An easy diet for weight loss. Video
Many people dream of losing weight without effort. If you think that heavy physical activity and strict dietary restrictions are not suitable for you, go the other way. Act gradually and consistently – by changing your eating habits, increasing physical activity and paying attention to your body, you can make the balance arrow move in the opposite direction.
For those who want to lose weight quickly, popular mono diets are suitable. They involve eating one or two foods for 3-10 days. You can diversify your diet by eating a new product every day – such a diet is less monotonous, but also gives very impressive results. For example, on the first day you can eat boiled vegetables and green salad, on the second – raw and baked apples, on the third – rice, on the fourth – boiled chicken breasts. The fifth day can be devoted to freshly squeezed vegetable juices, and on the sixth day you can drink only low-fat kefir. After that, the diet can be repeated or interrupted. It is important not to add salt, sugar, butter and milk to foods.
If the food seems very bland, spice it up with a drop of soy sauce or a pinch of herbs.
Don’t limit your drinking. A day you need to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water without gas. Tea and natural coffee are also allowed (no more than 2 cups a day).
Modern nutritionists believe that you can quickly lose weight on less rigid diets. It’s important to limit your calories to 1400 per day. Eat any food, but count their calorie content – it is convenient to use special tables for this. Another option is weekend food restrictions. Eat according to the usual menu, and on Saturday and Sunday sharply reduce the calorie content of food to 1000-800 kcal. Stress will force the body to increase metabolism and burn accumulations faster. In this rhythm, you can lose weight for several months without harming your health and without experiencing problems with well-being.
To get rid of the feeling of hunger, replace the usual delicacies with less high-calorie ones. Mix freshly squeezed fruit juice with water and freeze the mixture in small tins – this delicious ice can be sucked on when you crave candy. If you are used to snacking in front of the TV, eat apples or cucumbers cut into small pieces instead of chips and popcorn.
Avoid sodas and packaged juices. Swap for homemade green tea, which can be brewed and cooled by adding a slice of lemon. This drink is excellent refreshing and contains practically no calories. Squeeze fruit juices at home and dilute halfway with clean water.
Many healthy and tasty foods are not suitable for diets. Do not replace sugar with honey, and chocolate with dried fruits – these delicacies are equally high in calories.
Movement is the key to a beautiful figure
Increase physical activity. To lose weight effectively, it is enough to reduce the usual diet by 500 calories. It is from this amount that you can get rid of after an hour and a half walk at a fast pace. Instead of walking, you can ride a bike, swim, or dance. If your weight exceeds the norm by 20 or more kilograms, exclude high-impact training – for example, running. With this weight, the joints will take on the entire severity of the load, and this is fraught with injuries.
Check with your doctor before embarking on an intense workout routine. Your health condition may prevent you from doing certain types of fitness.
The fastest weight loss results are given by shaping and aerobics. Strength loads can strengthen muscles, but if you want to reduce weight, you should turn to them after you see the coveted figure on the scales. At the initial stage of losing weight, it is more useful to master jumping rope, walking on a treadmill, a stepper and an exercise bike. These workouts burn 150 to 400 kilocalories in half an hour of training.
If you don’t have time to go to the gym, master a few simple exercises for your abs, back, hips, and arms. Do push-ups, bends, squats, and leg swings with maximum amplitude at a fast pace. Give gymnastics 15 minutes twice a day – it will not only tighten your muscles, but also activate metabolism.
Not all recipes are created equal.
Those who dream of losing weight easily and quickly often turn to fat burning drugs, various powders, pills and teas. Some of these products are based on removing water from the body – weight is lost, but it returns after a few hours. In addition, dehydration is very harmful to health and beauty. Other drugs block hunger, but only for the duration of their intake. After the end of the program, hunger returns and the patient gains additional pounds.
In large cities there are companies offering the delivery of diet breakfasts, lunches and dinners. They take into account the balance of nutrients and calories, besides, the dishes are quite tasty. The disadvantage of the program is the high price
Cosmetics that promise a lasting slimming effect are not very useful either. You can replace expensive emulsions and lotions with any oil or body cream. Rub it in intensively twice a day – the skin will become more elastic, visually the figure will look slimmer. In addition, self-massage will improve blood circulation, which will have a beneficial effect on metabolism.
If you have kidney stones, then do not rush to the surgeon. There is a great diet to help you manage them without surgery.