An effective diet for drying the body

To lose fat and not lose muscle, you need to carefully monitor your diet. On drying, the following products will be most useful

“Drying” – a combination of fat-burning workouts and carbohydrate-free nutrition. As a result of the process, a muscular relief is drawn and the proportion of body fat in the body decreases.

The very term “drying” became really popular after the appearance of endless online weight loss marathons. It is believed that this method is suitable for the fastest possible weight loss. 

Professional bodybuilders resort to drying before competitions so that each muscle has a clear outline. Men and women who want to tidy up. Let’s get right to the point and start learning about drying from the very basics.

What is body drying from a biological point of view?

Let’s explain as simply and clearly as possible. With only one term. So, look at simple carbohydrates – they are tasty and harmful. When using simple carbohydrates, the distribution of 90 gr. glucose after a meal. 

Figuratively speaking, each gram goes into its place. Each organ takes as much as it needs. Carbohydrates are converted into fat when the body does not need to put them into action. So the stomach, sides and other areas accumulate. When fat is consumed instead of carbohydrates, it breaks down to form ketone bodies, a process called ketosis.

That is, from a biological point of view, “drying” is the start of ketosis in the body. The process in the body is laid down by evolution, it helps to maintain functioning in the absence of carbohydrate food.

Is ketosis dangerous for health?

Ketosis itself is not dangerous with a reasonable reduction in carbohydrates. If you exclude carbohydrates to a minimum, then the metabolism will be disturbed and intoxication of the body will occur. Because one of the by-products of ketone bodies is acetone. Plus, artificially induced ketosis can harm people with underlying metabolic problems, such as metabolic acidosis.

For this reason, be sure to go to the doctor before starting drying. This is not talked about in online marathons. And besides, a strict carbohydrate-free diet leads to a loss of glycogen in the muscles. Thus, the muscles “deflate”. So, we understood how drying biologically works. Let’s take a look at the power supply.

Proper dry diet

First you need to find out the average daily calorie intake. Go to calculator.

Next, we need to determine the magnitude of the calorie deficit. To do this, we reduce the resulting value by 15%. Why such a decline? Because with a higher percentage, we will slow down the metabolism, which means that the hated fat will go away more slowly. We will receive the remaining calories not from anything, but from products that are allowed for drying and in the right proportions.

Distribution of BJU on drying:

  • 20% of the diet – proteins;
  • 75% of the diet is fat;
  • 5% of the diet is carbohydrates.

What products will be really useful?

To lose excess fat, but not drain the muscles, you need to carefully monitor the diet. On drying, the following products will be most useful:

  • Chicken breast. Contains a minimum of carbohydrates and fat, rich in easily digestible protein. In addition, it contains a lot of iron, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus.
  • Beef steak. It contains an abundance of vitamins and minerals. Beef increases the level of hemoglobin and can heal the blood.
  • Cod and salmon. The meat of these fish is rich in B vitamins, low in calories, and contains important minerals – phosphorus, fluorine and selenium. Omega-3 acids have a positive effect on the immune system, stabilize the functioning of the nervous system and the heart.
  • Spinach. It contains vitamins B1, B2, D, C, P, PP, K, organic acids, carotene and proteins, calories and carbohydrates, as well as a minimum of fat.
  • Broccoli. Warehouse of minerals – sodium and selenium, copper and chromium, iodine and calcium, boron and iron, sulfur and manganese, phosphorus and magnesium. Broccoli is a source of fiber, yet low in calories.
  • Chicken eggs. They contain a lot of pure protein, but it is important to try not to consume the yolk.

Forbidden (fast carbohydrates) – Bakery products, pasta, soda, fruits, fruit juices, candy, chocolate. ice cream, honey, jam, rice, potatoes.

Daily meals should be lined up by calories and use products from the last two columns of the table. Also, don’t forget about water. You will need to drink a lot of it to remove toxins from the body. Keep the sign for yourself so you don’t forget.

Approximate drying meal plan – suitable for men and women

For successful drying and a mild effect on the body, it is better to use a cyclic nutrition plan:

  • The first day is a minimum of carbohydrates.
  • The second and third day – reduce calories by 15%.
  • The fourth and fifth days are carbohydrate loading.
  • The sixth day is recovery.
  • Seventh day – getting rid of glycogen (cardio).

Drying nutrition cycle – here you need to remember that training is best done in a low-intensity mode. Since with a reduced amount of glucose, fainting may occur during high-intensity exercise.

So. Now you know how the drying process works in a biological sense. Which products are acceptable and which are not. Also, do you have a meal plan. You can create a daily menu yourself, based on the day in the cycle. 

Recipes are only limited by your imagination. From the same eggs you can cook scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, poached. Meat can either be boiled or fried in vegetable oil. And everything will be good.

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