An embarrassing problem: hyperhidrosis. How to get rid of it?
An embarrassing problem: hyperhidrosis. How to get rid of it?

If you sweat profusely, which keeps you awake at night, first of all – don’t worry, it’s a problem for many people. Hyperhidrosis occurs when your sweat glands overreact to excessive heat or emotions. Everyone wants to feel fresh and not constantly wonder if they emit an unpleasant odor. Although it would seem that each of us has a battle with sweat, an ordinary antiperspirant cannot deal with the problem of excessive sweating.

We sweat all the time, but in small amounts, so we don’t even notice it. It is a physiological process necessary for the normal functioning of the body. Sweating features include: overheating protection. People differ in the degree of activity of their sweat glands, which is why some people have moist skin even on a cold day, while others have dry skin in hot weather. Sweating is therefore an individual matter, depending on physiological factors.

The causes of hyperhidrosis

When it’s hot, the sweat glands receive a signal from the brain to increase their activity. It is then that we feel that sweat floods our body, which at the same time is intended to cool it down. This is due to the evaporation of water from the surface of the skin, which cools it as a result.

Unfortunately, it happens that sweat does not appear as a result of hot weather. Its excessiveness is most often associated with such factors as:

  • Hormonal changes – menopause, andropause, puberty,
  • Strong emotions, especially stress,
  • Eating spicy food when the upper lip, nose and forehead sweat.

In moments of strong nervous tension, the face, armpits and hands usually get wet. The cause of hyperhidrosis is the overactivity of the sweat glands, which overreact to even weak emotional stimuli, a slight increase in the ambient temperature or minimal physical effort.

How to deal with this?

If ordinary antiperspirants do not help, it is worth reaching for pharmacy ones that contain aluminum chloride and have a much stronger effect. They work for a long time, even for 3 to 5 days and do not contain any fragrances. However, remember to use them only on dry, clean skin, preferably in the evening, when gland activity is lower. Initially, they are applied daily, and over time only once or twice a week.

Other ways:

  • Drinking sage infusion or taking special herbal supplements, because sweat is also fought from the inside.
  • Putting boric acid in your socks if you are dealing with excessive sweating of the feet,
  • The use of baths with the infusion of sage, chamomile flowers and willow bark,
  • Taking prescription drugs, but under the supervision of a doctor. Their disadvantage is that they cause side effects.

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