a long time and we let it go wild that variants arise that try to bypass our security. We are lucky because (Omikron) causes hospitalization less often. Although vaccines do not protect against the disease itself as well, this protection is at a good level after administration of an additional dose (approx. 70% risk reduction) and very well protect against severe illness and death – explained the expert.

In this phase of the pandemic, vaccinated people will suffer, convalescents will suffer, only a little less – he summed up.

Andrzej Duda asks: why vaccinate children?

Then came the next questions, and finally the President’s second question was asked: “How many severe cases of COVID-19 are there in unvaccinated children under the age of 12? If the vaccine only protects against severe disease, why vaccinate children? ».

The rest of the text below the video:

We actually hospitalize children because of COVID-19 from the very first hours of lifeuntil the age of 18 basically any age. Some of these children are seriously ill, and these children require hospitalization. Even if they gently pass the acute phase of COVID-19, it will be later there are acute and chronic complications – explained Lidia Stopyra, head of the infectious diseases and paediatrics department of the Stefan Żeromski in Krakow.

Do you want to test your immunity to COVID-19 after vaccination? Have you been infected and want to check your antibody levels? See the COVID-19 immunity test package, which you will perform at Diagnostics network points.

– At the moment, we have problems with transferring a child to psychiatric wards, a child after a suicide attempt, with severe depression. This pandemic caused us. Fear for a child among loved ones, fear for oneself, because children read the news and know that different things can happen. Not all children get mildly ill. We can acquire immunity in two ways: through overload and vaccination, but those who die in the course of the disease will not develop immunity – she summed up.

Ekspercki panel o COVID-19

On the «infoCOVID19. Ask. Decide »in the Presidential Palace there appeared: a doctor in charge of the Department of Infectious Diseases and Paediatrics of the Hospital. Stefan Żeromski in Krakow Lidia Stopyra, President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products, member of the Governing Board of the European Medicines Agency Grzegorz Cessak, prof. Krzysztof Pyrć (Jagiellonian University in Krakow, member of the Healthcare Council of the President of the Republic of Poland), prof. Krzysztof Tomasiewicz (head of the Department and Clinic of Infectious Diseases at the Medical University of Lublin) and Dr. Artur Zaczyński, neurosurgeon, deputy medical director of the Central Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration.

More about it: Expert panel at the president’s office. Cessak: mRNA vaccines are nothing new

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