An almost 5 kg newborn was born naturally in water

The newborn, weighing 4,9 kg, was born by force of nature during childbirth in water at the Women’s and Child Health Center of the City Hospital in Zabrze (Silesia). This is a phenomenon, because such a high weight of the fetus is an indication for caesarean section. Rysio and his mother are doing well.

According to the recommendation of the Polish Gynecological Society, a child weighing more than 4,5 kg is an indication for incision. «Weight calculations based on tests during pregnancy have a 10% risk of error – that’s a lot. We always carefully observe the situation when the weight of the fetus exceeds 4 kg. The birth of such a large newborn by the forces of nature is something really special, we are very happy about it. It was possible thanks to the mother’s great awareness and the midwife’s great experience “- told PAP the president of the hospital, gynecologist Dr. Mariusz Wójtowicz.

As Mrs. Klaudia said, the course of childbirth exceeded her wildest expectations. “I gave birth to a small record holder. Rysio weighed 4900 g and was 63 cm. I don’t even want to know what this birth would be like outside of water… The water soothed the contractions and at the same time accelerated the action. Also in the following days, nothing hurt at all, while after giving birth to my daughter 5 years ago I couldn’t sit for a long time ”- she reported.

“Many women are afraid of natural childbirth. This lucky incident shows that the natural birth of a child does not have to be a traumatic experience. Modern medicine tries to help a woman as much as possible, reduce pain, ”emphasized President Wójtowicz.

According to the data cited by him, in 2014 in the province Silesian 42 percent pregnancies were terminated by caesarean section. “You have to remember that this is a serious operation that can lead to complications, including long-term complications. Doctors and the media have a huge task to fulfill to reverse this unfavorable trend ”- he stressed.

Midwife Karolina Raczak-Moroń reminded that pregnant women qualified for childbirth in water must meet certain requirements, pregnancy and the delivery itself must be fully physiological.

“I am a great advocate of water births, I would like to qualify all pregnant women for them. Water birth is much easier, faster, women are not so tired after it. It’s funny, but when they enter the bathtub and their stomachs are completely submerged, they all say the same thing: I’m not leaving here, ”she said.

Midwife Karolina Raczak-Moroń has already received about 300 births in water. “I haven’t come across the delivery of such a big baby to water yet. We saw Rysio to be very big already in labor, but we waited impatiently to be weighed. The result made a great impression on us, but the mother was the most surprised, ”the midwife told PAP.

Built at a cost of PLN 43 million, the Women’s and Child Health Center of the City Hospital in Zabrze was opened last fall. The first water birth in this facility took place in December. (PAP)

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